
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The new booth & day one at CHA!

This is going to be a short but sweet post! Mainly because I'm so tired! Its strange how I work longer days back at home and am fine but 9 hours working a trade show and I'm exhausted! 
I have new pictures of the booth for you! 
Everyone loved the new booth and we are so happy with it!

This is the back side of one of the walls.

Lanie (who works for me) in the booth doing pre-show paper work.
My little bit of Chrismas....

We had a nice first day and are looking forward to day 2!
I hope you all enjoyed the pictures! Its been a long process to get this booth designed, created, shipped, put together and then set up for CHA! But I love it!

The Winner of Gingerbread Land is...
Craftymom205 who said 
"Love the mittens paper and Jolly ornaments. All of them are great though."
Craftymom205  please email me your address and I'll this out to you next week! 
(My email is linked in the header of my blog.)
I picked the 2nd comment since today is day 2 of CHA!

Ready for the grand-daddy of all giveaways...

all 5 full collections are up for one huge giveaway! 
Leave me a comment by Friday at midnight CST and I'll announce the winner of all the collections, Saturday the 23rd!
Leave a comment on this post telling which is your favorite collection and I'll pick one lucky winner ! 
Thanks and good luck! -Nikki

*This giveaway is now closed! CONGRATS to Angie!* 


  1. All are great collections but really like Gingerbread land. Great giveaway.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  2. Love your booth! My fave is between Get Well Soon and Gingerbread Land!!

  3. I love them all but "your a hoot" is my favorite! I love the whimsical owls!! Beautiful booth...wish I could see it in person! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

  4. the booth looks great! I think that my fav. is my lil monster.

  5. Looks AMAZING!! I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. that's fun : ) get wel and ginger bread are my favorites.......

  7. My favorite is the "get well" collection. There is nothing like it out there. Thanks for the chance :)

  8. The booth looks great!!! Sure do wish I could be there!!! Loving the new collections!!! You're A Hoot is my fav!!!

  9. The booth looks great - Sure wish customers could go to CHA !I love all the collections but My favorite is your a HOOT !

  10. The booth looks AWESOME!!!! You're a hoot! is my favorite one as I love the owlies!

  11. I like School is Cool the best because of the nice mix of colors and icons. But I must say Gingerbread is awesome, too.

  12. My favorite is get well soon!

  13. Love the you're a hoot and gingerbread land papers.

  14. Love your booth and the displays look great! My favorite line is still Gingerbread Land. After some bad news at the Doctor yesterday, a prize would sure cheer me up a whole bunch! Thanks Nikki!

  15. Wow! What a generous giveaway!! I love them all, but Gingerbread Land is my FAVORITE!

  16. All 5 collections?!?! Seriously?!?! Wow!! Please, please, please let it be me!! I am in LOVE with all of these new lines but if I had to say which was my favorite I'd have to go with You're a Hoot! It looks like so much fun to work with!

  17. Just don't see any way to choose one favorite. I love them all.

  18. I love the "Get Well soon" collection. I make cards for an elderly lady(she is 92yr old), who in turn sends cards to her friends, in the nursing homes. This paper is so colorful and fun and I think she would love if I made her a set of cards from this collection.

  19. The booth looks fabulous and I am loving the new collections! I think My Lil Monster is my fave!!

  20. love the new lines and the booth looks gorgeous!

  21. I love them all but You're A Hoot is probably my fave. Love the little owls!

  22. You're a Hoot is adorable. The owls are too cute.

  23. The booth is awesome! If I have to pick a favourite then School is Cool would be it!

  24. Beautiful set up at the CHA! Its so hard to pick a favorite when they are all so super cute! Get well soon is so unique and different I have to pick that...:)

  25. your booth is amazing-love it--wish i could see it in person!

    i think school is cool is my fave--but i really need them all-heheheh--the main work there is NEED! heheheh

    thanks for th opportunity to win!

  26. Being a new grandma for a little monster- this is my favorite one! Also all of them are just great- but my private monster needs his own collection.. An Nikki has it right for me here..

  27. Omg! Such adorable new collection! They're all wonderful but I think Gingerbread Land has to be my fave. But School is Cool is such a must have, Get Well Soon is so unique and Lil Monsters and You're a Hoot are too cute. I guess everyone's just gotta get 'em all!

  28. Beautiful! It would have only been better to get to see it in person!

  29. My favorite is Get Well Soon. The booth looks great, and I'm sure it's hoppin' with lots of interested customers! Thanks for the chance to win! Enjoy the rest of your time at CHA!

  30. OK, so there was a reason I did not win the other ones, here is the one I would absolutely LOVE to win. You know you have heard the statement -- "I WANT IT ALL", wll I have been thinking that all along and can't wait till it hits the stores.
    Have fun at CHA NIKKI

  31. I love "You're a Hoot"...owls are my all time favorite, and those little buggers on there have so much character! LOVE 'EM!!!

  32. I love them all but if forced to choose only one it would be You're a Hoot!!

  33. I'm really torn between You're a Hoot & Get Well Soon. I love birds but nobody out there makes much for get well related products so I'll go with get Well ;)

  34. Your display looks Wonderful, wish I was there!!! OMGosh, are you seriously giving away all 5??? That is so completely AWESOME of you!!! I really do LOVE them all, but the one that stands out for me is the "You're a Hoot". I'm sooo into the cute little owls right now, this is perfect!!!
    Thanks for a chance to win!!!
    Puppy Hugs!
    Wendy aka Roo

  35. Love all the new collections! But Gingerbread Land has to be my favorite, with School is Cool right behind that :)

    brookeb811 at gmail dot com

  36. The booth looks great! I love the owls and the colors of You're a Hoot!

  37. I love Gingerbread Land. Christmas collections always get me!

  38. I love all the new lines, but I'd have to say You're a Hoot is my favorite!

  39. WOW! What a fabulous giveaway! I love your CHA booth and have to say that my favorite new collection is "You're a Hoot!" Thanks for a chance to win. :D

  40. OHHH! The booth looks FAB! I wish I was there:)

    The You're a Hoot line is super cute--but then again, I love it all!
    THANKS for the chance to win! sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  41. The booth looks amazing and so do all the great projects...another banner CHA for Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker!

  42. The booth looks wonderful! What a great job on all the displays. I'm liking all the lines but I'm in a Holiday frame of mind so I'll go with the Gingerbread..

  43. I love all the lines. But my favorite has to be little monsters.
    The new Booth looks fab.

  44. I love the new collections. I think the school is cool line is my favorite though

  45. I love the booth! You guys did an awesome job!

  46. I love them all. It's like kids - can't pick a fave! If I had to I'd would pick Gingerbread Land. The booth looks amazing!

  47. My Lil Monster for sure!! SO CUTE!!!!

  48. I think the Get Well Soon line is one of my favorites just because you don't often find paper for that purpose. All of them are great though.

  49. My Little Monster is my fave by far! And your booth looks fantastic! :)

  50. I absolutely love all your new lines but my favourite has to be Get Well Soon. These types of papers are hard to come by, but needed so often!!!!! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful collection. Hope you are having fun at CHA. Wish I was there!!!
    gaudet5 at rogers dot com

  51. The booth looks great and I just love all of your new lines!

  52. Beautiful work. I love the School is Cool papers. SO bright and vintage!

  53. Your booth is beautiful!! My Lil Monster is my favorite but they are all wonderful, thanks for the chance to win!

  54. Wow, Nikki, Your booth looks Awesome!! I am in love with all of your new collections, but the Get Well is my Favorite, this is such a well-needed line that is so much needed!! Thank you for the chance to win your Generous Giveaway!! Enjoy the rest of CHA!!!

  55. Whoooowee is that hootin give a way! Some one is going to be very lucky! I really adore all the new releases however think You're a Hoot is my favorite absolute MUST have! That little owls are just so CUTE.

  56. OMG, NSS, CHA!! There are no grander initials in the Scrapbooking Universe. Nikki, with these papers, you've really outdone yourself. Your booth is beautiful -- very classy, elegant and fun, just like YOU!! I see the pleated flowers you were up making before CHA -- very WORTH IT! And that pretty much describes your papers ... VERY WORTH IT! I have to hunt for them, have to have them in my collection, have to use them and LOVE THEM all. I have a separate bin for my Nikki Sivils papers, I so cherish them. I would be OVER THE MOON if I won this entire collection, but if someone else's day is luckier than mine, good for her -- but please tell us when these will be available at my favorite online retailer?!

    As for my favorite, gosh, I think Gingerbread Land because I make a lot of Christmas cards and have nothing like these fun papers.

    THANK YOU for the opportunities ... both to share in your joy, and for the chance to win this Mega Nikki giveaway!!!!

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  57. Hi Ellen... I just saw your comment on here... Nikki will be ready to ship to stores as soon as she gets back from CHA! :):):):):):):)

  58. I have not enjoyed the owl trend until I saw You're a Hoot! I love it. They are fun & adorable. Awesome job at getting me into the owl trend!

  59. Congrats Nikki on a successful show and the booth is extraordinary. Beautifully done! :O)

  60. oops, forgot to say my favorite...
    Love the My Lil' Monster collection!
    strgazrblueyes22477 at yahoo dot com
    jessicascraftshaque dot blogspot dot com

  61. My favorite is the Gingerbread collection. I LOVE gingerbread men (and women, too)!

  62. Your booth looked simply FABULOUS!!! Loved meeting all of you, and you know i'm totally loving the new lines :)

  63. Awesome job on the booth. I only wish I could have seen it in person.
    My favorite is the You're a Hoot!

  64. Lovin the You're a Hoot collection the best, but they are all great!


  65. Wow, the booth looks great! I would have to say School is Cool for my girls school albums and then Gingerbread Land for all the fun Holiday projects! What an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

  66. What a pretty booth you have! I love to win any of the collectios, but I like the Gingerbread Lane the best.

    Carla from Utah

  67. Love them all. Never worked with your papers. Looking forward to creating with the school line.

  68. OMG I like all of the new lines. My fave is Get Well Soon and School is cool. I still have my dd last year school pics and these line would be perfect. Thanks for the chance to win.

  69. oh gosh, all the latest collections are fab. i'd love to have gingerbread land, so i can start my christmas LOs and cards asap. :)

  70. Lovin' the Gingerbread Land line. I have a gingerbread tree that goes up each year, so I am excited to see this line of paper!

  71. 5 fun and really exciting new collections ! If I had to chose I'll say Get Well Soon as it's so unique !

  72. Well, with two grandsons ages 6 and 7, I love and need them all!! but if I picked just one, it would be You're a Hoot because it is MY favorite for ME! HAHA!

  73. I love the gingerbread land. Its really cute.

  74. Too Cool for School is my fave! Love the colors and the argyle prints!

  75. I love them all, but if I had to pick a favourite, I'd say My Lil' Monster...maybe because I have three of them here to create many scrapbook pages !

  76. LOVE LOVE LOVE All the new lines!!! But I think my two faves have got to be My Lil' Monster (with 3 boys 10 and under I can come up with tons of uses for that!) and You're a Hoot because my 4 year old says the cutest things (I regularly have Owen-isms of the day on my fb status!) and that line would be perfect to scrapbook those!

  77. Awesome Ideas and creations. I have a day to myself making all sorts of crafty things, I love the ideas and the papers. Awesome. I love the turtle. :)
