
Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Friday Friday....almost the weekend!!!

Sorry if I got that song stuck in your head, it was the first thing that came to mind for me to title this post with!  Are you ready to see some Diva projects?!  Here we go.....

First up is Mimi Leinbach.  She did a couple of projects for the posting today, so let's see what she has got for us!  She used the School is Cool collection for both of her projects today!
This adorable card and I just LOVE the pop of color that blue argyle paper makes on anything that you put it on!

Then we have an altered container!  How cute for erasers, paper clips, maybe some rubber bands so you can flip them at people....wait did I say that?  I meant to hold the rubber bands so you can have them handy....yeah, that's what I meant! hee hee

Next up is Jen Mattot.  I got to met this lovely girl in person at CHA.  She is one crafty chick and we love the fun stuff she comes up with.  She used the School is Cool collection and also the Get Well Soon collection for her projects this time around!

How cute is this little first aid box out of Get Well Soon?  So handy for a teacher to have in the classroom with some band aids right there or some anti bacterial gel for the little ones hands!

Here she did a layout with the Get Well Soon collection, proving that you don't need to go strictly by the theme of the papers! 

And here is a School is Cool layout from Jen.  She also used the Cute as a Button burlap buttons on here!

A little closer look of that schoolhouse...and love the look on her son's face!
And now we have Deana Boston!  She has done a card with the School is Cool collection and then also a layout with the Get Well Soon.  Let's take a closer look....
If I were a teacher, I would want to get this card!  I like how she used the scallop die cut paper edges to make a quick fancy border!

And what a unique thing to scrap, about an allergic reaction.  And the Get Well Soon collection is the perfect paper choice!   You don't always have to scrap people, pets, or events. It's ok to scrap things, because everything tells a story.

That is it from the Divas today! I hope you found lots of fun ideas that you can do yourself, or that we have given you some new ideas to create about!!!  See you next time!

Have a Scrappy Kind of Day!!~~Katrina


  1. These are alllllll AWESOME! LOVE them! :):):):):):):):)

  2. This was lots of fun to see! Super cute A+ projects! Loved the Emergency first kit and page LO:)

    ~Vanessa W

  3. Thanks! I love seeing everyone else's creations too! Great projects!!!

  4. Yeah that song is kind of catchy. I almost can't say Friday without adding a line to it. I need to dig some of my son's old school pics out and get this paper. So cute.

  5. Oooh...very nice works for a school theme!
