
Monday, August 22, 2011

I have another HUGE favor to ask of you all…

I’ve become friends with a Stacy Rodriguez who is also a very talented Scrapbooker, if you know Stacy you love her, she’s so sweet!  (Stacy will also be our guest designer next month so come back and take a look at her work.)  Stacy has posted a card drive on her blog for her little niece, Olivia.
Here is Olivia…
 Sadly, Olivia has a brain tumor in the most critical part of her brain. Olivia will be having surgery, today, Monday, August 22. 
Sweet Olivia was to start kindergarten last week but instead is spending her days in the hospital until her surgery.  Stacy wants to decorate her hospital walls with cards and Olivia LOVES getting mail (don’t we all)!
  I told Stacy I wanted to help get Olivia as many cards as possible and want to have a huge contest so we could get even more cards for Olivia! 
A HUGE Contest!
Here are the details:
Use my newest collection “Get Well Soon” and make a card for Olivia, then post it on your blog or facebook or both and link the post in the comments of this post.  Then Stacy and I will pick 2 winners one here on this blog and one on facebook.  You’ll have the next 3 weeks.  That should give you enough time to get the papers (if you have to order online), make a card, post it then mail it.  
(Even if you don’t want to play along with this contest, please take a few minutes to send Olivia a card, any card.)

Please mail cards to Stacy and she’ll be giving them to Olivia.

Here's the address:
Cards For Olivia 

c/o Stacy Rodriguez 

3122 9 1/2 Street 

Rock Island, Illinois 

The deadline is Monday, September the 5th.

The prizes:
*4 of my new releases:
School is Cool
My Lil Monster
Gingerbread Land
You’re a Hoot
*A Cricut cartridge
*A Sketch Book by Allison Davis
*A Unity Stamp set that will coordinate with one of my newest collections!
This is a prize package worth over $100

I had a chance to have a little mini interview with sweet Olivia, below are the questions I asked her and her answers. 
Meet Olivia:
1. What is your very favorite color? 

2. Which cartoon is your favorite to watch on TV? 
So Random on Disney Channel

3. Do you have any baby-dolls and if so what are a few of their names? 
Yes, Whoopsy Doo
 (Is that not a great name!)

4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
All sisters
  If so are they older or younger? 
Older: Alyssa-11, Madilynn-9 and Isabelle-6
Here they all are...

5. What is your favorite candy? 
(Olivia has some good taste in candy!) 

6. Do you like to color and draw?
Yes, color and draw.

7. How old are you? 
5, will be 6 in October

Lets put a huge SMILE on this little girls face!  
Be looking for updates on Stay’s blog and I’ll update on here too.  
Most importantly PLEASE keep little Olivia in your prayers!

Here are some sample cards from the Get Well Soon collection…
Created by Rae Barthel
Created by Rae Barthel
Created by Rae Barthel
Created by Rae Barthel
I know this isn't a card but its too cute to not show...
Created by Rae Barthel
Created by Nikki sivils
Again this isn't a card but so cute...
Created by Julie Tucker-Wolek
Created by Katrina Hunt
Created by Katrina Hunt
Created by Linda Beeson
Created by Stacy Rodriguez

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I know from Stacy’s too!
Let's "cheer" little Olivia on! -Nikki


  1. You ROCK Nikki for posting this!! Olivia is such a doll... and I love your interview with her!! Brookie and I made cards last week using Get Well Soon and we sent them off to Stacy on Friday! :):):):):) I can't wait for all the cards to roll in for Olivia!! :):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Nikki, Your post is simply fabulous and I can't thank you enough!!! (I should have grabbed the tissue before reading it) I'm so very grateful for all your help on this one. It means more than you will ever know! My plan is every Sunday taking the cards that I have collected that week to Olivia, and I will post pictures of this for everyone to see how happy she is about all the cards!! I will keep you updated! Thank you very much :)

  3. This is very noble of you to get behind and support a little girl like this! Bravo to you and your followers!

  4. Thank you for posting this, I have forwarded it onto the entire Cricut Card Fairy Army (over 200 strong). This will be our 809th card mission! So thanks for the chance to bless another.

  5. Prayers for olivia being sent. What an awesome fun thing

  6. Yes...I saw that yesterday. Will definitely be making a card for that sweet little girl!

  7. Awww tHIS IS so thoughtful and sweet of you.
    I don't know if I can find that collection here in Sweden, but I will certainly make a card for that darling little girl.
    Loved all the cards you made!!

  8. Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayer for Olivia!! I'm truly grateful and they have helped so much :)

  9. I found my way here through Julie-Tucker Wolek's blog. Olivia sounds like an amazing little girl. I just loved reading her interview and seeing her photos. I won't be able to enter your contest, but I plan on sending Olivia some cards anyway. Your DT's work is super cute with that new line.

  10. Nikki, it took me a while to get your papers in (which I ordered long before hearing about Olivia), but they finally arrived, and it was my pleasure to make this card for Olivia, while I sat out and rode through Hurricane Irene. As scary as the wind and torrential rain was, NOTHING can be more frightening than to endure seeing a child in pain, and a family suffering.

    I have posted my card for Olivia on my blog, here: I hope my post encourages some of my 798 followers to also join the cause. My experience is that this scrapbooker community is a loving, giving group, with empathy and compassion that is boundless.

    Next weekend, 40 women will be joining me on a blog hop to show the Halloween banners they have made to be hung in the group home for special needs (medically-fragile, technologically-dependent) children where I work as Admission Coordinator. Please come over and visit my blog next weekend as well to see some of this fabulous work for children!

    Thank you again for sharing the information about Olivia. She's a beautiful child with a bright future!!

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  11. You are too sweet getting cards for Olivia! I don't have any of your new collections, but I am saving Olivia's address. I used to send cards weekly to children with brain tumors through an organization. I had my name removed a year ago when things got hectic for me. My life has slowed down and I have requested a few new names. I am going to put Olivia on my card list and start sending them on a regular basis. I appreciate your giving me a face with a name so I can start brightening a little girl's day!
