
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Winner for the National No Housework Day Blog Hop! :)

Hi everyone!

That was so fun reading all of your LEAST fave chores! I see that I was pretty much alone in hating the laundry! lol! The most popular amongst everyone was cleaning the bathrooms! lol! I loved reading all of your entries! :)

Thanks to everyone that hopped along with us and became new followers! It was fun reading all the comments! :)

Without further ado, our winner for the Beatrice collection is The Polka Cabana who said this:

polkacabana said...
New follower, I do not think I can choose ONE chore! I hate them all :( When you have 7 kids...chores are never ending! You clean the bathroom, make it shine, 10 min later it looks like the 6yo just emptied all the BRAND NEW toothpaste and Shampoo, conditioner and handsoap down the drain, with his 4 yo sister guilty by association...and it looks like that, because THEY DID JUST REALLY DO THAT!!
There you have it, a peek into why I loathe house cleaning! 

OMYGOSH! Now, I had to giggle when I read this, but I can't even imagine the look on Mom's face when she walked in on this! :)  Congrats "The Polka Cabana!" Please email Julie Tucker-Wolek at with your address to claim your prize! :)

Thanks again everyone for joining in on the National No Housework Day blog hop! I think we all need more holidays like this! :)

Have a great week!


  1. Yea! Congratulations Jeannie! Love it that a fellow Fiskateer is the winner!

  2. cleaning my bathroom will never be the same ;)
    Congratulations -- you'll love your prize!!!!!

  3. SOME moms are so on top of it they get their camera's out to take pics of things like this! NOT ME! I still don't laugh about things like this, because I am spending so much money on new tubes of toothpaste and shampoo etc! Thanks so much! I am so excited to be a winner...maybe I will scrap some of their mayhem with my prize:) Too bad I did not take pics of the 6 yo NUTELLA incident, but that is another story!

  4. WOW!!! I can sooooo relate to that! LOL..Kids are's the word????......EXHAUSTING!!! lol.
    Congratulations polkacabana!!!!!
