
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Anyone setting any resolutions for the New Year? 
I normally don't like to make new years resolutions because I feel that if I don't follow through it will put a negative spin on the new year. I know, silly... but that's how I feel.  I do like to set a few goals that are obtainable though. 

Here are a few that I've picked for this New Year....
1. Don't sweat the small stuff (this is on my list every year)!
2. Set aside more time for my sisters and brothers and their kids.
3. Make a "Date" night with my husband every other week. (This is a new goal, we've been together for 8 years now and I feel we need a little romantic boost in the relationship.) 
4. Family night... at least twice a month! Pizza and games (no screens allowed)!! Henry is 16 and its hard to get him pinned down.  I'd like to do this the opposite week of date night! So we'll see! 
5. Teach my pups more tricks, Bella knows about a dozen tricks but I want her to learn about a dozen more! 
6. I want to really push my body and mind in yoga. Yoga is new to me but I LOVE it! 

 I think there isn't anything unrealistic in my list except #1, that's always a hard one for me with my business. I'd love to read one or more of your "goals or resolutions" for the New Year so leave comment and I'll pick a random winner for the NewYear to win one each of all my newest collection kits!!

Here is a layout I created that was just recently published in the fall issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine using "You're a Hoot" paper collection! 
I used on of my favorite sketches from Allison Daivis to create the layout! Click on her name to see some of her other great sketches and sketch books too! 
 Have a great rest of the week and I'll pick a winner and will post it on Friday's blog post! 
Good Luck! -Nikki

Oh and today is the last day to apply for my new DT for 2012!! 


  1. Great resolutions, I haven't done mine yet but they will be similiar to yours. I think I may make up a family 'date' night monthly package and see how that goes.

    Congrats on the pub for Creating Keepsakes!

  2. This year I want to ENJOY everyday. This sounds so simple but I get caught up in the everyday hum drum/stress and get to feeling unhappy and ungrateful. I don't want to do that this year. I want to enjoy the last seven months with having only one child as our second is due to bless us in July!

  3. Loving your goals for next year... and love love love the lo!!! Adorable! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I am goingto say I want to go to lunch(on the weekend) once a month with MIL. She only has me her X-DIL but she has taken me in to see her grandchildren. She is getting older and I want to spend more time with her other than talking on the phone and holiday dinnners.

    Love your layout, the 2 pager is very fitting.

    Have a great year.

  5. i usually do not make new's years resolutions- but i do always strive to be better--this can take on all forms of my life--try to be better at handling stress, try to do better at incorporating exercise, tryine to be a better cook, trying to be a better wife (i am with you on the date night--it REALLY does work!!!!! we incorporated that last year and a little one on one time is a MUST), trying to be better in the patience category with the kids etc.

    Just trying to be a better human being!

  6. for 2012 one thing i want to change about myself is to stop doubting myself, i have struggled with my low-self esteem and insecurities for a very long time and i really want to change.
    i love your two-pager. congrats on being published!
    Have a Happy & Properous New Year!

  7. Love your list, Nikki!
    Congrats on being published with your amazing 2 pager!!
    Looking forward to seeing the new DT team!! I didn't have the courage to submit.
    My new years resolution would be, exercise more, see if we as a family can exercise together more too, destress more, and making the time to work on more scrapbooking techniques.

  8. Nikki those are fabulous resolutions! I have had quite a year and I'm hoping that I can take what I have learned and experienced and embrace 2012, most importantly keeping my family and friends close and spending more time.
    By the way super excited about your DT call, I submitted last night! Crossing fingers and toes... Good luck to all that applied!

  9. I too say it every year, but I will do it once more--I am going to try and be better at keeping my house clean--cleaning is not my thing and so consequently I put it on the back burner(there is always scrapbooking, sewing or quilting to get done) I have piles of dust on top of piles of dust, so I have my work cut out for me.

  10. I don't usually make resolutions either, but I do have some goals for this year, one of which is to be less restrictive on what I scrapbook. I've been tied to chronological order for so long, and deadlines/pressure. I want to feel free to scrapbook what I want when I want.

  11. Resolutions are always tough. With a possible move from our home of 20 years, I am regretting that I did not "purge" more often. I'm resolved to go through stuff more often.

  12. This year I would like to eat healthier,spend more time with my family, get more organized , get rid of too much stuff and be aable to scrap, card make more.

  13. To keep Sundays as a family day. We are so busy during the week with school, work and activities for three kids!! We need the down time!

    Love the layout! Good luck on your list!

  14. Very nice resolutions...I think I'll "borrow" a couple for my own! ;)

  15. Wonderful resolutions! We just started the date night thing I mentioned on your last giveaway post. :-D...and we've really been enjoying it! Congrats on being pub'ed! :-D

    One of my resolutions this play with the kids more. When it was just 2 kids, I used to actually get on the floor and play with them, run around on the playground w/them, do arts and crafts weekly, etc. I'd like to get back to that instead of making excuses about how it's too hard w/5 kids. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? :-D

  16. I dont usually make resolutions. But this year i have a new life (i just got married on thanksgiving) and there are things i want to strive for with my new hubby and new family (i have a kids and he has 2) #1. I want to really find low in the little blessings in my life. #2. I want to get re acquainted with my spirituality. I lost that after suffering through 2 abusive relationships. #3. I want to make more time for my hubby. We both work and time on our own is scarce. #4. I want to make more time for me. To unwind, reduce stress, and create. I cant give my best to the people i love till i am at my best. Thats my list and i am determined to follow through. Wish me luck!

  17. Make my body a priority. I have gotten lazy over the past months and I don't like it. I need to focus on that.

  18. My big one is to LOSE WEIGHT!! My little bro is getting married, and I want to look good!

  19. I don't usually make resolutions, but more like set 1 goal for the year. This year my goal is to enjoy the little moments. Sometimes I get so caught up in planning for the big moments, the little ones get looked over. I want to savor and really enjoy the little everyday things that make up so much of my life.

  20. I like yours "don't sweat the small stuff". I think that'll be my goal this year too! have a wonderful 2012 Nikki!

  21. I don't usually make resolutions either although this year, I do have a few things I intend to work on... naturally to get into better shape (that one always seems to need to be on my list) and to have more fun and do more enjoyable things this year. Both for me and for and with my family. The past couple of years have been tough and sometimes too serious... time for some lightness and fun!

  22. Every year my resolutions go by the wayside, I think it is because I set
    them too high. So perhaps this year I will resolve to not be so over the top with what resolutions I do make!

  23. I don't have any reslutions made yet but maybe will have to devot more time to my crafting. Lol!

  24. I am not much for making resolutions, so that, like you, I don't feel like I've let myself down. I do resolve to clean up in my scrap space after every project, though. By December I was scrapping on the floor because my table was buried under supplies and scraps.

  25. What a great list!
    of course one that I always try to stick to is get outside more. I am more of an indoor kinda gal so I need more sunshine.

  26. After 12 years of pain & suffering with back pain, I had back surgery 2 months ago. I have such high hopes for recovery! I have added pounds during my laying around so long. My resolution includes loosing weight and enjoy family & friends again! I haven't been to a mall in 7 years - I will be happy to just walk in the mall & loose weight doing it. I want to blow off the cobwebs on my camera & start taking pictures to scrapbook too! Happy New Year Nikki & to all of the great ladies who work with you and follow your blog!!!

  27. I've never actually made a resolution. But I'll make one just for you: STOP EATING SO MUCH JUNK FOOD!!!!! I doubt that I'll be successful, but we'll see....

  28. How about I try to brush up on my English skills?

  29. I make resolutions each year. I plan on continuing to become healthier and spend quality time with family.

  30. That is a super list of goals! I love the date night idea and this is a must for us too! My resolutions this year are to be better at meal planning, to comb my dogs hair daily (they get very matted up!!!), and to participate in project life.

    Congrats on the publication! Fantastic two pager!!

  31. I spend a lot of my day doing for others, I want to force myself to do more for me.

  32. I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, because I never keep them. LOL

    Congrats on your pub - love your 2 pager!!

  33. Congrats 1st of all 4 being published~sorry if I'm a little behind on this 1~lol! My New Year's resolution this yr. is 2 spend more time scrapping/crafting & try 2 make some $ w/ it! A couple more resolution's r: more time w/ family(hubby & 2 lil' boys!), QUIT SMOKING & take a jewelry making class! Loyal follower via GFC & on FB! Thanks 4 this amazing giveaway~fingers crossed;) I'd luv 2 win this & u don't know just how much I'd appreciate it! $'s super tight lately, so no $ 4 scrapping/crafting supplies 4 a while!

  34. Just like you, Nikki, I feel that I don't follow through with my resolutions. I have decided on a couple this year that I think I might be able to stick to.
    1. Take a photo a day (in reality will probably become a photo a week)

    2. complete unfinished home repair projects.
    (I got my son a $50 Home Depot Card a YEAR ago so that he could pick out his own paint colors for his is STILL not used!)

    3. More alone time with my husband. With 5 kids this is almost extinct. We have been married for almost 18 years and maybe get to go out ONCE a year for the last 7 of that!!! LOL

    CONGRATULATIONS on your pub!! LOVE that layout!

  35. Love your resolutions and the fact that they are attainable! I think we need to incorporate date night! I also want to take better care of myself putting the gym on the top of the list instead of the bottom and drinking more water! Happy New Year!

  36. My most important and top priority new year resolution is spending time with my 3+ years old son to cultivate reading habit. I have neglected him ever since I started blogging and crafting 3 years ago!
    Heaney xx

  37. My resolution this year is to get healthy and start a regular exercise program.

  38. I am with you on the YOGA thing, it is new to me. I started it 2 months ago and I am loving it! Santa even brought me a extra padded mat for my bad knee! So yoga at least 3 times a week for me!

    -- dalis
    alidalis AT comcast DOT net

  39. My goals are quite basic this year.
    1. Get that baby out! ( I am due Jan4th)
    2. Balance the attention between baby, DD and DH (this will be a tough one)
    3. Make enough "me" time - I know if I don't, I will get cranky very quickly and nobody wants a cranky mommy.
    4. Think twice before getting angry - often it is not worth it.

    That's it!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  40. I usually don't do resolutions because I find I don't even remotely keep them.
    I do have one that I am carrying over from last year as I didn't do too well with it. I am now going to set a post on my blog minimum. The min. is once a month.
    Love all of yours Nikki.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  41. Love your resolutions. I rarely make any but this year have challenged myself to make one for each area of my life... and the scrapbooking one is to finish each project I start and try something new - mini albums or home decor projects, just something usually outside my comfort zone. Happy New Year!

  42. Ahhhhh resolutions....if only I could keep mine! :)
    As always, mine include losing a lil weight. I'd also like to make the time to get down to see my niece more often. And somehow...find a way to stress less!! :)

  43. One of my resolutions is the "use" the new treadmill that my husband put together yesterday on the days that I don't get to walk outside. Usually I am a couch potato on those days.

  44. I have a few VERY important resolutions for this year.

    1. Get a Will and Living Will.
    2.Document all assets, liabilities and contact information and keep in a safe or safety deposit box.
    3. UPDATE this information regularly.

    (4. Get my scrapbooking projects DONE!)

    We love our families and we don't want to burden them with financial decisions or leave then with endless paper trails.
    My father-in-law passed away on Dec 23rd and now we are tied up with countless questions.

  45. I never had any resolution but I guess u need to come out one especially now that I have my kid and time is limited for me to accomplish things I always wanted to do! Let's get started and create a brand new and meaningful year!!

  46. I try to think positive, I am going to try harder this year. For me this coming year will be "trying harder" - sticking to healthy eating, exercising, and hopefully getting that permanant parttime job where I worked seasonal for Christmas :)

  47. In this coming year, I am going to try to be more organized, starting with a de-cluttering of the house. Of course, my scrapbook stuff doesn't count in this.

  48. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

    2012 resolutions:
    (1) lose weight
    (2) buy a single family house
    (3) get rid of junk to prepare for my move
    (4) win some scrap goodies from Nikki Sivils

    Monique Fox

  49. 2012 resolutions:
    I want to devote more time promoting my business.
    Practice knitting

  50. Love your resolutions. I am still pondering mine. Love you layout as well by the way! Great work as always.
