
Friday, October 14, 2011

International Diva Time..Jill, Mahlin, Ria, and Mette Rocking the Blog

Today is International Diva day here on the Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker blog!  And they all have some fun layouts for you!

First up is Jill Hildebrand.  
She has done a couple of layouts this time around,
so let's she what she has come up with.  
She used the My Lil Monster collection for both of her layouts.

Here is a fun layout entitled "NASA" and how cute is the picture of them in their space helmets?!!  

Next up is a layout titled "Monster Truck"!  
PERFECT title with the My Lil Monster 
collection being used!  I love all her stitching she does.  

Next up is Mahlin Wiggur.  She has a layout for us also, with the My Lil Monster Collection.

Such a fun take on a layout about herself!  And a unique use for My Lil Monster as well.  Love the circle picture placed into the die cut from the Punch Outs!

Then we have Ria Mojica who is used My Lil Monster also!  (I love seeing all the different takes on these papers!)

And this collection is PERFECT to scrap Halloween photos with!

And last, but certainly not least is Mette Kallander.  She scrapped a picture from her childhood.  That is her in the yellow cardigan.

She used a few collections mixed together, including Get Well Soon, School is Cool, and My Lil Monster.

And in some other exciting news, our talented Diva, Jen Matott was interviewed for the new website, Design Team Calls. 
You can check out her interview HERE.

That's it for today. It was a perfect day and I have had my excitement for the day of riding a Segway for the first time. I am proud to say that I only had to bail twice!  A record in my opinion!!  And no Segways were hurt during this!  

Have a Scrappy Kinda Day!!~~Katrina


  1. Ohhhhhhh these are AWESOME! Loveeeeeeee them all! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Fabulous projects! My fav is the last one from Mette! Love how she combined three different lines.
    How fun you rode a Segway ... I rode one for the very first time 2 weeks ago! I loved it!!!

  3. Yayh...GOOOO international divas,...You rocked this!!!

  4. Love the layouts!
    Great work ladies!
    Hugs, Lea

  5. So much wonderful goodness here! Fantastic designs!
