
Friday, January 28, 2011

Creating Keepsakes Guest Blogger, Day 2 of Set Up and Teaching...

Be sure and stop by Creating Keepsakes Blog today, I'm the guest blogger! Which I couldn't be more thrilled about! Love CK! And I might have a giveaway over there too!
(Don't forget to send your local or favorite scrapbook store to my booth at CHA!) 

I forget how long it takes for me to set up my booth! And now that I have an extra 10x10 spaces its got me all freaked out!! I'm lovin the space, but having a hard time committing to anything! I'll have to sooner or later since tomorrow is my last day! Here are a couple of pictures from day 1...
basically its a mess on day one!
I have no "Day 2" pictures b/c I was just to busy to stop! But I'll have some great pictures from today (day 3) that I'll post on Facebook and hopefully will on my blog too. It will just depend on my timing... which has never been great!

I taught a class tonight at Pages of the Heart in Monrovia, CA! We had a blast in Kathy's brand new store! They just moved into the new store on Tuesday and had me teaching tonight! So they were still trying to unpack and get set up, but let me tell you this store is awesome!! Seriously... look at the pictures below, its such a pretty store! Who wouldn't want to scrapbook here?! 

My class...
These ladies have been following my blog for quite sometime now and it was great to meet them in real life! (They even brought my a cupcake!)
When Dan came to pick me up at the store I made him pose for a picture too.
We never seem to get our picture taken together and with 
this awesome brick wall I had to get one of us!
This is Kathy the owner of Pages of the Heart!
The building structure was beautiful!
I'd love to have offices that look like this one day! 

Here I am with Karen who brought me the cupcake and it was in this cute cupcake holder!
We all had a great night! Thanks Pages of the Heart for having me! 

I have to share another sneak peek of 
"We Are Family"
paper line that I'm releasing at CHA!
DT gal Delaina made this for my booth...
how cute is this!! I love it!  
Its 12:30am here in CA and its 2:30am in my home town so I must get to 
bed so I can have my head clear for decorating! 
Have a great day and don't forget to stop my CK's Blog!! -Nikki


  1. That store looks awesome...and your booth is shaping up too!! Congrats on the gdt at ck! That is awesome! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. So cute Nikki! Looks like you are having a great time out in California. I would have loved to be at your class. Have fun at CHA!

  3. Wow what a beautiful building!!!
    And what a cool sneek!!!
    Have a nice weekend!!

  4. Would love to see your booth. The class was awsum last night and I went home and finished the layout, hope the cupcake was as tasty. I am still starstruck and love your new lines.
    Enjoy California and the weather.

  5. The building was stunning. I would love to have a place like that someday of my own even a loft it had some a great feel to it. That's for sure
    It was a honor to meet Nikki she was so down to earth , just as cute as on her blog and The whole class was star struck.
    Thanks for your kindness the photo's and a birthday I won't forget.
    Thanks to Karen for setting it up all.. What a great surprise and fun.

  6. Take a deep breath, make sure you eat something to keep your body and mind going, and as always you will amaze the world with yourself and all of your products!! You are truly so talented! Try to enjoy it too!

  7. You are an animal! How on earth can you have enough energy to teach a class after a 2 day CHA setup? I'm beyond impressed. Moreover, you know the onslaught you have in store over the next 4 days. Wow. My hat's off to you! Have a great show.

  8. Looks like fun! That store is beautiful.

  9. How busy you are!!! Hope you got some good sleep and are ready for the weekend now.
    debbie_craine at hotmail dot com

  10. I'm sure you'll have your booth up and running. Thanks for coming to our neck of the woods, it was a pleasure to meet you at the Monrovia class.

  11. You and Dan look really cute on that photo, I´d love to see it scrapped. Perhaps a challange for us?

    Good luck with the booth, I wish I could be there to se it live, hope you take lots of photos to post in the blog.


  12. Wow, what a fun time!!! That building is amazing!!! It's so much fun to see my friends on the blog - big shout out to Karen and Liz!!!

    Can't wait to see your booth pics and big CONGRATS on your GDT spot on CK!!! WOO HOOOOOOO!!!!

  13. I am impressed with a lot of these.
    We are family would be cute for the grandbabies..
    Celebrate there is always a birthday to celebrate.
    So many universale and Max and Mollie are some cute stinkers....
    Beatrice how cute she has a boyfriend.
    Looking forward to blog stalking I'm new to this stuff so bare with me.

  14. That store just looks AMAZING! I can't wait to see the pictures of the is going to be fab.

  15. Looking forward to seeing your booth this weekend!

    I have heard great things about the class you taught!

  16. omg! i think i could easily LIVE in that building! wow! look slike there was a lot of fun had on day 1 too!

  17. Love the pics and I love that store!! Have fun!!

  18. the home album looks adorable, would love to see some inside pages. And the more I see max and mollie the more I love them. Good luck at CHA but we all know you will do great
