
Monday, January 24, 2011

A Little Something From Some Of Our Domestic Girls!

Susan here, and I hope all is well in your little corner of the world.  We have been very busy here at Nikki Sivils.  We can't wait until we can reveal all the fabulous work the girls have been putting together using the new lines!  I, personally, can't wait to see what everyone has done!  CHA is just around the corner, so it will not be long.  I just know you are going to "love" the new lines as much as I do.  I think this is my favorite release yet!

Ok, now, on with the show!  Let's show some projects the girls have been working on using Sugar Cookie.

by Delaina Burns

by Julie Howard

by Liz Qualman

by Jennifer Yates

by Liz Qualman

by Jennifer Matott

Here's a little "Autumn Beauty" using Tree Love.

Now, to top it off - a little Something for Everyone.

both lo's by Jennifer Matott

I hope you have been inspired by these ladies.  They do such awesome work!

And don't forget the 'secret' giveaway that Julie is doing right HERE

Until then,
Happy Crafting,
Susan Dupre


  1. Wow, they're all fantastic projects!

  2. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! These are ALL AMAZING!!! Gorgeous work everyone! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. WOW. Absolutely beautiful. LOVE all of the inspiration here today!!!!

  4. I see some idea that I know I am going to use! Great projects.

  5. Thanks for sharing your ideas, the Rick Springfield LO is hilarious!

  6. Wonderful projects! Lose seeing what everyone has created.

  7. Oh my... As I gazed at all the beautiful work I was immediately stunned by the photo in one of the last layouts by Jennifer Matott. That lady with the baby is one of my good friends and former roommate Kirsten Petermann. She is the blog author of Team Ewan and the inspiration behind my fundraiser and cause Project Team Ewan. What a beautiful layout and tribute! I will definitely pass that on to her if you haven't already!!

  8. As the mama of the baby boy in those last photos, my heart leaped and tears came to my eyes. So beautiful. Many, many thanks.

  9. Yes, that is Baby Ewan... my friends and I are making an album for her of Ewan's photos. She knows that we are making an album but hasn't seen the finished pages yet! We hope to ship the album to her by Valentine's day. It was heartbreaking to work with those photos and also very inspiring! Thanks for the compliment!
