
Friday, December 24, 2010

More from our Domestic Divas and Creative Charms!

Susan here, and can you believe that it is the day before Christmas?  Did you get all your shopping done?  Can you believe that another year has almost come and gone?   I surely can't!  Well, because Christmas is still upon us, I thought I would share a few more Christmas projects with you using Nikki's adorable Christmas Collection Happy Holly Days.

First off, are a couple of layouts by Delaina Burns.

Below is a layout by Liz Qualman.  Liz also used some of those beautiful pearl centered velvet flowers by Creative Charms.

How about a two pager!  Leah Farquharson did this amazing layout using Creative Charms as well as using an awesome sketch by the talented Allison Davis.  You can purchase her fabulous sketch books for two page layouts at Scrapbook Generations.

Now here are a few cards using Happy Holly Days.

Let's start off with this beautiful card by Jennifer Yates.  She also used some Creative Charms.  They made all the difference too!

Look at this adorable card by Liz Qualman.

And, here are a couple that I made.

How about some super altered projects by Jennifer Matott using Happy Holly Days.  Below is a cool mailbox Jen made.  What a great way to store all those Christmas cards.

I surely wouldn't mind receiving this wine crate.  Those little nutcracker guards surely couldn't keep "me" out.

Now to wrap up the Christmas spirit, how about a wonderful layout by Larissa Albernaz.  What is cool about Larissa's layout is that she grabbed some of those awesome North Pole Nights freebies that you see in the upper left hand corner of Nikki's blog.   You can see that she combined them with a some of Nikki's other lines like Blueberry Hill and Happy Holly Days.

Last but not least, one more Creative Charms project.  Here is a card I made using their cute little felt words "Boys and Toys".  The little brad is also theirs.  For the little rocket I made I used My Friend Birdie, Something for Everyone and Happy Holly Days.

Ok, that wraps it up, and I hope you have all those gifts wrapped up also!  Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Holidays!
Susan Dupre


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwww wowwwwwwwwwwwwww wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Everyone did an AMAZING job!!! I can not even pick a FAVE out of these....they are all GORGEOUS!!! Merry Christmas!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. wow! what a nice display of beautiful projects.

    Nikki as a new follower of yours i am so in love with your products and colors you chose. I do not own any yet but that will change in the New Year ;p

    i also wanted to congratulate you on the awesome first newsletter i received yesterday.

    happy holidays to you and your loved ones!

  3. LOVE the amazing work. That mailbox is to die for! I never thought to use paper on wood pieces! I see sooooo many fun projects in my future! Thanks again for the inspiration!

  4. Beautiful projects, love the mailbox too cute!

  5. Love all the amazing projects from the DT!!!!

    I wish you and your family a very merry christmas! Enjoy the holidays!
    Hugs Lea
