
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our January Guest Artist - Veronica Johnson!!

We are thrilled to have Veronica Johnson as our guest this month.  We are so impressed by her adorable mini albums and cards!  We believe you will be as well!

Here is what Veronica has to say:

Hi my name is Veronica Johnson, and I have been scrapbooking since I moved to Florida from California in 1998.   Scrapbooking and card making has kept my interest and my enthusiasm more than any other hobby/craft that I have been involved in.  As a child I grew up with a very talented mother who taught my twin sisters and I how to sew, knit, cross-stitch and embroidery.  I would also sit alone for hours sketching, coloring with pencils and water coloring.  There is not a day that goes by, that I don't have my hands in chalk, paint or paper.  My constant photo opportunity and inspiration is my family, my home and nature.   I am blessed by a beautiful and kind daughter and a wonderful hubby that are very supportive of my obsession with color and paper.  I also teach at my local scrapbook stores and enjoy bringing my love of crafts to as many people as I can.

I love Nikki's products, and I am truly honored to be the Guest Designer for January.  For more of my work and to see what I am up to, please visit me at

Now lets see some of Veronica's amazing talent!  Here is a really cool mini album she made using Sugar Cookie.

Look how cute that is with the heart tabs!  Below are some shots of the inside of her album.  All that work to each page is amazing.  Whoever gets this album is one lucky person!

Now here are a couple of cards Veronica made using Sugar Cookie.  Aren't they the sweetest?

Wow!  Isn't everything wonderful?  Thank you Veronica.  That album is absolutely amazing.  So much work and detail went into it!  Then those cards are just beautiful.

Thank you so much for being our guest designer this month.  We were so honored and thrilled to have you!

Happy Crafting,
Susan Dupre


  1. Welcome veronica! Your work is amazing! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. wow..!

    your projects are fabulous!


  3. Lovely album and cards.

  4. What great creations! Gotta love that little mini album with so many neat details.

  5. wow! this mini album is amazing!
    and cards are very sweet too

  6. love you projects....stunning use of Nikki Sivils papers!! WOW!

  7. Thanks Veronica!! Love that mini album and those cards are adorable!! Thanks for being our GDT!
