
Monday, February 21, 2011

I've been MIA for several days...

but I'm back again!! Last time I blogged I told you all that we were hoping that Nico was a candidate for the cartilage transplant for his knee... well he was! We've been nursing him back to health the last 10 days. Nico is doing great and is getting his stitches out tomorrow. I can't say enough good things about Dr. Cook at University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital!! From the techs to the doctor everyone was kind, caring and a wealth of knowledge!! Thanks to all of them!! 
Here are some post and recent pics of Nico and us...
Nico has to be walked on a short leash and "towel" walked.  Which means with a towel under his belly near his back end to support his weight off the injured leg, we have to do this for 4 weeks.  
Dan can do this by him self, but I can't keep him leashed and hold his back end up with the towel mainly b/c I need both hands to help reduce the weight off his back leg. He's 85 pounds which makes me only 33 pounds more than him... so not an easy task for me!
No walking at all up or down stairs and the only way to our yard is down 4 steps, so Dan carries him. The best part is Nico knows this is going to happen so he holds his bad leg up off the ground then launches himself off the ground with his good leg to help Dan pick him up. 
Its kinda sweet!

The Cone of Shame!
Look at those eyes, begging to not do this to him. Dan or I like having to put this cone on b/c of those eyes so now we have to flip a coin for who has to do it next! 
Yes, that's me in a x-pen with my dog! Nico loves being outside more than anything so Dan rigged this pen up so he can be outside. Why do I have to be in it with him you ask... well every time a squirrel runs across the yard Nico tries to jump up on his back legs, so he still has to be leashed in the pen. I have to still hold on to his leash to correct him before he jumps.  If you are thinking right now that I'm that "crazy" dog person... then you are right! I confess! 
(I wonder what my neighbors think?)

This is how we spend most of our day, on my bed. I've set up my office in the bedroom so that he doesn't have to wear that cone 24/7! I've also set up a mini "craft area" to work on class samples too! Nico now cries for Dan to lift him on the bed so I can sit with him.
Thanks for all your thoughts and best wishes for Nico! He is doing great!!

I thought I better share some "work" news too... we have run out of most all the papers and stickers from my new Spring 2011 paper lines!! We've re-ordered the stickers (which have arrived this morning) and we've ordered the reprint on the papers so they should be here by Friday! Thanks to all of you that asked your local scrapbook store for my products!! We've had many NEW stores tell us that they had never heard of us until recently when customers have started asking for my papers!! So from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!!

Have a wonderful Presidents day! 


  1. As if I didn't love your stuff, I *love* that you love your doggies. (Crazy dawg rescue lady.) And I'm so happy is picking your stuff up, we don't have a LSS anymore...

  2. Yeahhhhhhhhh! So happy he is doing good!! And double yeahhhhhhhh for the sell out! That is AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. what awesome parents you are!! thinking ++ thoughts for a speedy recovery for Nico!!

  4. So glad to hear Nico is in good hands :) Cute card, congrats on the flurry of orders!

  5. Oh those eyes. I don't know how you do it. That poor baby. But so glad to hear he's doing better and I love it that you're on your laptop in the cage. HEHE! And woohoo for running out of product. That is so awesome!

  6. Get well soon, Nico doggie woof woof!
    We love our pets too, and totally understand. :)

  7. I just have to say, it is very rare that a family would go to such links to care for their dog. I just want to say, that is a wonderful thing you have done. Our dogs are part of our family and we do whatever we need to, to make them comfortable.
    I am so glad he is getting along so well. I hope he is back to himself soon.

  8. All I've got to say is that Nico is one lucky dog. Of course, I know you are blessed to have him as well. I have two "babies" and love them so much!

  9. We will do about anything for our pets, right! Too fun, you have to make it all work. Cheers on the orders and the need to reorder.

  10. Glad Nico is doing well! I missed that post?
    He looks so adorable and hope he continues to have a quick recovery!
    I think it is so sweet of you to sit outside with him what an awesome page to scrap one day!!
    Big congrats on having to reorder the products from all the new stores!!
    Very excitng!!
    I adore that card gorgeous!!

  11. Fantastic news that Nico is doing so well! He must have the best 'parents' ever. You obviously love him so much, its great to see how you have 'adapted' to ensure he is comfortable, happy and wanting for nothing. Sue x

  12. I was so excited to hear about Nico. I had a dog like him growing up and they are the best dogs ever!! I got choked up reading about him and I think you are an awesome caring person.. I would do the

  13. what a sweet guy! nico is jsut too darling!

  14. What a beautiful dog! I pray his recovery continues to go well.

  15. I'm so happy that he is doing so well! I love you sitting in the pen with him! I would totally do that!! I look and ask for your lines every where I shop!
