
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Oh what a day...

My goal this week was to blog at least 3 times... (I'm actually laughing as I write this, I thought I could do that along with everything else) well I got one blog post in this week! I guess that's good! Today started out like a Monday... running around desperately trying to get all the things done that needed to be done so I could meet my girlfriends for our "First Friday of the Month" lunch.  I had to get my workout in, then pack all my supplies for the 4 mini classes I'm teaching tomorrow at my LSS (Scrapbook Generation), a meeting at 10:30 (by phone thank goodness as I was still in my workout clothes) and then the delivery of my new crate for my booth at CHA.  Okay so all was going good and just to plan, I was staying on my time schedule.... then the 900 lbs crate arrives.  The driver forgot his pallet jack. Really? Come on now! So off I was tracking my dad down (he has several of these) so I could get a pallet jack to my house in 20 minutes. 
After pulling him out of a meeting the pallet jack was on its way over to the move this huge crate from the trailer to my now overly packed garage! 
I now have less than an hour to shower and leave for my girls lunch, not looking good for me. While waiting for the pallet jack I get Lanie and Caitlin to help me move the 3 pallets of paper so that the crate will fit into the garage. Paper is heavy.... that's all I'm going to say about that.  Now I have 15 mins to shower and leaver for lunch, not going to happen. I text my friends tell them to order the food and I'll be late.  The pallet jack arrives... YAY! Thanks to good ole' dad! Now I'm officially late for lunch with my friends. Once my crate is safely in my garage I run for my bathroom (no shower, oh well I showered last night and little sweat never killed anyone) washed my face put on jeans & t-shirt and a little make-up. Run out the door and am only 30 minutes late for lunch! Not bad if I do say so myself!
We had a wonderful lunch and they all helped my shop for some outfits for CHA! And boy did they help.... spent too much money, but would do it all over again with these girls. I so needed a "friend" lunch, and some girlie time. I never get to be all girlie and giggle. It was one of my best days ever!
Thanks girls I really don't know what I'd do without you in my life! 

If you are in Springfield Missouri tomorrow come by and visit me at my LSS, Scrapbook Generation! I'll be there from 10-5 teaching mini classes with my some of my local design team girls.  


  1. Girlllllllllllll you have been busy!!! Yayyyyyyyyyy for your dad though! Glad that you know someone who has one of those! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I am now a Proud Follower of your Blog. Wowww... what a busy day you have had! And you didn't even run out of Good thoughts on your trip to CHA and have a Blast!
    Sweet Creations...

    Here is a link to my blog for you to glance at:

  3. oh, i totally know what you mean re: cherishing girltime! we cropped our hearts out tonight. such a special bond.
    you had quite the day...big hugs!
    and yes, thank goodness for Dads!

  4. What a day, and you look great in such a short time!!!! Have a great weekend!!

  5. Whewwww, I'm exhausted and going back to bed this morning :o)
    Such a busy day, but it sounds like fun~lunch and shopping with BFF's part, that is!

  6. Whew can I say I need a nap reading that but the power of friends girl time lunch and giggles makes it all worth it..
    Cha will be great

  7. oh how i would LOOOOOOOVE to be there to open up that crate!!! LOL

  8. So when your through in Springfield swing through St. Louis its only about a 4 hour drive. lol Just kidding have a wonderful day tomorrow.

  9. i wish i had pallets of beautiful paper in my garage too, lol
    love paper--hmmm-addicted to paper too.
    you guys look fab!

  10. you have been busy. That crate is huge. I can't wait to see all the new goodies that will be packed in that crate. wishing I could have been at your LSS. how fortunate those people are to have you so close by. =)
    Happy Sunday!!

  11. I love your new desgins, especially Max & Mollie! SO CUTE! I wish I had found your blog sooner. I'm only about 60 miles from Spfd and have been wanting to come to a Scrapalooza, but always had something going on. But not yesterday and Ididn't know about that one! Looking forward now to keeping in touch- I'm a NEW FOLLOWER!
