
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Are You Foolin Me? April Challenge

Hey everyone!!  Hope everyone has enjoyed their April.  First things first, let me announce our winner from last month's Are You Feelin Lucky? challenge.  Our winner is Karen aka Soccerboyzmom.  You can check out her blog HERE.  I chose this layout, well because it is about "her" lucky dog!  Seeing that I did a layout last month of my darling lucky dog, I felt I would just keep it going.  Karen's doggy is a sweetie.  Here is her layout:

Karen used Sugar Cookie for her adorable layout above.  Karen, please email me at with your full name, address and your choice of a paper collection.

Our April challenge this month is "Are You Foolin Me?".  Since April Fool's Day rolls around every April 1st, I thought it would be cute to do layouts or cards about funny things.  This is what the girls came up with this month:

The layout above and below are both by Deana Boston.  Hee,hee I especiallly like that photo above!  Deana used the Summer Collection on the above layout and the Beatrice Collection on her layout below.

The photo on Jill Hildebrand's layout below.  Obviously that is a "bad dog"getting on her new outdoor furniture (and no doubt slobbering on it - that is what St. Bernard's do right?).  However, what I think is so funny it her cat sleeping on top of the dog.  Umm...this for sure would not happen in my household.  Jill also used the Summer Collection for her layout.

Wow, I seriously love this layout below by Ria Mojica.  The details are just fabulous!  Ria also used the Beatrice Collection for her layout.

Here a layout by Leah Farquharson.  Looks like someone was caught in one of those surprise moments.  Leah used the Summer Collection for this cute layout.

The next one is from Julie Tucker-Wolek and she chose to document the funny things her daughter says! I just love her layout and Julie used the Summer collection for her layout! 

I hope you enjoyed everyone's work.  If you would like to play along for your chance to win some of Nikki's adorable papers, please link your work to this thread. You have until May 28th to link your project!
Also, be sure to check back tomorrow!  I will be announcing a big contest, but that is all I am going to tell you for now.  You will just have to come back to see what it is all about.

Until then!
Happy Crafting,
Susan Dupre


  1. This is a fun challenge, love what the dt made!!!

  2. Wohoo!!!!! Congrats, Karen!!!!!

    What a fun new challenge!!!

  3. Loveeeeeeeeeee what everyone created!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Thank you and I am so excited and now to think what line I would like. I know you just made my day.

  5. Whoohooo...HUGE congrats to my friend Karen! What a sweet layout with her lucky dog!

  6. OOOOH! I am anxious to see what the contest will be!
    Congrats Karen! What an adorable puppy dog you have there, too!

  7. Oh blingy aka karen congrats great pic of brandi she is a lucky dog she is in perfect hands in that house ...
    Great fun challenge will have to see what the monty brings

  8. Those are all darling! So many talented and creative layouts! They all look amazing!

  9. Great challenge ladies! So fun to see everyone's take! Congrats and love that pup!
