
Monday, June 27, 2011

It's the Helmar & Nikki Sivils Blog Swap!

As most of you all know I'm a HUGE fan of Helmar USA Adhesive! 
I use it all the time and Tracy the owner also donates all the adhesive for my CHA make-n-take table! 
Helmar is also the adhesive of choice for my design team girls too! This week you'll see some great projects using Helmar and Nikki Sivils products together! 
I'm going to start off the blog swap with my own little layout using one of my new paper collections...

This paper collection will debut at CHA next month! 
(So this is kind of a sneak peek too!) 

On this layout I used Helmar's 
their Quick Fix Tape Runner! 

This layout is called:

"Warning: a Monster lives in there!"

My big boy, Nico, HATES and I mean hates the bath tub!
It doesn't matter if there are bubbles or no bubbles, it's still highly disturbing to him!
He'll body block me to try and keep me from getting in the tub but then once I'm in its a disaster,
he'll cry and bark so loud that Dan will have to come in and get him! I keep trying
hoping that one day the bath will be okay.  
My favorite Helmar product is their 
Scrap Dots! 
These are so fun to play with, this is a must have!
It's wet dimensional adhesive! 
It's crazy fun!   
I used it on the "A" and the word "Monster", you can squeeze out as much or as
little as you want to get the height you want!  

You can find Helmar's blog here!
So go visit their blog to win a prize at the end of the week!
Go "like" their Facebook page and my Facebook page to win even more goodies! 

 Helmar has LIVE UStream classes weekly on their blog too!

I'll be offering some goodies at the end of the week too!
Leave a comment on Friday's blog post to win....

Don't forget to stop by Helmar's blog!
Have a great Monday! -Nikki

Okay, so I can't stand it...
 here is the complete collection of... 


  1. Awwwwwwww poor Nico!!! He is trying to protect his Mommy from that mean Monster in there! LOL! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee that lo!!!! AWESOME!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. oh i just love lil monster--way tooo cute! great layout!

  3. Love this layout with that super cute paper!! What a funny story about Nico and baths! Totally loving that new line :):)

  4. aww.. cute Lo. My granddaughter when she was 1 was like this too! LOVE the paper pack!! curious about the glue - sounds like I need this! can't wait to see more. been to their blog and FB and signed up

  5. I love your new line and the story is great on your layout. I also love to use helmar when I do my layouts.

  6. Beautiful layout Nikki! I also love helmar!

  7. Great Sneak pieaks for sure... How fun....

  8. Another adorable line! Almost as cute as Nico and you know I love him!!!

  9. Woohooo 2 of my favorite companies together again. Love your paper lines and Helmar's adheasives. LIKE you both already on FB and blogs. Nico sounds like my dog Ashur he used to bark and sit between my feet when I was using the blowdryer. Fortunately for me he has outgrown that. Your LO is lovely

  10. Love your paper lines and Helmar's!

  11. I just love your papers. Can't wait to be able to get them !!!!

  12. ROFL! That silly dog.... it brings you pretty photo's though! Love your new collections

  13. What a precious LO!!
    Hope he will enjoy having his baths one day!!
    Love the new collection!!

  14. Lovely new collections and Helmar's glue nis my fave- as far as I get it from my DT-s, we can't buy it here..

  15. Nico, the bathtub is a MONSTER!!! cute!!! hugs, Katrina

  16. Great layout! Love the story behind it. Too cute! TFS

  17. wow! love all of this stuff!!
