
Friday, December 30, 2011

One day until the New Year...

Are you ready for 2012? I think I am. January is crazier than December for me due to, CHA, our huge international trade show, in Anaheim, CA. This is the month where I seem to loose my mind! LOL! Not really but I bet if you asked Dan or Lanie that question they'd agree! 

I came up with a great idea for you for New Years Eve... 
I found these free printables here: Anything But Perfect, I love this blog.  I'm going to print out 2 of these sheets and have Dan write his goals or resolutions on the back of one and me on the other.  I'll frame them so they can sit on our night stand and remind us all year or our goals for the year. (Dan doesn't know so don't go on FB and tell him my big ideas... LOL!) Then at the end of the year (2012) we can see how we did on our goals for the year! I love this idea, we'll see if Dan does too!
Here is the free printable, but you'll have go to the Anything But Perfect blog to print them off.
Here is one of them framed from the Anything But Perfect blog and you could just print one and frame it for the New Year but I think writing my goals on the back makes it even more fun! 
I just love it! 
Do something like this with your family its free and fun! A great way to bring in the New Year!
I have the winner from Wednesday's "Resolution"...

 Elisabeth said...

My goals are quite basic this year.
1. Get that baby out! ( I am due Jan4th)
2. Balance the attention between baby, DD and DH (this will be a tough one)
3. Make enough "me" time - I know if I don't, I will get cranky very quickly and nobody wants a cranky mommy.
4. Think twice before getting angry - often it is not worth it.

That's it!
Have a Happy New Year!
December 28, 2011 10:22 PM
Please email me your shipping address so I can get this out to you! My email is in the header of the blog. 
Here is an after Christmas layout created by DT Diva, Deana Boston! I love this layout with so many small pictures all on a single page! I think I might scrap-lift this one over the New Year, get started on all those Christmas pictures!

Have a safe and happy New Year! -Nikki


  1. Love love love love that idea for your resolutions!!! CONGRATS to Elisabeth!!! And Deana's lo just ROCKS!! I loveeeeeeee it! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. What a fabulous layout! I just love it! What a great way to fit so many pics on the layout, thanks for the inspiration!

  3. What a cute LO! A great way to show off lots of photos.
