
Friday, January 27, 2012

Having the time of my life!!

To be honest I've never been a big fan of the LA area, some parts I love and some well, not so much. BUT I love it this time around! It is beautiful and the temperature here is fantastic!! 
Every time I've been here its has been raining so that maybe why I love it so much this time, the last couple sunny days are wonderful.
Here are the trees outside the convention center... so pretty. 
Today was day one of setting up. The first thing I do is hold my breath until I see my crates (all in one piece) then I finally let that breath out and hold it until everything is unpacked and if nothing is too damaged then another big sigh of relief.
And here they are all in one piece. 
Then the manual labor starts...
and the thinking it all through starts.
Then lunch outside under the trees on a perfect day!
And some silliness too...
(I have no clue what I'm doing and why I'm doing it!)
More pictures later!
One last little project I want to share...
 made with my "Noah" paper line!
(Created by DT Diva Stacy Rodriguez.)
Happy Friday! 
I'll be back soon! 


  1. so glad you are having fun! can't wait to see pictures of the finished booth!

    great layout stacy!

  2. LOVE the pic of the trees! LOOKS AWESOME and WARM! LOL! I'm a fellow Missourian and we are suppose to get some snow flurries today! :( Looks like things are coming together. YOU ARE JUST TO CUTE!! Have FUN!
    Me-Ma Kim

  3. So glad everything is going well!! LOVING the pics and loveeeeeeeeee Stacy's lo!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. LOOKS AMAZING!!!! Can't wait to see more... and Stacy your layout is awesome! I so need that paper.... now!!!! :)....

  5. Looks so nice and warm, hoping you will bring some of that weather back to the midwest with you :) Can't wait to see pics of the booth all ready to go!

  6. Cute page, Stacy!

    Have fun Nikki & Dan! Looks like a lot of work!

  7. Glad you are having so much fun! I can't wait to see what the booth looks like! Take lots of pictures please! Stacy- Awesome layout!

  8. Glad it's not raining for you this time! Can't wait to see your booth, and get to meet you in person :O)

  9. So glad you are having fun! I have grabbed a badge! Thanks!

  10. Have a great time at CHA!!! Julie TW just sent me there to grab a new badge!!!

  11. Hey Nikki!!! So nice to see you are having fun, love your picture! I also love the trees, the are gorgeous! Can't wait to see pics of day 2 of the setup!!!

  12. Love all the pictures!!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished booth!!
    Stacy your LO is adorable!!
