
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Please Welcome Our April Guest Designer Misty Willis!

Here is what Misty had to say:

Hi!!! I am Misty Willis, a Stay At Home Mommy of 5 kids. I was sooooo honored and thrilled to be chosen as a guest for Nikki Sivils! I adore her paper lines, as I am sure all of you do! I have been doing crafts all my life...crochet, cross stitch, and much more...But with the birth of my first son in 1997, my craftiness changed direction. I was no longer just doing something to stay busy, I had purpose. I had a REASON to scrapbook...and I loved it. With 3 boys and 2 girls, the Kodak moments in my home are abundant...and the layout possibilities are ENDLESS! I scrapbook not only the "Big" moments in life, but the seemingly unimportant ones, also. I think every moment is precious, and every memory is a priceless treasure. I have been scrapping for 13 years, but seriously for only the last year and a half...when I became OBSESSED! lol. Obsessed with preserving my memories and documenting my love for my family that is! They are so very, very important.When I am gone from this world, I am confident that my children, husband, and family will KNOW that my love for them was real.

Ok, you guys are going to be amazed at the work Misty did for us, considering she has been down with the flu.  I know when I have the flu or just feel bad in general, there is no way I can be this creative.  Misty definitely out did herself.  You can see more of Misty's work at her blog

In the above layout, Misty used We Are Family.  I adore the added stitching she did to the Harlequin paper.  Plus all that punched paper is fabulous!

Holy cow!  Look at this precious banner Misty made using Summer.  There is nothing about this that doesn't scream "a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e". 

How about these cute little cupcakes?  Then how about topping it off with that sweet card?  Oh yeah, I'm ready to party!  Misty used Summer again to make these fantastic projects.

Isn't this display great?  I definitely want to be invited to "this" party!

Here is one Misty did for our current challenge "Are You Feeling Lucky?"Look at all that stitching and fussy cutting!  This is so darling!

Seriously?  Didn't Misty do an awesome job (especially with the flu!)?  Misty, we are so honored that you were Nikki's guest designer this month!  You did us proud.

Thanks everyone for stopping by!
Happy Crafting,
Susan Dupre


  1. Welcome Misty! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee all your creations! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Adorable creations!!! Congrats!!

  3. Amazing work- love them all!
    What a wonderful guest to have
    blessings, Dawn ll

  4. Congratulations Misty on your Guest Dt here!! Your creations are all gorgeous!! I love banners.. and just adore yours and your cupcakes... so perfect!!
    Lou xx

  5. Goodness! These projects are FABulous and SO full of inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing with us Misty!

  6. FABULOUS work, my friend!!! Everything is just beautiful!! Congrats on your GDT.

  7. You did such fantastic work, Misty! I want to go to that party :)

  8. All of these are just amazing! thank you misty for sharing.

  9. Congrats Misty!!! Your creations rock :)

  10. Welcome Misty what a great set of layouts, banners and cards. Loved all the projects.
    debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

  11. Monique Ouellette, AB CanadaApril 17, 2011 at 1:22 AM

    Holy Cow! Misty does GORGEOUS work!

  12. I came here from K Andrew's for the Beatrice Collection. Your projects are beautiful.

  13. Love them all, especially the banner! TFS.

  14. Misty-this is awesome stuff here!! That banner is insanely cute... I'm gonna need that for a party! Love it! Thanks for being our GDT this month! And sorry for the later comment... I've need held up designing my winter collections! Thanks again!
