
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Creative Space, a coupon code, a giveaway and a bit more...

Hi everyone... well I've been held up for days, no weeks designing my new Fall/Winter 2011 paper collections and I'm happy to say that I'M ALL DONE! They are designed and off to press! I've worked so hard on them pretty much 24/7 that I don't know know what to do with myself... its like I have nothing to do compared to a week ago when I couldn't see straight. I'm always stressed over the finals and at the last minute pull a full collection and redesign another in about 24 hours! I realize now that's my ritual... that's what I do, that's how the process works for me. But I'M DONE!!!

Okay on to more fun stuff, my craft studio and office have made the pages of Creating Keepsakes 1st edition of Creative Spaces! I was so happy when Megan Hoeppner contacted me last fall for pictures of my creative space, it has always been one of my favorite columns in the Creating Keepsakes Magazine! 
Here is the magazine cover and link to buy the Creative Spaces Special Issue:
Megan has offered a sneak peak if you'd like to check it out while you are waiting for your copy.
Also Megan has given me a coupon code for you: SPACESBB It’s good for free shipping in the US, but expires 5/27/11 so go grab your issue for free shipping! 

I've also included a couple of peaks of my crafty/office area:
Of course my pups are at work with me everyday, here are 2 of them, Bella Blue the Yorkie and Nico! 
In this picture I'm at my old farm table that I've converted into my desk. I love it, it's 12 feet long! 
And this picture is what I call my "Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker" loft, this is where I create my samples for shows, classes and to  just play! But the white french doors go into my main office and craft studio that's shown in the magazine. 
I'm so excited because I get to give away one copy of the magazine (Thanks CK & Megan) and I'm going to give away my "We Are Family" paper line because you can see that when these pictures were taken I had a set of the proofs on the floor in front of Bella before they went to press last fall. 
Here is my
Paper Collection:
Leave me a comment on this post about your space, whether its your kitchen table, a closet or your very own room, tell me what you love about it and I'll pick one winner on Friday to win both a copy of Creative Spaces and my We Are Family paper line! 
Good luck and have a great day! -Nikki

This contest is now closed, thanks to all that entered. 


  1. I have converted our formal living room into my scrapbook studio. This past Christmas I received a great desk for my studio. One day it will be just like I want it.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  2. CONGRATS on being featured! That is AWESOME!! Loveeeeeeee the photos!! Your space is AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a nice scrap studio you seem to have there! Well, i guess the best designers deserve the best rooms! :) As for me, well, i don't have much of a scraproom yet, since my fiance and i live in a 2 bedroom apt and we share the 2nd bedroom (the storage of all my scrap supplies and his computer desk and music area). I usually end up scrapbooking on the living room table and end up with severe neck aches from not being well-positioned. Also, i keep organizing and reorganizing my stuff because of lack of storage space. HOWEVER, we're in the process of looking for a house and one requirement on our list is a HUGE room for me to scrap in! :)

  4. I have my very own scrapbooking room in our basement, and my favorite thing about it is it's MINE -- I have a glass door going into it, that my children can look through and see me but they aren't suppose to come in without me being there..

  5. What a great space you have!! and congrats on being featured!!! (would love to see more of your space!).
    I've been scrapping for about 8 years and since last year I have my own corner in the living room, with Ikea cupboards and a desk. The years before I sat at the dining room table and had to move my stuff all the time. I'm so happy with my own little corner! I can leave my stuff on my desk and play the whole day or just 5 minutes if I wish!!

  6. Beautiful scrap space!!! I could totally live in there!!! Can I? lol.....thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  7. My mean my spaces...and my hubby would laugh. I have a storage room in the basement, I have a pantry closet filled with supplies and the kitchen table is all mine. I love that I can scrap and still be close to my family and part of the action.

  8. Oh Nikki your loft is great! I can't wait to see the rest. I craft at the kitchen table, someday I hope to have a room of my own but right now I love being in the middle of everything. lol

  9. I love your loft and can't wait to see the rest. I craft at the kitchen table and hope to someday have my own room, but I do love being in the middle of everything. :)

  10. My space is a mish mosh of tables and shelves. It's a mess and doubles as the guest room/catch all room but I have great light from the window during the day and a fantastic lamp to light my way at night! The best part is the door…that can be shut and locked to keep out the distractions (aka: children and husband!) Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. My space is in the garage. My son bulit it for me with a lot of care. I love that and how he thought of me. I also love all the cupboards that house my supplies. The dogs love to come in there and sit and watch me.

  12. wohoo!! I can't wait to see the new lines!! Huge Congrats on being featured!!! Your space looks so warm and inviting! I have my own room for scrapping but it is quite small and I am starting to feel a bit cramped. My son just moved into his own apartment so I plan to take over his old room soon! It is quite a bit larger and has ALOT more light! Not only am I looking forward to more space and light, but it is another opportunity to paint and decorate!! :) Thanks for the change to win!

  13. Congrats to you for being featured! I am lucky to have a Scrap room and it is quite organized, with some custom built items and repurposed items. It is just usually a little untidy ;)

  14. My space is a 6 ft lifetime table in my unfinished basement. When we finally finish the basement the first room to go in will be a craft room for me.

  15. Nikki.....I love the look of your loft. That would be so awesome and that's my ideal scrap space. Congrats on being featured. Right now I have a portable table and a closet. They seem to work but I would be awesome to have my own space. However, DH told me he is not moving again so I think I'll be stuck with a closet and a table. Unless by chance we'd win the lottery. LOL Thanks for the chance.

  16. My space is supposed to be our dining room but, I have taken it over! I love it because it's right there and I can play anytime.

  17. congrats!!! How fun! My crafting area is in a hallway:)

  18. Love the space it is amazing. My craft area is in my dining room. My husband made me an 8 ft table(love it, and him) and I also use the dining room table when I need extra room. I love my space because it is still a part of the main living area and I can keep an eye on my kids and create at the same time.Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!
    Jen H

  19. OMG, you have such a wonderful space! My scrapbook place is just my dinning room table! (We usually eat at the kitchen, so this table is always free) LOL!! But anyway it is my little paradise when I´m scrapping! Thanks for this giveaway!!

  20. congrats on your room being featured! your loft is fabulous, just like your line! can't wait to pick up a copy of the magazine! I took over my daughters room when she went to college, so it will always have a bed in it!

  21. Congrats on your publication of your craft room! I have a small room in our home in which I craft. It is small but cozy!

  22. What an awesome space!! Unfortunately I'm not so lucky (yet!). I currently have converted one of the closets in my spare bedroom (grown step-daughters old room) into my crafting/storage space. I'm almost to the point of stealing the second closet! One day my husband may let me convert the whole room!! I can dream!!

  23. Congratulations! I luv the peeks into your space. My scrap room is tiny. It was a bedroom till my daughter moved out. Unfortunately one of the computers is in this room so the kids are always in there so I end up scrapping in the livingrooom but at least I have a place to store everything!

  24. Congratulations! That is awesome. Your "babies" are so cute and I bet they get along well even though there is such a big difference in size. I wish my craft room looked like yours :)

  25. love your space! the thing I love most about my space is that I can get messy - nothing in my space is 'nice and new' so I have no qualms about making a mess

  26. lovely space you got there! mine is a little bit smaller ;) but It´s by the window so i like the daylight...

  27. Congrats on being featured in this amazing magazine! I can't believe you blog candy! I'm so excited! Well, about my room. It started off as an office with a converted closet with my scraps. Then it has slowly swallowed the rest of the room. My husband says he won't get his computer out because he claims that He will never see me if he does! Too Cute!

  28. Congratulations on the feature. Great studio! My space is actually in a hallway (oversized) in our country home. Enough room for a desk on one side and drawer on the other with enough room to squeeze through if need be(LOL).

  29. my room is 9 blocks from my house. It's large enough but I've got too much stuff and not the fixtures.

  30. Wow! I LOVE your space, Nikki! It's so neat and tidy! I have a lil' scrapbook room that's about 6 x 7 maybe. It's very small, but I have a counter along 2 of the 4 walls and then I have cabinets that are PACKED full of scrappy stuff. :) I love it though. It's perfect for me.

  31. i have the weirdest 2 places for my scrap space. i have my supplies in my closet and some in my van.....
    i have to lug everything out and put back the stuff.
    maybe if i can get this mag in my hands, i would get some helpful hints and ideas from this magazine

    lynda in calif

  32. so timely...I just re-did my room AGAIN! I'd been wanting one of those shelving units from Ikea. Last week I went into our office to help DH with some stuff, and one of the tennants was moving and selling stuff. WOAH, the big shelving thing, that costs like $230 at Ikea, she was selling for $100. Gave hubby the doe eyes, and it was mine :) AND the girl found some of the baskets that fit in the cubbies later and brought them over to me!!!! Finished organizing yesterday and I LOVE IT! Going to get my scrap on today in my escape room :)

  33. Right now I have a small house with no extra room for scraping so my scrap room is the living room which i have to move all the time !!!!

  34. I love seeing other peoples crafting space, it gave me lots of ideas when I was trying to organize mine. My crafting space is a corner in our family/guest room. It was driving me crazy last year because it was a big mess and things were stored in bags so I could "put it away" when needed. Then one day we found a desk by our neighbor's curb that would serve my purpose (and was free!). My husband refinished it and fixed the broken drawer. Now things are a lot more organized and I can find all my papers and embellishments easily!

    If anyone wants to take a peek, I've posted pictures here:

  35. Congrats on being in the magazine! My craft space is a desk in my bedroom, and half my closet! I love it because it's MY space. With 4 kids, and a small house there issn't a lot of personal space!

  36. I love your crafting spaces!
    I'm lucky enough to have a spare bedroom as my craft room. It has a very small closet but the closet is all shelves so that helps. I have my computer table at one side with an open area that allows me to see into the great room of the house & my craft table sits in front of a window that faces out to the front of the house so that I can be inspired by nature as I craft. I like that i have my own spce yet I don't feel "cut off" from the rest of the house.

  37. My "creative space" is in our full, unfinished basement. No one comes down and bothers me there (usually). And since it's in the basement, I don't have to worry about keeping stuff cleaned up and put away! I guess honestly that's sometimes a bad thing.....

  38. I love that my scrap area is in an area that I walk through very frequently so I can leave projects out and look at them all the time!! Sometimes I get stuck and can't decide what to do next and other times I just love the LO so much that I enjoy looking at it!

  39. oh wow great pics of your space!!! I'm sooo jealous...
    well my space was supposed to be the home office but turned into my scrap area... It's in the basement, which is finished, but pretty cold in the winter. I LOVE LOVE the ocean color blue on the walls, it makes me sooo happy.. but if I could start over and reorganize I would, but I'd keep the paint forsure!!!

  40. I took over the dining room and turned it into my craft area. IKEA is my friend...I used their office and storage pieces in my space for better organization. Fab giveaway. Love your craft space. :)

  41. I have half of a bedroom dedicated to crafty goodness, however it could easily consume the entire room, but hubs won't allow it! :)
    Thank you for the chance to win this awesome pub; I love drooling over awesome scraprooms! Yours is so droolworthy!!!

  42. What a cool opportunity - that looks like a wonderful issues. I can just see those little guys sitting there waiting for your to done!

  43. Congrats on being featured!! I have a room in our basement that is bright and cheery that I use for my scraproom. Thanks for the giveaway, would LOVE to win!!

  44. Love your space! I have a home office/scrapbook room. It's a like difficult to keep the two areas separated :)

  45. love your space! I have a home office/scrapbook area. It can be a little difficult to keep them separated :)

  46. My current space is one of our spare rooms upstairs, however we recently got new bedroom furniture, so we have moved the old stuff to my 'craproom' (as my husband lovingly refers to it) so I am trying to figure out how to store all my supplies within the bedroom furniture. I love that I have a long 6ft table that I can spread stuff out on, and just create.

  47. Love your space! I made the family/t.v. room my scrapbooking room. My kids usually leave the room while I'm there because I change the t.v. channel from Disney to something else hahaha. Love it because I can scrapbook alone and I get to mess around without having to fix it up immediately!

  48. Amazing space, Nikki!! Wow!! What a wonderful crafting haven you have!

    Thanks to my understanding parents, I have a room for my crafting - a small room for all my crafting sessions.

    Like you, I've experienced being up 18 to 24 hours scrapping straight for recent online crops, the National Scrapbooking Day and bloghops. And my space served as my recluse for crafting: silent and trouble free. I just don't know if i could keep up the habit just like you do. =)

    Here's my creative space link:

  49. I love that you have a loft, your space is so great!! I can see why it was featured, congratulations :)

    dilsaverdesigns at yahoo dot com

  50. For now I am in a corner of my bedroom, and half of my closet LOL. we are in the process of turning a small bedroom into my craft space. We just put up great lighting over the desk and other work spaces. THis was a priority for me and I am so excited to get it painted and refloored so I can move in. I also have an old post office desk that is huge DH brought home for me I love it COngrats on being featured,now we all see were you get to design all those great lines for us.

  51. right now I am "sharing" my space with my husband's office, and it is my 14 month old's room as well. Needless to say, there are plans to move the office/scrapbook room soon (before he gets a toddler bed!) I am glad I have a space for my stuff, but I think it will be much better once we have moved everything to the basement. I think I need this magazine for some inspiration!

  52. I thought I left a comment, but here it is again! I need to get organized, and maybe winning the magazine would give me some inspiration/ideas! I also love your paper! So, thanks for a chance to win!

  53. Oh to have my very own room. Right now we live in a small house and I had to decided between a guest room or a craft space. My in-laws come frequently (which I love) and I opted for guest room. That means I have my sewing stuff in my closet and my paper stuff in the dining room. It isn't ideal, but I love how it's helped me to be more mobile with it. Usually I scrapbook at the dining room table, but the way I have things set up I can go to the living room and use the coffee table or put my board on the stove (not the best place, I know...but sometimes there isn't anywhere else) and craft there. I love the mobility of it!

  54. Congrats on the magazine feature!

    I just bought an old house (circa 1920), which has amazing character, including a fully finished 3rd floor. I've converted the 3rd floor to my crafting area, where I put my project table for scrapbooking and completing some of my counted cross stitch pieces. It's a cozy place to be :)

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  55. Congrats on being featured!!! Would love to win both the magazine & the paper, thanks for a chance to win!!!
    I feel very fortunate to have my own craft room, even though it's small, it's my space (& Gilby's). Have lots of bright colors with all the furniture being white. It's much different than the rest of the house, it's just a fun room! See I need to get some curtains like yours though..they are soo cute!
    Puppy Hugs,
    Wendy, aka Roo

  56. I move a lot and the last thing to be packed and first unpacked is my craft stuff. I have to have at least a two-bedroom home - one just for my crafting. The bigger the room, the more stuff I accumulate!

  57. congratulations. that is awesome. i love seeing ppls spaces. i always come away w at least one idea. i have a scrapbook room and i love having it. i just can't seem to find enough time to get it organized. that is what i dislike about it, but that is my goal now. i recently moved and it is a big job to set it all up! working away. can't wait to see urs... love seeing ur puppies too!

  58. I am anxiously awaiting for my ordered copy to arrive. Can't wait to see your space!

  59. Oh I love your space! And you have fabulous paper racks, looks like a store. You are a lucky girl! My space, um, all my stuff is in boxes under the bed, I have to pull everything out to find what I need when I craft. I usually wind up crafting on the floor in my room with my 2 Doxies stomping on or laying on my projects, lol.

  60. My craft space leavea a lot to be desired but I craft at my desk in my family room. Now, if I could just get off the computer long enough to organize my area :) I love looking at everyone's else craft rooms to get ideas.

    pruttybird at comcast dot net

  61. Great space! My scraproom is a computer desk in the front room with all my stuff in a closet down the hall.

  62. WTG on the magazine feature. I now have a craft room since my daughter moved to her own place. It has a great window but is small and I haven't yet got all the storage and organization furniture that I need. but it is way better than the desk in my bedroom that was my scrap area. Love the puppies and the vacation photos.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  63. I love your loft! My scrapbook is shared with my son's playroom aka toy storage. In it I have a lovely desk my husband bought me for Christmas but I still find myself scrapbooking on the floor because my desk is covered with supplies. I really need some organization going on in there.

  64. My scrap space is in total chaos right now! I have a gift wedding album project on my table that I'm currently working on, and everything else is packed up in boxes so I can sort through it and purge/reorganize!

  65. My space is a small and extremly messy craft room. I clean a table just to have some space to scrap, but I love this mess- I think it makes me more creative.

  66. Monique Ouellette, AB CanadaMay 14, 2011 at 12:03 PM

    My creative space is in the basement. It is a bit crowded and cold. However, what I love about my scrapping room is the inviting butter-yellow color of my walls, and the electric fireplace I use in there to keep my toesies warm while creating!

  67. My space is an office/craft room that has recently been painted. . . so right now it is a mess and I can shut the door when I walk out!

  68. My space is actually a small bedroom on the second floor. It's crowded and needs to be sorted through and reorganized, but I like it because it is MY mess and MY room!
    Bev Gardner

  69. I had great room tell I moved:(so now my space is my lss!

  70. my craft space is my dining room table right now and I like it because it's on the main floor of my home in a central area. I am working on an upstairs room to be my new one.

  71. My bedroom is my craft room, I love it. Everything is in arms reach! :D

  72. I have a small spare bedroom as my scrapbooking room. My husband recently found some great file cabinets an attorney was going to toss when he was remondeling and I have been able to revamp the room a bit and use those. Its still needs some work, but its my room!

  73. My Scrapbook room started out as the bonus room above the garage. In fact, we built our house around my "room with a view". It was quickly overtaken by my little girl's excess stuffed animals and storage. Then my older daughter moved out so I moved it into her room. That was short-lived as she moved back home. Now I have a "Scraploft" which works out perfectly because my loft overlooks the living room allowing me to still be in sight of the family. Sometimes I think I enjoy re-arranging my stuff as much as actually scrapbooking. :)

  74. I have a converted bedroom for my craft space. I love having it all behind closed doors because it is a constant state of re-organization! I just have not found what works for me yet! maybe this issue will help me with that ;)

  75. Hi Nikki, Love your products. This is a great giveaway. I have a dedicated craft room, however, I prefer working at our kitchen island as it has much better lighting. I move my things that I am working on out there and move them back at night so I can cook. My Expression is out there, too, plugged into the laptop so I can easily cut my svg files. TFS and the chance to win. I am a follower. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  76. Looks like you have an awesome space. And your doggie helpers are just too cute!I love that my space is sort of a real room now not just my cube desk. When I got sick and closed my daycare, my hubby moved the tv room back into the converted garage (was the daycare room), and I got the living room for my scraproom. I still have the cube desk, the computer is on it and I still use the cubes for storage of some of my scrappy stuff. The only thing I don't love sometimes is that when you come in the front door you are in my scraproom and it is open to the rest of the house, but for the most part I love it.

  77. I love seeing others Scrap places and will definitely be getting this magazine issue. Congrats on being featured.

    I have a great space but it needs updated, been the same for a couple of years. Going to have to work on redoing and change a few things.

  78. I'm lucky to share an office with my hubby so one half is his business and the other half is my scrap space. So my fav thing about is we can do our own thing and still spend time together :) Thanks for the chance to win! Loved the layouts.

  79. Thx for the coupon & the peeks. My space is wonderful. It's a portion of our finished basement & I have room for a friend. It has changed over the last 15 years & I'm quite happy with it now!

  80. I love your loft! When my daughter moved out I converted her bedroom into my scrap room. I have been in the process of trying to redo it for a while now and added a couple of clip-it-ups to help organize. I love spending time in this room.

  81. Beautiful space! I share my SBing space with my office space (I work from home) and I'll be glad when I retire the end of this year and can get rid of all the non-scrappy stuff!! I need more room! LOL, don't we all!

  82. My bedroom has one wall that is my scrapbooking space along with a table. However I also added tables to my living room for my scrapbook club girls!

    sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com

  83. I love what I can already see of where you create! Would love to get this issue to see more!
    My space is in our basement... I'm planning on re-painting and doing an over-haul really soon!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  84. I love your space. I live in an apartment. I have an old wooden teachers desk in my bedroom, white cabinets in half of my long closet, two sets of nine cubes filled with the white photo boxes from Micahels stacked in my bedroom but the majority of my scrap things are in jetmax cubes in my laundry closet. I decided I could use the laundry room downstairs so I could fill the closet with the cubes.

  85. Wow, what a huge table and I love all those paper organizers too! Awesome space!

    I have a dedicated scrap room, but I really need to customize my closet. I love my Ikea Alex cart and my Floor Model Clip It Up and my Mini Clip It Up too!!!
