
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day four of the Helmar & Nikki Sivils Blog Swap!

 WELCOME to day four of the Helmar/Nikki Sivils Blog Swap! :)

As most of you all know, here at Nikki Sivils, we are HUGE fans of Helmar USA Adhesive! 
Tracy the owner also donates all the adhesive for Nikki's CHA make-n-take table! 
Helmar is also the adhesive of choice for Nikki's design team girls too! This week you'll see some great projects using Helmar and Nikki Sivils products together! 

Today I am sharing a layout I made using Nikki's Summer collection and Helmar products! :)

Here is my layout :)

 On this layout, I used Helmar's Liquid Scrap Dots! I just love this product! SO AWESOME! You put on as much as you want to make it as high as you want! :)

You can find Helmar's blog here!
So go visit their blog to win a prize at the end of the week!
Go "like" their Facebook page and Nikki's Facebook page to win even more goodies! 

 Helmar has LIVE UStream classes weekly on their blog too!

Nikki will be offering some goodies at the end of the week too!
Leave a comment on Friday's blog post to win....

And did you see Nikki gave a sneak of one of her new lines debuting next month at CHA?!?!?!? "My Lil' Monster!" and "School is Cool!"  :)

And don't forget... add a Nikki Sivils NEW Summer 2011 badge to your blog's sidebar, and you could win these collections before you can buy them! :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)
~~Julie~~ :)


  1. Great layout Julie!!!! I've posted one of Nikki's new badges to my sidebar.

  2. Love your Little Monster Collection! I'm a new follower. I posted your badge on my sidebar.


  3. Just totally cute! Lovely colors and great photo too! And I am a big Helmar fan!

  4. Love that liquid adhesive. Can I get it in Springfield mo.

  5. Hi there :)

    I went to Helmar's website ( and it shows that they are sold in AC Moore, JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby's :)

    Hope this helps :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. What a cute layout and photo!

  7. Beautiful layout! The liquid scrap dots are one of my absolute fave Helmar products! :-D I can't craft w/o my scrap dots and 450. :-) Love the dimension you achieved with it.

  8. Awww...what a super adorable layout! Love all the dimension on it!..:)

  9. Such a fabulous layout Julie!!! I totally love that picture and LOVE how the elements are popped up on the side :):)
