
Monday, July 11, 2011

Joplin... here we come!

Yesterday (Sunday) we went to Joplin to deliver all the scrapbooking goodies that I collected from many of you and several manufacturer's! I was shocked and overwhelmed with donations, as you can see here:
My dinning room...

Over $50,000 of product.
My garage... a bunch of product on the garage floor & on 2 pallets!
Brand new paper trimmers donated by Amy Sprague!
My dinning room table full of product...

Taping up 50 boxes, one for each Joplin lady filled with brand new paper!
Tubs, tubs and more tubs! 50 tubs line the house for an assembly line to place product in them.
Up and down my halls...

around corners and in my front room office...
even on couches...
Loading the Uhaul truck!

In the Uhaul truck headed to Joplin with Dan and Bella Blue too!
Unloading the truck at "Scraps" the Joplin scrapbook store.

Every lady received a huge tub and a box filled with paper...

and sacks filled with albums from American Crafts!
Every lady not only got a tub and box of product but they also got to pick out a tote and fill it with all the product that was left over (in 20 large tubs)!
Happiness... her face says it all.
Look through all the fun product!
 Spellbinders donated money for the tubs and the Uhaul truck!
I had to take a picture of these pictures a lady brought in to show me what's left of her pictures that she could fine. Some of these pictures are only a few years old but look hundreds of years old. They are torn, scratched up and water damaged! It was so sad to see these pictures of her young daughter and to hear her story.

The refreshment table.
Going through the tubs...
The sticker tubs were very popular! 
I spoke to one very sweet lady that said she had been an avid scrapbooker for years and after her home was leveled by the tornado (she had her own craft room) that she wasn't going to scrapbook again. She couldn't image starting over considering she still had to find a permeant home and get the basic supplies for her home, so starting over and buying scrapbook products seemed too distant and not top on her list. Even her husband was encouraging her to get back to scrapbooking but she decided that her hobby was over for now.  Then she heard about this donation and decided to give her hobby another try. She held my hand and gave me the most sweet and sincere "Thank you"! I was in tears. 
So many wonderful ladies I met today and I hope they are all scrapbooking tonight! 

Here are a list of the manufacturer's that donated to the ladies of Joplin:
Maya Road
Creating Keepsakes Magazine
Elmer’s Products, Inc.
Bella Blvd
Scrapbook Etc. Magazine
Jenni Bowlin
Unity Stamp Co
Helmar Adhesive
Graphic 45
Jillibean Soup
My Little Shoebox
Allison Davis & Debbie Sanders (Sketches for Scrapbooking Books)
Best Creation Inc
Bazzill Basic Paper
Elle’s Studio
Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker

All 50 tubs had these items along with so much more:
 Paper Trimmers
 Cutting Mats
Craft Knives
Pens & Markers

Thanks to all of you who donated to my Joplin Drive! 
You helped change the lives of 50 wonderful ladies! 

And one last sweet story...
Here is Bella after the Joplin Drive today on our way home.  Bella brought some joy of her 
very own today to some ladies that had lost their dogs to the tornado. They held her and
loved on her and one lady had tears in her eyes for her little dog who had died in the tornado.
So thanks to Bella for her sweet Yorkie kisses to the ladies that needed it the most today. 


  1. This is NOTHING short of amazing! Thank you for doing it and thank you for all the wonderful people that donated! Makes my heart so happy to see the GREAT side of humanity!

  2. That is the sweetest story! I had tears in my eyes reading it... So wonderful to see the ladies getting their scrapbooking hobby back! Nikki, you are an angel! I am so happy to have been a part of this even if it was just sending in some of my overflow of supplies!
    HUGS to all of the people involved and the ladies who lost it all in the tornado!

  3. wow-thanks so much for documenting this--how amazing! i have tears right now!

  4. omygosh... tears are literally just pouring down my face... you, Dan, Bella Blue too...and all the amazing people and companies that donated... wow wow wow... we are all angels today... this is just amazing!! wow wow wow...thanks for sharing Nikki... you are truly an amazing soul and so proud to know you! :):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Wow, so wonderful to see this!

  6. What an amazing thing to see, thank you so much for sharing - I was so curious to see how it ended!! You are an amazing family/company to do this for these women!

  7. It is such a wonderful thing you did, I am fastidious in keeping backups of my digital photos in a number of locations but my pre-digital photos and all of my scrapbook pages are in one location and I would be devastated if I lost them. I was reading with tears in my eyes

  8. Thanks for posting this....such an amazing story...that YOU for all YOUR hard work on putting the Scrapbook drive together...

  9. Yep should have grabbed the kleenex before reading this!!! Nikki your are truely wonderful for getting this drive going and helping out all of those ladies, and encouraging everyone to pay it forward!! Thanks so much :):)

  10. Getting teary reading through this. Such a wonderful thing you put together. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!

  11. Good Morning Sweetie...
    What a beautiful story to start my week out with. Giving back to a community that lost everything. Giving these ladies a little hope in their lives. Letting them know that Happiness is just around the corner, and they have not been forgotten. What a wonderful idea and a heart filled share this morning.

    I am so tickled that you took along sweet Bella. I am sure her hugs and kisses to each and all were the BEST medicine possible. How could anyone not love that face?

    Thank you for the beautiful share this morning. I so enjoyed my visit. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

  12. Wow, what an amazing thing to do for these ladies! I can just imagine the smiles on their faces and the sheer joy they and you and your family experienced for being able to do this for them. Kudos to all the companies that provided all of the fabulous product!

  13. What what a truly uplifting story of pain, sadness, happiness and hope all mixed into one. You are an amazing person to give so much back to those persons who now have so little...a sense of community spirit by all...and well done to your hubby for being so supportive too x

  14. wow - what an amazing thing to do for these women - it brought tears to my eyes. I can see how some might not think this would be a high priority when homes were lost - but it provides a sense of normal and an escape from the current situation.

  15. When I heard you were doing this, I was happy to help. Knowing that people would be having joy injected into their lives at this difficult time for them was inspiring. Kudos to you for all you did to coordinate this! *smile*

  16. This is just awesome! How fabulous you were able to help so many. We just had our own fundraiser...a Crop for Tornado Relief in Massachusetts this weekend...and we too were fortunate enough to receive donations from several companies for our event which was a huge success.

  17. This story made me cry! I am so sorry those families had to go through this tragedy. The kindness of the scrapbooking community is so awesome!

  18. WELL DONE EVERYONE! I have always felt (and sometimes got some funny looks for saying...) that crafting is healing, and boy you have all helped the healing process so much with your wonderful work and donations x From one crafter to another........ PROUD OF YER! x Leigh x

  19. What an amazing thing! The lady that you talked about giving up on her love of scrapbooking just brought me to tears. I could not imagine losing everything and then having to give up the one thing that I use as my outlet. There is a special place in Heaven for people like you! Thank you for help those womens hobby live on!

  20. Nikki, when I saw these pictures and read the stories it was nothing short of heart wrenching!!!! But on the flip side, I believe there are definitely Angels on Earth!!!!! The Gifts that were given were so much more than was hope! Those who gave to this cause as well as you Nikki make me so proud to be a part of the whole scrapbooking world!!!!! My prayers go out to those who lost so much but I am also thankful for their little piece of joy they experienced in receiving such a generous donation. Thank you Nikki, for making this happen!!!!!

  21. This just brings tears to my eyes. This is such an awesome thing you did. I bet those ladies are soooo happy. THanks for not only making great products, but making so many broken hearted people happy.

  22. SOOO amazing!! Well done!!!! It warms my heart that you did this! Thanks to all that helped!

  23. Oh my this is wonderful and such a nice thing to do. I kept it together until the end when I read about sweet Bella and the joy she spread. I am hoping only the best for all those affected.

  24. Oh NIkki, tears were streaming down my cheeks as i read this heart wrenching story. I know it won't fix their houses, but possibly their souls. you are so good to organize this and document it and thoughtful. I hope you get a humanitarian award for this outreach of love and support.
    You are wonderful, rock on Nikki!!!

  25. What a great story! And what a wonderful thing for you to organize and for al lthose people and companies to support. They've made it onto my shopping list. Thank you!

  26. What a truly wonderful heartfelt thing you and all have done.

  27. You've brought tears to my eyes, Nikki! What a selfless and generous gift you've given these precious women! God bless you!

  28. Awesome story... I'm all choked up now. So wonderful that you were able to bring some happiness to those who's lives have been turned upside down by such a terrible tragedy. You're the best, Nikki!

  29. Amazing, you are awesome for getting this together!

  30. This is just a wonderful story, how amazing that these companies donated to help the women who have lost so much. I was affected by Hurricane Katrina and know the kindness of strangers. This helped me to remember that kindness again.

  31. I feel so incredibly honoured to be a part of a company whose hearts are so full. You are amazing, Dan & Nikki.
    Thank you for your generosity & time. God is good.

  32. Hi Nikki, I´m from Costa Rica and I follow your blog since some months ago. I have to say I cried too reading your story. You give those ladies not just scrapping supplies, you give them hope and happiness. Many blessings to you!

  33. This is such an incredible story of compassion. What you have done is nothing short of amazing. I have loved following this story. Thanks goodness there are people like you in this world.

  34. Angels of Hope come in so many guises ... As one of them, you brought it to these few families whose lives were torn asunder through no fault of their own. May it come 'round your door too some day should you ever need it. Thank you and thanks to everyone who donated their time and product to make it happen -- and to beautiful Bella too!

  35. Thanks for posting this...Very inspiring and such an amazing story...that YOU for all YOUR hard work on putting the Scrapbook drive together hugs...xoxo

  36. Thank you Nikki for this amazing project you started!!
    What a special and memorable day for all these ladies!!
    I cried reading this & for all the awesome pictures and about the lady who wanted to forget her hobby and the lady who lost her dog.
    I can't imagine what each of these ladies went through!!
    Thank you for sharing about this special day!!

  37. Simply amazing! I can only guess those gals are pretty happy right now and can be creative again!

  38. Amazing!!!!!! What an amazing thing you have

  39. Thank you for handling such a big and delicate project. I feel honored to have shared in this, and I wish and hope only the best for those folks to move on and create once again.


  40. This is absolutely amazing. You are a remarkable lady. Scrapbooking is a very healing hobby. Sometimes when devastation hits you just don't know where to begin the healing process. This is a wonderful place to start. Thank you for giving those ladies of Joplin hope and letting them know that they are not alone. It is nice to hear about caring and compassion instead of all of the negative. I think this story was news worthy, so everyone gets some inspiration from you and your family to help someone in need. Thank you again.
    cstephenson at q dot com

  41. This is absolutely amazing. What a treasure for these women to be able to start over creating their memories. You are truly a blessing Nikki...
    - April W

  42. Having lived through two devastating natural disasters in my life I know the feelings these ladies have. The pain is incredible when you choose to leave something behind fleeing from a hurricane. The loss of photos we experienced in Ike was so very painful. The aweful mud and stench to come back, too. The hope our neighbors and friends gave us kept us focused on the course ahead of us. Nikki, you gave so much hope with just your visit to Joplin. You and every company who gave to this drive are angels in a very dark time for the people of Joplin!!! Thank you for your loving kindness! And I have tears, too!

  43. Such a beautiful and inspiring post!!! It's amazing how paper and good people can make days feel so much better! :))

  44. This is such an amazing this you did! This is how you giving nature creates so much good!

  45. Fantastic!!! We have family in Joplin so this really hit home. Thanks Nikki!!! =)

  46. God Bless you and everyone involved in making this happen!

  47. I am so glad I was able to donate...reading this post totally had me in tears. God bless you for putting this together and helping those who've lost everything!! peace and blessings to you and everyone that helped you organize and delivery the goodies!!
