
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Winner Winner and some random pictures!

Well, since I did not blog while we were at CHA, I "took" over today!  It was my first CHA show and WOW, totally overwhelmed!  It was so fun to talk to everyone that came to the booth and meet people!

I thought I would share a few pics, but first we NEED a WINNER!!!!  So, I picked number 71 and that was:

Angie said...
OMG I like all of the new lines. My fave is Get Well Soon and School is cool. I still have my dd last year school pics and these line would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win.

So, Angie, send an email with your mailing address to us and we will get your prize out to you...ALL 5 collections!!!  Email address is linked in the blog header.  

Everyone knows we are all big dog lovers here at Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker so when we are gone we miss our babies!  When I woke up, I got to capture one of the faces I had missed while I was gone!

But if I had not had the opportunity to go  I would have not gotten to meet two of my teammates...I LOVE these girls and wish we could hang out all the time!!!  This was the last day....I was exhausted!

 L to R:  Katrina Hunt, Jen Matott and Sarah Eclavea

I got to road trip with Lanie, Nikki's Girl Friday!  A good road trip buddy is always important, especially for an eight hour trip!  And she drove the entire trip! 

And when Lanie and I saw this below, we knew we were in the home stretch!!!

So that's it from us today, I will be back tomorrow with some of our design team girls work!!!  

Have a Scrappy Kind of Day!!~~Katrina


  1. Great pics from the show, so happy I got the chance to meet you girls :)

  2. Welcome home ladies! Looks like a great show!

  3. Ohmy goodness, I must have that puppy dog!!! what a beauty!!!! pretty please? :)

  4. It was so fun to see you all and meet Nikki and Dan in person! I was in heaven! Love the photo! Glad you made it home okay!
