
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome Our Guest Designer Kerryn Lawson!

Help us give a huge welcome to Kerryn Lawson, our guest designer for March.  You can check out more of her amazing work at her blog AsterixLawsonWe are really excited about sharing Kerryn's work with you this month.  We love her sweet feminine style.  I think you will as well!  Let's see what Kerry has to say:

Hi, my name is Kerryn Lawson. I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Nikki’s fabulous products this month.

I live in sunny.. soggy... well these days it’s hard to know, but I come from the land down under. South Australia to be exact. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for over 10 years and we have 2 gorgeous kids, a son who is almost 6 and a daughter who is almost 8.

My poor long suffering husband is the reason I caught the scrapbooking bug. He brought me a scrapbooking kit as a birthday present so that I could record memories of our first family holiday. Little did he know the chain reaction that would come as a result of that innocent birthday gift.

I do love recording moments and memories but really, for me, scrapbooking is just about being creative. I love the process of bringing photos, paper and embellishments together to celebrate a special memory or showcase a special photo.

While I don’t have as much time for scrapbooking as I used to, I still make time every day for this wonderful hobby of mine.

We are thrilled to share with you these beautiful projects that Kerryn has made for her guest spot this month.  Just take a look at them!  Can you see all the fabulous details in her work?  Kerryn used a variety of Nikki Sivils products i.e. cord brads, burlap buttons, bread(less) tabs and of course, one of Nikki's latest releases It's Raining, It's Pouring.  There is not one thing I don't love about this layout!

Now how about this layout? It is still Nikki's It's Raining, It's Pouring papers, but Kerryn has added those yellow tags and dictionary paper giving it a totally different and unique look.  Again, what a fabulous layout!

Ok, how about a card and a tag for you? 

 Again Kerryn used the yellow tag pulling out the yellow in Nikki's papers.  I like how she took that little element and made something her "own".

How cool is this card!  Look how Kerryn did the umbrella and boots!  The 3D effect is amazing, and then the glitter on the raindrops was just the perfect touch!

Wow, Kerryn, your work is great!  How lucky we are to have you guest design for us this month!!  Again, be sure to check out Kerryn's blog link above for more of her beatiful work.

Well, check back with us again to see what else is going on in the Nikki Sivils world.  Have a great day, and

Happy Crafting!
Susan Dupre


  1. Beautiful projects! Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOW!!!!! Totally loving all of these creations!! WTG :)

  3. Welcome Kerryn!! Sooooooooooooooo EXCITED to see you here with us this month...and your creations...WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!! i loveeeeeeee them all...absolutely gorgeous!! I loveeeeeeeee all the details! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Really, as cute as possible! What fabulous combinations of papers and colors!

  5. Beautiful projects Kerryn!!
    X Lea

  6. Kerryn... I'm speechless!! I loved the first one so much then saw the second one and love it as much as the first one!! You are so talented and I'm thrilled you are our guest designer this month!! Thanks so much!

  7. Kerryn does spectacular work! I love it!

  8. Congrats, Kerryn! Your work is beautiful! :-)

  9. Thankyou very much everyone for your lovely comments :). It was a pleasure to work with Nikki's products.

    And thankyou Nikki, I'm glad you like them :).

  10. AMAZING work girlie!!! so glad you are here this month!!!!! LOVE that first layout!!! hugs, Katrina

  11. What an amazing set of projects!!! Love them all!

    Off to check out her blog right now!

  12. Congrats on the GDT!!
    Love all of your projects!!
    They are all gorgeous!!

  13. Gorgeuss projects Kerryn!!! So nice to have you here sharing inspiration! Your projects are always stunning!
