
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Buttons, Buttons and Nico!

My Cute as a Button, Burlap Buttons have been so popular that I thought I'd make a sweet little frame with the buttons and some stitching for my booth and Valentine's Day!
I used the buttons for this frame and added one little black button too! 
I also made some sweet little wrappers for candy bars for some friends of mine. 
I used my papers from my "Messages" collection and burlap buttons.

The buttons I used...
Last but not least I had to share some pictures of Nico at the office!
Helping us keep an eye out for the Fed-Ex guy 
(who Nico actually likes b/c he brings him treats)!

Thought these might make you smile! 
We sure love our big boy, Nico!
He doesn't even fit in this chair! 
Have a great day!


  1. I love love love that frame...and those candy bar wrappers are AWESOME!!! And hehehehehe Nico is so stinkin' cute cute cute!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Love your projects and Nico makes that chair work. Dn't you love them animals??

  3. Oh my what fabulous wrappers... I am just itching to get those new goodies!

  4. Love the frame! Your burlap buttons do rock! Great pictures of Nico :)

  5. Those button projects are adorable and Nico has gotten so big!! He's such a handsome boy too!

  6. I think the projects rock but I'm especially happy to have a Nico update!

  7. I absolutely adore the burlap buttons!!!

  8. Nico looks so cute sitting there "waiting"... love your projects too! I am a BIG fan of those burlap buttons, I could never have enough!

  9. Love your frame and candy wrappers!
    Nico looks so sweet!!
