
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CHA Winter Sneak Peeks....

Guess it is that time of the year to start showing a little sneak of my new collections!
I’m so excited about these new paper lines! I’ve worked so hard on all 4 collections the last couple of months and I’m all ready so show them off!  However, all you get today is the logos for each collection and why I created each of them. (Friday I'll show a little more of each line so be sure and check back!) Okay so enough chatting lets get down to business!!
"Audrey" is in memory of my grandma, who passed away this last fall, her name was LaVera Audrey. 
"Audrey" is everything girlie from baby to adulthood! It will be great for Mother's Day too!

Since we got our 5th Wheel this last summer I had to do a vacation collection. This isn't just camping though, Exit Here will have you covered for everything, from stay-cations to flying off to other countries! You'll love Exit here! 

"Messages" is a bit out of my comfort zone but I wanted to try something a little different on one of my new collections. I fell in LOVE with it and I'm betting you will too! Messages has old phones, typewriters, clocks and lamps it will be a great "everything" collection!

I've been asked 100 times over to do a little boy line and I've had trouble creating one.... well until this fall! I have two brand new little nephews and I'm very active in their lives and they've been really inspiriting. "Noah" is named after my youngest nephew and I ADORE him! I was babysitting him one day this fall (here is a picture from that day)
and the colors he had on inspired me and well just his cuteness too!
The great thing about my "Noah" line is its like my "Audrey" collection, you'll see everything from a little boy to an adult man that you can use to scrapbook all your "boy or men" pictures! 

That's all for some "peeks" today! Check back Friday for more sneaks! 

Also we are working like crazy to narrow down the new DT for 2012... but we are having a hard time with so many great submissions! Hopefully, soon I'll be making calls! 
Have a great hump day! -Nikki


  1. Love love love love love the newest collections .... and how stinkin' cuteeeeeeeeeeeee is your nephew and his Auntie onsie!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Amazing sneaks!!! I'm so sad that I missed the DT calls!!!!

  3. OH MY!!!!! such cuteness!!!! i LOVE the sneak peeks and can't wait tosee more!!! I think I am going to have to start scrappin my god daughters with audrey!!!!!

  4. Oh my!!!! Love them all! Can't wait to see more!

  5. OH my goodness me! Can't wait to see more!

  6. omg i cannot wait to seeeeeeeee!!!!! you have an absolutely adorable nephew!!!!!

    good luck to all who entered the dt call!

    happy scrappin'!


  7. Super adorable. I can't wait to use "Messages" in some of my designs. I love old phones and typewriters. :)

  8. love them all! can't wait to see more!

  9. Love the sneak peeks! Can't wait to see the entire collections.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. As usual... Gorgeous and amazing looking sneaks! I am jealous of the Dt girls who get to work with those lines before all of us!! You are awesome Nikki!

  11. Thanks so much for the sneaks! I can't pick a favorite, I love them all! I can't wait to see more!

  12. Loving the logo peaks :):) I can't wait to see the lines, from the look of the logos they will be super cute!!

  13. Love all the sneaks!!! Can't wait to see it all!!!!

  14. I gotta see the Messages collection!!!!

    These all look fantastic Nikki

  15. Thanks for the Peeks! I can't wait to actually see them at show!!!

  16. These peeks are awesome! I love that you incorporate special people and family events into creating your lines. They look great and I'm really looking forward to the whole reveal! :)

  17. I can't WAIT to see these new collections!!! I know I'll love them all!!!

  18. Oh Boy!!! I can't wait to see the new line at CHA. I will be there on Sunday with Molly and Erin. Super excited!!!

  19. the peeks...can't wait to see more!!!

  20. Wish we could see more!!! LOVE what you've shown us so far!!!

  21. LOVE all of these Nikki!!!

  22. I love them~so creative and the message onr really has me excited!! awesome work!!!

  23. OMgoodness! I think these will be my favorite all time collections of yours!! Can't wait to see them!!!!!!!

  24. OMGoodness what a cutie your nephew is!!!! I can see some AWESOME layouts with that little hunk! ANd your sneakies have me all kinds of excited!! Audrey is sure to be every bit as beautiful as your Grandmother, and it is truly a beautiful tribute to her memory.

  25. you are hurting me over here... I have barely made a dent in my stash and I'm gonna have to have all of these new lines. I can tell. can't wait to see them all. =)

  26. I am seriously in love with Noah,the little cutie and the collection,can't wait to see them all !!!! is it Friday yet :)

  27. THis is sooooo exciting, I am LOVING all the sneaks, can't wait to see more!

  28. Awesome! All the lines look just fab! He is darling, so cute!

  29. so excited for a little boy line, yay

  30. I love all of these!!
    Looking forward to seeing some more sneaks on Friday!!

  31. Woooooowwwww Nikki!!
    The sneaks are amazing!
    Cant wait to see all the new papers!!
    X Lea

  32. Oh wow! Can't wait to see more! What a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. So sorry for your loss!

    Noah sounds fabulous I was so excited when you released Max and Mollie (perfect for my own M&M's) now Noah can be for all my boys and their daddy too. :-D

    Messages...sounds intriguing. MUST see MORE! lol

  33. Noah is the cutest!

    I'm excited about "Messages", think that one is going to be my favourite, along with "Audrey" - seems like you're working well outside your comfort zone!
