
Friday, February 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home!!!

It took us over 12 hours to get home, but we got home and that's all that matters! This is our Lanie eating a quick dinner on our last leg of our trip home! 
 We came home to tons and tons of snow! And extremely cold temps, record breaking cold!
Here is our Alfred running fast to get out of the snow! He's not a fan of snow!
 Neither is Bella! She was more willing to cuddle...
and poor Savannah doesn't have an undercoat so she is always cold! 
Nico is a whole different story.... he LOVES the snow! 
(He looks so small in this picture, not the big boy he really is!)

So we are home and happy! We had a wonderful show with tons of orders! You shouldn't have any trouble finding my papers now! ;)
We are now crazy busy filling orders!
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last week in LA at CHA...
Dan and I
 My booth pictures...

 Dan, Stacy and I
The Ella Publishing girls....
 The class that Suzy West taught and that I sponsored.
Sarah and Trish (helped with the class)
Susan and I (helped with the class, Julie did too)
 This is the little mini album that they made in class...
"Its Your Day" mini album...
 "It's Your Day" projects...

Suzy and I...

 Monday night we went out with the Bella Blvd team, Jillibean Soup team, Lilybee team and my team!
We had so much fun....
 Dan was the only guy... but I think he was okay with it!


 Scrapbook Business had Bella and I on there Jan. 2011 issue and they also had us
as their backdrop on their booth at CHA! So I had to get a picture with it!

Its been a wonderful week! I had such a great time with friends, meeting new people and showing my product to all the retailers! 

Here are a few fun things:
Check out Becky Flecks Feb 11 Page Maps that some of my DT girls and I participated in this month! We all had a great time with these sketches, Becky is so talented, it was a pleasure for me to get to play a bit before I left for CHA. Thanks Becky!  

I'm also the guest designer for "If It's Groovy" this month, so go check out all the fun on this groovy blog! They will be featuring my Valentine paper line Sugar Cookie!

Have a great weekend! -Nikki


  1. I loved looking at your pics from CHA! So glad you had a successful trip. I hope you had orders for Scrapbook Your Story! (my local scrapbook store). Take care!

  2. Glad you made it home safely! Loveeeeeee the photos! :):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Glad you made it back safely. Great pictures. Looks like you all had a great time. Congrats on your orders.

  4. I'm so happy for you that it was such a successful CHA! I can't wait to get your new lines in my greedy little hands!!

  5. so pleased you are back home safe. I cant get over what a huge booth you had, just looks stunning. I so want to come next year :)

  6. I'm very excited to have found your site and thanks for sharing all of your wonderful pictures. Where can I find your paper? I live here in Texas and I usually shop at Hobby Lobby and Michaels. We also have Archivers...Can I find your paper at any of these stores? I have not seen it. Please let me know where I can purchase it. Thanks a bunch.

  7. It's been fun living thru everyone
    Cha and the pictures are fab glad your papers will be more attainable.

  8. I'm so glad things went well - hoping I'll find your stuff locally!!

  9. Your booth looked great. So many ideas and great pictures. Glad you had fun and got orders. I am also happy you had nice California weather.
    Loved your layout from PageMaps.

  10. Great photos...looks like it was a fun week! :-)

  11. I lvoe all the fun and the photos
    the dogs are amazing.

  12. Nikki thanks for letting us take a peek into your trip. With all of those smiles it had to be amazing!

    Thanks also for being our guest and sponsor at If It's Groovy! I hope you enjoy the take son your sketch as we run them all month as well as many other projects using Sugar Cookie! We're all hooked now, lol!


  13. Your booth looks AWESOME Nikki! I LOVE that mini album for the class too! So cute!!! Glad y'all made it back home safe!

  14. Glad that you made it home safely!
    Love all the pictures.

    Hugs, Lea

  15. congrats congrats congrats! how exciting!!!!

  16. Thanks for a wonderful class, and amazing gifts, Nikki!! I enjoyed the class so much, and I had so much fun :-)

    My album is finished by the way, with pictures and all...

    Love your new lines by the way :-)

    Greetings from Oslo, Norway

  17. It was so fun seeing you, Nikki! Your booth was adorable... :)

  18. Great pics!!!! you have awesome products!!!

  19. Your pics are awesome!!! and great products
