
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Paying it forward...

One thing I love about my country is that we as a nation come together to help people we don't know or will ever meet.  A little over a week ago an EF5 tornado hit our sister city, Joplin.  (Joplin is a little over an hour west of us.)  I can't believe the people that have come to help the people of Joplin from all over the country, I've heard of a group of people from Wisconsin that have collected thousands of children's books to send to Joplin so the children in the shelters can have a few minutes of getting lost in a book. There are hundreds of stories just like that... of people coming together for strangers. It warms my heart and I've teared up more than once over the stories of recovery and the stories of strangers helping strangers. I'm amazed at the kindness and generosity shown to the people of Joplin from everyone across the country. 
Photo Credit to Julie Denesha/Getty Images
Photo Credit to Julie Denesha/Getty Images
With that said my company is hosting a Scrapbooking drive! 

I recently found out that the displaced children that are living in shelters are very bored with no books, games, etc. So Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker sent 13 boxes of older inventory of scrapbook papers and stickers.  The kids were really excited to receive these items. These kids have been through so much. Few have homes that weren’t completely destroyed and many have lost family members, friends and pets to the EF5 tornado.
I personally have some friends that live in Joplin that are scrapbookers and have lost everything! All their supplies, paper, cardstock and albums have been destroyed by the tornado.  We crafters know how much this hobby means to us and how we feel while we are creating a scrapbook layout or card. Imagine, in what seems like the blink of an eye, losing everything except the clothes on your back.
Well, lets help them out! 
The deadline is June 22, that should give me enough time to sort and organize before getting it to Joplin to pass out to the local scrapbookers! 
Thanks ahead of time for anything you can do! 

Now on a lighter note, The Craft it Forward blog hop is all about creating a card for soldiers to say thank you for your service, patriotic thank you cards. Here is my take of this project:

I used my

(The full collection)
Have a great day! -Nikki  


  1. That just breaks my awesome that you are doing know I am on top of this and will get a box out to you next week....I also loveeeeee your card! I love how you use your pockets! :):):):):):):)

  2. Thanks Nikki for doing this - this will give these gals some sense of normalcy in a world that is probably so crazy for them right now! I packed a box last night full of paper and embellies & it will be mailed this morning! I've posted it on my fb wall & my blog. I know you'll get a great response!

  3. I read about the Supply Drive over on Julie Tucker-Wolek's blog {Hi Julie!!!} and will be putting together a LOAD of stuff together...I could not imagine not having crafty supplies...and would love to help some of those ladies out:)

    Your pocket card is absolutely fabulous:)

  4. found this on a friend's fb page...just moved and wondering what i was going to do with my sb supplies that just won't all fit in smaller house...thank you for doing this--sending you a couple of rather large boxes ;)

  5. i am posting it to my blog right now! I also am the moderator on facebook for our local store, and also for our scrapping group called the "bestbetties scrapbooking on fbook, so i will share away!!!! great idea!!! Thank you! xoxox

  6. You can count on me...we just suffered a fire a week ago and I know how I feel with this loss and it is nowhere near what all of these wonderful people have been through!!

    I will be sending you a box of supplies...I wish I could do more!!!

  7. Hi Nikki!
    This is such a thoutful thing to do!
    I am sure you will touch the lives and hearts of many who need it right now! I just got through posting about it on MY BLOG too. ;)

    True :D

  8. Such a wonderful thing to do, Nikki you totally rock!!! You are truely paying it forward! Love your card for the service member also.

  9. Nikki, I have a business where I make wedding paper products. I have stuff to send but also have bags of ribbon bits 2"-10" in size left from projects and if someone wants it a Revolution die cutter. Should I send those? I don't scrapbook so I don't know what use other than as embellishments. You are doing a wonderful thing. You can email me at and let me know.

  10. This is such an awesome thing you are doing Nikki! Thanks for being you!

  11. Hi Nikki,

    I found you through an awesome friend (Julie Tucker-Wolek) and I will be sending you a box, hopefully in the next week or so. Thank you for hosting this amazing event, and God Bless.


  12. What a wonderful thing you are doing, my heart breaks for their losses!! I am packing a box up today to get it sent to you - thanks for doing this! I'm a new follower!!

  13. Read about this on ~amy~s blog. I will send tons of supplies to help.
    Thanks for your efforts.

  14. I just found the link to this drive on the Jillibean Soup blog. It is a wonderful thing you are doing! I will be putting together a box to send out very soon and posting this to my blog. Thank you so much!

  15. After a devastating time in my life - I lost my ex to suicide and my dad 5 years to the day later. I had a repressed memory come out that left me wanting to die. In between all of that - we've been dealing with a not so natural disaster of an ex-wife named Hurricane Brandi who also went through and devastated our life. Scrapbook your way through it folks - it's the best thing you can do. Nikki - I have a bunch of stamps that I was going to sell - let me go through them and will send you what I can! Hugs and much love!
    Lynda Jeffs
    Memories in Tyme

  16. Nikki, I just finished packing up a large box of my supplies that I'll be dropping off at UPS this afternoon :)

  17. I just heard about this great drive you are doing for the women of Joplin! I can't believe it because it is perfect timing for me. I just moved and have been saying how I am going to go through all my supplies and purge some things. They are newer good items, I just have too much of! I have been wondering what to do with them, sell, giveaway on my blog, give to schools??? But now I know! I'll be sending lots of stuff your way! Thank you for the opportunity to get involved in a way I can!

  18. I read about this on Julie's blog a week ago and I have been gathering things to send to you. I will hopefully have the box in the mail in the next day or so. I think it is wonderful what you are doing. I always think to myself that I don't have enough crafty stuff to play with, it wasn't until I went through it all to see what I can give away that I realized that I have too much. I am so happy to be able to send it to those in need. :-)

  19. I just found out this evening about the wonderful drive you are doing...and I see that the deadline just recently passed. :( If I have a box put together already that can go out on Monday, would you still be willing to accept donations? If not, I totally understand and it still is an AWESOME thing you are doing! :)

  20. Hi AnnaMarie... thanks for the interest in the scrapbook drive for Joplin... I talked to Nikki earlier and she said she had to close the deadline on this, and at this time can't take anymore donations. Thanks for thinking of those in Joplin! :):):) Nikki also said that she got SO MANY items that it could fill a SEMI TRUCK!! So AWESOME!! Thanks to all that donated! :):):):):)
