
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Challenge Time!!!

It's Katrina and our monthly challenge is back this month.  We took last month off with all the CHA madness going on, but we are back at it and the Diva's rocked it this month!

I issued the following challenge to the Divas:

Scrap an Object
For this months challenge you can use any collection or combination of collections you like.  The challenge is to scrap something that you normally do not scrap. No kids, no pets, no events, etc.  Scrap your favorite book, drink, phone, etc.  As long as it is not a live object you are good! 

So, remember when I posted there was a hint in the one of the blog posts
about the challenge?  
Well, here is the layout that was the hint!

 Mette scrapped her sick computer with the Get Well Soon collection!!

School is in everyone's minds right now and a couple of our Divas scrapped school supplies!
They both used the School is Cool collection for their layouts.  

Julie Tucker-Wolek scrapped her son's school books!

And then Leah Farquharson scrapped her kids new school supplies!

Next up we have Jill Hildebrand with a layout featuring her kids art work!
Jill used the My Lil Monster collection to showcase her "Art Monster"!

Then a couple of Divas scrapped food, which I think is always fun to do!

Lea Albers used the School is Cool collection to create a layout about taking
a cake decorating workshop!  

Then Ria Mojica scrapped some of her family's favorite food...Spam!  Which is probably strange to us Americans, but it's a very popular item where she lives!

She used School is Cool also!

And then there are a few of us Divas (this is including Mette above!) that might 
be a just little attached to the technology in our lives!

Deana Boston created this layout about her iPad!  
She used the My Lil Monster's collection.

I laughed when I got Deana's layout in my email, because my layout is 
about my iPad and new computer!  I used School is Cool on mine.

So now you know what your challenge is!  Scrap an object using the guidelines above using at least 75% Nikki Sivils papers and products.  It doesn't matter if it's an old collection or a new one, we want to see them all!!

Leave a link to your blog post or gallery with a picture of your completed challenge entry on this post by September 29th.  We will pick one winner and announce them on September 30th, when we announce the next challenge. The winner will get to pick one of the new collections kits of their choosing!

Get to playing, we can't wait to see what you create and scrap about!

Have a Scrappy Kinda Day!!~~Katrina

Don't forget our card drive for the sweet little girl, Olivia.  You can read all about that card drive


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeee what everyone made for the challenge! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. What a fun challange and loving what everyone came up with!

  3. What brilliant ideas! LOVING how the Nikki Sivils papers worked with each subject.

  4. This is a fabulous challenge!! I love all of the examples from the DT!!!

  5. challenge! I have just the idea...Awesome examples!

  6. fun fun many great ideas from the team. Thanks girls.

  7. all layouts looks great!
    X LEA

  8. Very fun & cool challenge!!
    Love all the DT's amazing projects!!

  9. This is so fun and a nice change (even though I always enjoy seeing everyone's family and pets)

  10. Awesome challenge! Really hoping to play along!!!

  11. I had fun with this challenge. Here's my LO...

  12. What a fun challenge! Loved to play! Here's my take:


  13. loved this challenge!! i have been wanting to do something like this in awhile! thanks for the motivation; here is my link:

