
Thursday, February 24, 2011

How About Some Domestic Diva Inspiration?

Well, I woke up to it being over-cast outside and drizzling rain.  Ok, not exactly pouring rain, but that is the inspiration I am going to share with you guys today.  Take a look at the adorable creations our domestic girls have made using "It's Raining, It's Pouring".  Is this not the cutest line ever??  I have so much fun working with this collection! 


by Deana Boston

by me (Susan Dupre)

by Jennifer Matott

by Jennifer Yates

by Delaina Burns

by Leah Faquharson

a two pager by Liz Qualman


by Liz Qualman

Altered Projects

Altered Tin by Mim Leinbach

Boot by Jennifer Matott

Birdhouse by Liz Qualman

Wow!  Can you believe all that amazing work that the girls did using "It's Raining, It's Pouring".  There is no way you can leave and not be inspired by all these fabulous projects.  Be sure to check in again with us to see what is happening in Nikki's life and to see more design team inspiration.

Until then, happy crafting!
Susan Dupre


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee what everyone created!! Those boots are AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Love, Love, Love all the creations!!!! Super cute stuff ladies :) Makes me look forward to a little spring rain instead of snow around here!

  3. Wow, there truly is no end on what you can create with that wonderful collection.

  4. those fun papers make for some really fun pages/projects!! awesome job!

  5. All i can say is W O W!!! Everyone out did themselves. Its all too cute, I cant pick just one, love them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  6. Oh my gosh...I love this line and everyone highlighted is so fabulously!

  7. Wow wow I am blown away these are amazing and creative I love it.

  8. really awesome. I keep seeing the turtle everywhere!

  9. just found your blog through card patterns- love it your DT are amazing and very inspirational- love all your paper but the umbrellas and turtle - so cute- thanks for sharing.

  10. I just finished looking at all the awsome creations that everyone did it was great. By looking at everything gave me the motavation that i've been needing. Thank you
