
Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day a day late!

 I took 2 days off work this weekend and tried to get my home in some kind of order, which I did but boy that's a ton of work too!  It was also my sweet husbands birthday Saturday, then 2 Father's day events! We had a great weekend, but I'm a day late with my Father's day post! 
Better late than never right?!
I have some fun Father's Day cards for you....
This first card is by Lea Alberts
Lea used the Beatrice paper collection.
The next three are by Julie Tucker-Wolek, and Julie used the 
It's Raining, It's Pouring paper collection on the first two cards.

This one is my favortie that Julie made, Julie used the 
Max & Mollie paper collection for this card! 

Thanks Lea and Julie for your fun Father's day cards!

Since its Monday you probably need another sneak peek of one of 
my new CHA Release... 
Here is the badge for "You're a Hoot"!
(Remember put any of the 3 new badges that I've shown so far on your blog or FB and you could win the new collection before CHA!)  
You all are gonna LOVE "You're a Hoot"
Here is the cover for the collection kit so you can get a peek of all the papers in the collection! 
I even have a sweet girl owl that has a flower pot on her head for a hat, why you ask...
because she's a real HOOT!

Hope you all have a great Monday! -Nikki


  1. Now THAT is one ca-UTE sneak!!! LOVE the owls. :) And the colors are awesome, too.

  2. Loveeeeeeeeeee Lea's card and LOVING the sneak!! Soooooooooo CUTE! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. This is fantastic!!! I totally adore that sheet of all the little cute owls and the colors here are rock star!!!

    Thanks for the peek and can't wait to see this in real life! I've updated my badge on my blog!

    So glad you took a few days for family, we get so busy sometimes its easy to forget.

  4. Great projects & I love this new owl line!!

  5. Cute cards and loving that sneak!

  6. awesome cards, girls!!!!
    It's gonna be a "hoot" playin' with the new lines, Nikki.

  7. The new line is hooteriffic!!! LOVE it! The projects are fantastic too!!!

  8. wow so much on the blog today. love all the cards-very cute.

    oh my the sneak peak is AWESOME! i love it.

    i already changed my badge on my blog!

  9. OWL always ♥ designing with Nikki Sivils' products! :-)

  10. I'm in love with the owls.......
    Your cards are great Julie!!
    X Lea

  11. Love the new paper, the owls are adorable.

  12. Amazing cards! Especially Julie's last one! SO cute!
    Loving the sneak! Those owls are adorable :)
    TFS! hugs, margie

  13. This is really way too cute! Great colors too!

  14. Love this collection. I put the "you're a hoot" badge on my FB page. It would be awesome to win. Thanks for the chance.

  15. OMGoodness!!!! What an adorable line!!! love the colors as well as the little owls!!!

  16. WOOHOO!!! Fabulous projects today. I am totally loving the sneak of this line!!!! I wish July would get here already :)

  17. Such a cute collection! Your badge is on my sidebar!

