
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our January Challenge "Goals"

First off let me say, wow!  We had some great entries in our December Holiday Challenge.  Everyone's work was really amazing.  It makes it so difficult to choose a winner!  I guess that is a good thing, right?  Well, seeing that I needed to pick a winner, I have to say I was impressed by Rachael Funnell's Christmas layout.  I love how she combined two lines.  She took advanted of our "North Pole Nights" freebies that were offered in December. She also used a "Willow Bee" paper as her background for her layout.  I love that!  If you would like to see Rachael's layout check out her blog.  Rachael, please contact me at and let me know which collection you would like.  You can see the latest releases in February.  Thank you all for playing in last month's challenge.

This month it seemed appropriate to do projects about goals or resolutions.  Some of us are good at making them and keeping them.  Then there's those like me who are...ummm...not so good.  However, since this goal is about my son maybe I'll actually keep this one.  Since Nikki has her new releases coming out at CHA, I thought it would be really fun to make a layout using papers from her very first release.  It is absolutely one of my favorite of Nikki's.  I used "My Sweet Cherry Pie" for the January challenge.  Here is my layout:

by Susan Dupre

Anna's goal - to knit more than a scarf.  Whew, I could never attempt that.  If I did, you definitely wouldn't want to wear anything that I knitted.  Anna used "My Friend Birdie" for her layout.

by Anna Bowkis

Next we have Jen Matott's layout using "Something For Everyone".  Her goal is to be "calm".  I could really use that right now.  With the rush of CHA, my life has definitely been a little crazy!

 by Jennifer Matott

How about a layout from Julie Tucker-Wolek?  Her lo is about "a year of change".  For her lo, Julie used "Sugar Cookie".

by Julie Tucker-Wolek

Take a look at this cute mini album that Julie Howard made using "Boo-tiful" and one of our new releases "Beatrice".   I love those great photos in her album.

by Julie Howard

Lastly, may I say, that we have been blessed.  Our beloved Nikki has joined us in this month's challenge.  She's giving you a little sneak peek at one of her summer releases.  Isn't it cute?

So that's our January challenge!  If you would like to play along, just post your comment with a link to your layout under this thread.  You just might get lucky and win one of Nikki's awesome and adorable new releases!...*And don't forget to check our blog post from last night! Lots of cha photos! :)

Happy Crafting!
Susan Dupre


  1. Everyone's lo's look amazing! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Fabulous layouts everyone!! and congrats to Rachael!

  3. i'm jsut in awe! these layouts and project are too cool!!! love all the little touches!

  4. love all of them. great design in each and every one. :)

  5. I love all the layouts how fun will have to see if I can dust off anything lol

  6. First of all I'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU!! for selecting My layout as Decembers Challenge winner... Thank you!!
    The Ladies layouts for January's Challenge are Awesome!! & a super Fab Album by Julie....

  7. what a great challenge and amazing inspirations from the DT's. here is my take-
