
Monday, July 18, 2011

Get Well Soon Paper Collection!

This may be my most favorite paper collection to date! “Get Well Soon” is filled with everything from band-aids and a stethoscope to the cutest little germs you’ve ever seen!  Snap a picture of your kiddo’s cast with all his or her friends’ autographs on it, or create an adorable get well soon card for a friend with my “Get Well Soon” paper collection. You might want to even play “hooky” so you can stay home and play with “Get Well Soon”! 

My "Get Well Soon" badge for you blogs!
The Papers:
Seeing Spots:
Red Crosses: 
 Pink Eye:
Get Well Border Strips: 
 My Blankey:
Get Well Cut-Ups: 
Get Well Minis: 
 Get Well Soon Punch-Outs:
 Get Well Soon Cardstock Stickers:
Get Well Soon Collection Kit:
 This is the bonus paper that come in the collection kit!

Don't forget that Unity is selling the coordinating stamps to go with all my collections!
But this one is my favorite... so cute!

It's time for a fun Pre-CHA giveaway! 
If you'd like to win this collection then leave me a comment telling me which paper is your favorite! 
I'll pick a winner Tuesday!
Good Luck! -Nikki 

Oh and yesterday's winner of "You're A Hoot" is...
Donald "whoooo" said:
"I love the tall owl with the flowered hat - he looks so scholarly! The paper I like the best is the one with owls on multiple branches - looks almost like an owl apt building - too funny!!
One of my friends loves owls and she's going through a tough time in her life now - I would love to win this and give it to her!! Donald please email me (my email is at the top of my blog) your address and I'll get this out to you the week of July 25th! Hope this puts a smile on your friends face! (BTW: That's exactly why I designed it... to put a smile on someone's face!) -Nikki

*This giveaway is now closed. Nikki has chosen Margie as the winner! Congrats Margie! Make sure to stop by Tuesday's post for another giveaway!*


  1. This is such a well-needed line!! Thank you so much for filling this void for a get-well collection!! My favorites are Germs & Fever!! All of the punch-outs are so cute, I look forward to working with this collection!! Thank you so much for a chance to win it!!!

  2. What a wonderful idea for a line! I like Fever. I am sure I have some old photos I could use with these.

  3. CONGRATS Donald and love this line! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I love the get well cut-ups - so many choices. I already have two layouts in mind to use these on.

  5. This is so cute. My Blankey is my favorite paper!!

  6. I love the border strips - I'm catching up on 36 years of my kids' lives, and have had so many injury/illness pics to scrap with almost nothing out there to work with - THANKS!!!

  7. oh my too cute! i think my fave is the cut out page--love all those images!!! you did it again!

  8. Germs! Love it. This is such a great line. Never saw anything like it and is a much needed collection for almost everyone in paper crafting. Thank YOU :)

  9. I like the red crosses the best! So simple and versatile!

  10. I love that Germs paper. It's so darn cute! Hope you're enjoying CHA week.

  11. I adore the germs paper it's too cute

  12. I LOVE my blankie and the get will minis... I have a mini addiction lately and these are great! You are so creative!!!

  13. The names of these papers are adorable!!! Love 'em!! My fav paper is a toss up between Germs and My Blankey. This paper line is perfect for my 2 little kiddos! I am constantly buying band aides for their "boo boos" and the boo boos the dolls and stuffed animals get! LOL!

  14. Love the Germs and Fever papers! This collection is so adorable! Thanks for the chance!

  15. what a fun line. I love the punch outs and the cut outs. so cute.

  16. Oh my how I love all of the new collections!! I can think of the perfect pictures for this one! The germs paper is my favorite!! Keep up the great work, Nikki!

  17. Just adorable!! I love Pink Eye...
    - April W

  18. This whole collection is just adorable, if I had to pick a favorite paper I guess it would have to be My Blankey but they are all great!

  19. Oh, this is soo much fun! I love Fever the most!

  20. Loving that "Germs" paper, perfect for Get Well cards, although the "pink eye" paper unfortunately, hits close to home lately :{

  21. You always amaze me with your talent! You out do yourself every year!! I love the little germs!! And the names of the papers, priceless!! Super cute!!

  22. OMG I can't believe what I missed in only 2 weeks holiday!! I love all your new lines!!! (I adore owls!!). This collection is so super cute too! I love the sheet with borders the most, but the "red cross" sheet is just perfect too!!!

  23. This is really cute! I like the border strips and the "seeing spots" oh and the 'my blankey"...can I just say I like them all..LOL! Loving all the collections..yesterday's was adorable!

  24. “Get Well Soon” is my favourite collection! My little boy goes through a box of bandaids every 2-3 weeks...I can see a lot of layouts using this collection sometime soon! :)

  25. What a needed collection! LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! Love the stamps too. I have so many pictures that I have not scrapped because I didn't have the "right" paper. Now I will!

  26. I love it all ! If I had to choose, though, my favourites are the cut ups and the Germs paper ! thanks for a chance to win !

  27. I like Pink Eye the best and I must say it is adorable paper and I have been finding some old pictures I can use with it.

  28. I love Germs!!! Who would have thought that germs could be so cute!!

  29. I'm soooo lovin' that germ paper. The bandaids are so super cute. :)

  30. My favorites are My Blankey and Fever. Love these patterns! Thanks for the chance to win!

  31. Oh what a cute line,I like them all. Since it is hard to pick my favorite, I will choose the "Get Well Minis" as my favorite paper!

  32. How can you not love that germ paper???? Adorable!!! This line is sooooo needed. I have so many pictures that I could use this for. You rock!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
    gaudet5 at rogers dot com

  33. I love the germ paper! I work in a medical laboratory and the germs go so well with what I do every day.

  34. I love it!!!! lol those germs are soooo cute!!!

  35. Well how cute are those germs - and you won't hear me say that often! Great collection and I really love the pops of purple and the purple alpha - there is a purple gap in the scrapbooking world and it's great to see you filling it!

  36. Nikki- I love them all because I am currently a nursing student. This collection is just perfect to document my journey! The fever paper is my favorite. Thanks for your generosity!

  37. Love this line wish I had a LSS that sold your paper in Eastern MO. Germs is my favorite. I work with 4 wonderful Nurses and This paper would make great cards for them.

  38. Germs is a scream! I love it!

  39. Oh my goodness, so cute! And.. the theme should sell like hot cakes, I have tried in the past to find something like this and failed miserably. This is a winner for sure!

  40. What a fun collection--you wouldn't mind having been sick so that you could do a layout with these papers. My favorite--Germs--much too cute.

  41. I looooove the pink eye and seeing spots---how clever! LOVE LOVE LOVE the names--and those stamps! FUN! THanks for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  42. LOVE this name! Pink Eye is my favorite! I love that it's a themed line with out being TOO "themey!"

  43. The Get Well Soon Collection is so darn cute. I love it.
    cstephenson at q dot com

  44. i love "germs" i absolutely love this line! I always end up having to buy double of your stuff one set to make cards and the other to make a page your stuff makes for fun quick pages and cards! which is why i love this line so much because theres not much out there for this kind of stuff! cant wait for it to be available in stores!!

  45. This is so cute!!! I think my favorite is Pink Eye :) Love all the names of papers!

  46. I love the Germs paper and the Pink Eye paper. The names are just too cute too. I recently found you on Facebook and have loved everything that I have seen from you. Keep up the good work and I am sure to be owning some of your paper in the very near future!

  47. How adorable is this. My granddaughter is entering the stage of her life where everytime we turn around she has a new boo boo. I just love all your stuff. Best of luck at CHA!

  48. I like the Germs paper. They are all great!

    Karla Schroeder

  49. Love the germs paper and the Pink Eye paper. I love how you named all your papers. I recently found your page on Facebook and love everything that I have seen from you so far. Can't wait to own some of your beautiful paper

  50. oh, how cute - I LOVE it. It was difficult to pick just one, but think "Germs" must be my favorite - it reminds me of Patrick, who has always wanted to be a doctor and he would get a kick out of it. Thanks for the chance to win !! Enjoying your updates at CHA on FB !!!

  51. This is a great line of favorite one is the jerms!!! Love it!!

  52. I love Germs. It's cute and so versatile. But, I love all the paper and it was hard to narrow it down!

  53. I can't make up my mind. I love all the papers :)

  54. First of all how cute are the names on this collection. I'm gonna go with 'pink eye' lol---

    Lynda in calif
    hipljp at yahoo dot com

  55. I like them all but I think my favorite is "fever"!

  56. Nikki..I think this is my fave line so far! I love these! My favorite is the minis because they are PERFECT for making get well cards! So hard to find fun upbeat papers for that theme to make the recipient actually feel better! You nailed it!

  57. i like the pink eye paper. collection is so cute

  58. Wow! All the papers are great but my favorite is fever. I love the color combination and can see using it on so many different layouts, both masculine and feminine. Thanks for such a great collection.

  59. I love the germs paper! So cute! My granddaughter is five and will start kindergarten this year! I bet there will be some "sicky" photos taken during her first year in school when she will be exposed to lots of new germs!

  60. Those Get Well border strips would make creating cards so fast and easy! And I love that Ticket to Get Well stamp! Cute collection!

  61. I love the paper germs. Its comical and funny at the same time.

  62. My favorite is Fever, and I just love the punch-outs and the cardstock stickers.

  63. Wow, the whole coLlection is so cute. If I had to pick a favorite I'd pick germs. The images are great and I can see me using it for several layouts plus get well cards. Thanks for such a great collection.

  64. That collection is adorable!! LOVE it!

  65. it's a toss up... because once i get The Germs... I will certainly want my BLANKEY!!! Loving this collection!!!!

  66. Gotta go with "fever" cause my little boy currently has a fever with an ear infection AND bronchitis :( Poor guy!

  67. I love this line because I know I have lots of pics to use with it. I spent 7 months in and out of the hospital this last year having surgery after surgery!!! I'm feeling much better these days buy lots of pics of my fav nurses, wonderful family, and that ugly hospital gown!!! LOL!!! I wish I could be at CHA this year but have to sit this one out!!! Have lots of fun and post lots of pics!!!!

  68. What a great new line!! My FAV's are:
    Red Crosses & Fever.

    And a Great Match with my Fav Unity Stamps!!

    Thanks for the chance!
    jmahugger at yahoo dot com

  69. I like School is Cool paperline!

    Ashley L.

  70. This is absolutely adorable!!!! No grandchildren yet, but a great line for my great nieces and nephews!!! Nikki you out did yourself on this one!!!

    Thank you once again for offering this line to us!!!!

  71. Heidi (aka move4life)July 19, 2011 at 1:54 AM

    Actually just stopped by after listening to a past episode of from mid-June where you were a guest. Absolutely love that Germ paper and those border strips. Mom of 2 boys (7 & 3 1/2) will make this line very handy. These guys are germy ;) hahaha.
    Heidi in Guelph, Ontario Canada
    P.S. Definitely agree that I think this fills a gap in the industry for this type of line...just sayin'

  72. Oohhhh, what a great and fancy collection! Very nice for making "Get well soon"-Cards..

  73. This is my favorite! I would love to win!

  74. I love this line!! I know for sure that I'll be buying this whole set as the papers are versatile even beyond "Get Well." But for cuteness, I give two well-bandaged THUMBS UP to "Germs". Just on Saturday, I bought a set of stamps that will go perfectly with this line. I believe the manufacturer is "Simple Circles" and it's their "Get Well" set that features text and band-aids and things like that running in circles. I'm already SEEING the cards, so this paper is a must have. When will it be available in LSS or on-line retailers??

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey
    E-mail -
