
Monday, April 25, 2011

Our winner for the Friday giveaway! :)

Hi everyone! Julie TW filling in for Nikki this morning to announce the winner of her giveaway from Friday!!! 

Congrats TeacherMom!!!! :)  

 TeacherMom said this...

    "Wowzers!!! What a generous giveaway. Love Nikki Sivils papers but the It's Raining, It's Pouring collection is really so very cute!!! Gotta have it!!! And Carolyn Wolff's layout it sooooo sweet (no bias here, even though I know her and she works down the street from me!!). Wouldn't it be great if I could tell her I won??!!!! hee hee Thanks for the chance!!!!"

Please email me at and I will get you address to Nikki to have your AMAZING prizes shipped out to you! :)

Before I leave today, I wanted to leave you with a card I made recently, using the It's Raining, It's Pouring line that TeacherMom just WON! :)

Thanks for stopping by... we really appreciate it! :)
~~Julie TW~~ :)


  1. Congrats, Teachermom!!!

    super cute card!!

  2. Congrats Teachermom!! I love your card Julie, it's so cute :)

  3. Congrats Teachermom! And super cute card! I call and sing that to my girlfriend's answering machines to make them feel better. It's horribly embarrassing, but they love it!

  4. Congrats how fun.. I was able to play with this line...

  5. These are all such fun creations. Love the kids' projects.
