
Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's Small Business Saturday!

Good Saturday morning! Don't forget today is small business Saturday so please support your local small businesses today! 
Here are a few of my favorites in Springfield, Misssouri:

(You  can't really shop here but its my husbands business so I had to show it too!)

(Best chocolate you'll ever taste!)

(My families business.)

(My families business.)

(This where I spend most of my free time! Love it!)

(This is where Henry spends a lot of his free time!)

Okay here are just a few of my favorite local small business's here in Springfield.
Please shop local today!!  
Have a great day!  -Nikki
I do have one more small business that is dear to my heart but its not local...

If you ever have the chance to take one of these courses it will change your life! 


  1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy for Small Business Saturday!!! Did you know that the company I work for started this??? Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy AMEX! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. YAY for AMEX!! They've been good to us!
