
Saturday, December 4, 2010


December 4th (today), December 11th (next Saturday) and December 18th (the last Saturday before Christmas)... what the heck, that seems way too soon! I'm not ready! I have no presents, no cards have been sent yet and I have like a million little things to do for work! Wow...  I guess it will all get done it always does! Right! There's nothing like the Holidays!

I want to say Happy Birthday to yesterday's winner of my journaling tags and my paper line "Something for Everyone"... "Mommyof5kids"!! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to you... you are my winner!
Please email me your address and I'll get this out to you next week!

Now I want to introduce you all to Katrina Hunt, Katrina is my local design team lead and my project coordinator too. We've been friends since before me starting this business, we actually met through our local dog club and Pet Therapy of The Ozarks. We both have therapy dogs that make visits to our local hospitals and nursing homes. I'm also the reason Katrina scrapbooks! Katrina called me one day and asked if I'd help her pick out what she needs to start scrapbooking.... so of course I took her out and showed her what she needs to start this fun hobby!  Well to say the least she is a bit out of control now, I've been scrabooking for over 20 years and I think she has more product and tools than I do! I know for sure she has 100 more punches than me! ;) ...she knows I love her! Katrina lives near me and is always helping me out with anything from getting ready for CHA to teaching with my products at our local scarpbook store.
Here we are teaching at our local scrapbook store, Scrapbook Generation, Katrina is teaching a mini class for "Nikki Sivils Day"! She is so fun, always makes me laugh and she's a great teacher too!

So here is Katrina's Christmas Tradition...

One of the things I love, love, love about Christmas is the cookies.  Yep, I love cookies. I just said it!
We basically are baking cookies all thru the month of December.  Now, I am not saying that all those
cookies make it to Christmas.  There are test batches that have to be done to meet quality standards. LOL

Top cookie on the list...well the Sugar Cookie of course.  And it has to be made from scratch dough, not
the refrigerator kind.  My roomie, Carleen, is the expert in this area.  These are her masterpiece, I just stand back
and provide moral support! 

Next, well it's a tie.  There is the Almond Bar Cookie that is always requested and it's perfect for those that like
a shortbread type of cookie.  Easy to whip up a couple of batches, drizzle with some powered sugar icing when
cooled and then you are good to go.

The other is the Peppermint Ball cookies.  These are like a Mexican Wedding type of cookie, but with peppermints
ground up in them.  Roll in powered sugar when right out of the oven....yummy.

Well, that's it for me. And oh yeah...I love to wear funny hats...Santa Hats, Elf Hats....soooo...what story is complete
without a picture?  This is me, at Sonic....and I love "Totty the Elf" during Christmas at Sonic.

Merry Christmas!!!!

Katrina Hunt

Visit Karina's blog:

For today's giveaway I'm going to give away my three "Pocket of Treats" Stickers...

Leave me a comment on this blog post and tell me what your favorite treat is! Mine are Starburst Jelly Beans.... Oh my gosh I so love them! Really Really LOVE them! 

I want to share a couple of idea's that I and my design team girls have come up with for these fun stickers and the pocket they come in! 
Here is one I created for a "Couples Movie Night" with for our friends... 

Here is a mini album "brag" I made for my sister out of the pocket...
(Perfect size for a brag book, 4x6)

 This card was created by my DT Diva: Deana Boston (which was the inspiration for my "movie night" invite)...

Thanks for all your great comments, I love reading how you celebrate Christmas and your Holiday traditions! I read every single one of them and love it! Thank you so much for your support!  -Nikki

Also don't forget to sign up for my free news letter to the left of this blog to win the "Santa Bag" of Nikki Sivils products valued at over $100.00!! That winner will be picked on the 14th of December! 


  1. Oh how fun! I love hats too! My favorite treat is Root Beer Jelly Belly jeally beans :)

  2. Wow, I get to be the first to comment. Those stickers are so cute and I love the projects you and your design team came up with.

    My fav treat....well as one Sonic lover to another, I have an addiction (some would say) to their Diet CHOCOLATE Cokes. If you haven't had one, try it. Yummo!!

  3. I love Reese's peanut butter cups!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. My favorite treat for the Holiday season is Peppermint Bark. It is so festive to lok at and to taste!

  5. Love your stickers, love using them as cool details on my layouts :)

    My favourite treat is a chocolate filled with yoghurt and rasberry. Seriousely, I can never take just one bite, have to eat the whole thing! *lol*

  6. I've lost quite a bit of weight this year but I still do love my treats! Right now mine is the little kisses with almonds in them!

  7. CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE! lol, pretty much any kind but dark chocolate is my favorite treat, especially in a mounds bar! :D

  8. wow, am i the first one?? LOL yes!!
    my treat is hot chocolate at Starbucks or bread with fruit (panettone) yummy yummy!! muy rico!!
    Have a great weekend

  9. I need to start making cookies! Am wrapping presents this afternoon. One of my fave treats is a Kit Kat bar but this afternoon I have white yogurt covered pretzels. Yum.

    Thank you for a chance to win,

  10. Congrats, Misty!!!
    My fave treat is chocolate biscotti... yum, yum.
    We have to drive an hour to get to a Sonic, boo hoo....: -(
    Make it a great day!

  11. My favorite treat is Ghirardelli pepermint bark!

  12. CONGRATS Misty for winning yesterdays prize!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her too!!!! Love love love love love the creations with the pockets...and OF COURSE..I LOVE KATRINA TOO!!!! And my fave is M&M's!! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  13. Anything dark chocolate! Yummmmm

  14. AHHHHHHHHH! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! What a FABULOUS Birthday Present!!!!! I am doing a Happy dance right now!!!! my fave treat besides M&M's is smarties. My 7 year old son tld me once..."That must be why you are so smart, Mom". I asked "Why?" He says...because you eat SOOOOOO Many smarties!" LOL....that kid!

  15. M&M's, M&M's and more M&M's. And right now they have out the MINT M&M's. OMG, they are so good. Our big Cookie Day is tomorrow.

  16. my favorite treat: CANDY CORN!!!! ugh i am crazy for it. luckily it comes once a year. i just love candy whatever season.

    lynda in calif
    hipljp at yahoo dot com

  17. Super cute!!
    My favorite treat is Twizzlers and cookies!

  18. Very cute projects. Thanks for sharing. My favorite treat is coffee crisp chocolate bar.

  19. My favorite "treat" is Chocolate Covered Cherries from Sugar Pine in Northfield, NJ. They closed up, though ... BOO HOO! So, now I settle for the very infrequent Nut Goodie ... getting just as hard to find where I live now.

    BTW -- Adorable sticker sets!!! And love your story about your scrappin' buddy. :-)

  20. Candy cane ice cream is my favorite! Yummmmo!

  21. I love Hot Tamales, Peach Rings, and Red Vines...I can't usually decide and buy them all at the liquor store...oh, and I usually throw in a Chick-O-Stick too :)

  22. My favorite treat is butterfingers...although they are very bad for me, so I am switching to York

  23. cute stickers. My fav treat is Cadbury's mini chocolate eggs - whatever the season

  24. these are super fun = I love the pockets they can be used for so many things!!

  25. Your stickers are oh so cute!!!! Love your ideas too!! My favorite treat is DQ turtle blizzards!!!

  26. Lindt truffles are a favorite treat of mine!

  27. My favorite snack treat is Gummy Sweet Tarts. I can only find them a couple times a year...which is probably a good thing lol.

  28. ohhhh how fun!!!! my fave holiday treat is fudge!! hey, if youre going to be bad, might as well make it reallly good!!!

  29. So I know I will be in the minority here, but I love Claxton Fruitcakes - they are not dry and yucky, but gooey! It makes me smile as soon as I see them in the grocery store.

  30. +My favorite treat is Sees Candies, especially their dark chocolate California Brittle...YUM!!
    Love your projects AND your products!

  31. U R My Favourite is my favourite as I'm a romantic and love girly things and this appeals to me a lot. Sooo sweet and cute!

  32. Ooh. Starburst Jelly beans do so rock my world as well. Really, nearly any kind of jelly bean is my favorite. The Sweet Tart ones are really good too. And the classic Jelly Belly's. Oh and the Nerds ones!

  33. My favorite treats are peppermint candies, any and all types.

  34. Oh these are so cute! My favorite treat to munch on is white chocolate covered pretzels! Love them!

  35. My favorite treat is a tie between Plain M$M's and Jr Mints.

  36. I love these little sticker packs! My favorite treat (obsession) for a while was Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls. I have since quit that habit but am now on a Kit Kat Kick!

  37. Sonic coming to Billings, Montana! Opening should be in a month by building site progress. Fav treat at Christmas has to be cold, frothy root beer and hot lightly buttered fireplace popped corn someplace near the storytelling grandfather who loved to share his fav treat. A&w or IBC Root beer barrels make a traveling spill-less replacement.
    Date pockets! Grinning from ear to ear as January draws near - our one time a year to do a theater movie with a winning possibility!
    Keep Looking Up!

  38. My favorite treat this time of year is an eggnog latte or a Pepermint Mocha from my local coffee shop!!

  39. My favorite treat is ICE CREAM--just about any flavor but Cookies and Cream is a first pick if it's in the freezer. Sunday afternoon wouldn't be the same without my bowl of ice cream to celebrate a Chiefs win or drown my sorrows when the Chiefs lose.

  40. Loved this post!!! My all time favorite treat are Milk Duds with a Diet Coke chaser. ha!

    Christmas time my Mom always give me Jelly Bellies and those rock too!

    Please exclude me from the giveaway, I recently won some fab Nikki goodies!

  41. My favorite Christmas treat is peanut butter fudge. I can't get enough of it. Throughout the year it is anything tasty from Andy's Frozen Custard and carrot cake.

  42. Hyugs are outdoing yourself! I need to win for my birthday next week! LOL Hugs

  43. not really in to cakes cookies and candy, I love when my ex-MIL and family make tamales. I love real homemade tamales. If I have to choose candy then it is the Cello cherry inside the chocolate.

  44. Churshinki (sp?) light fluffy fried powered sugar dusted goodness! a "once you pop you can't stop" typ of yummy treat!

    - Dave

  45. My favorite treats are Sour Patch Kids! I love them any time of the year!
    Thanks for the chance to win your super giveaway...I love the way you package those stickers inside the pocket!

  46. Fun post!!! Fav treat has to be anything caramel...hard, soft, chocolate covered...on my ice cream...just love caramel!!!

  47. Cute cute cute ... my favorite treat is a Diet Dr. Pepper from Sonic with Vanilla and Extra Ice ... I let myself have one once a week and savor every last drop.

  48. I love the melt in your mouth, only found at Christmastime peppermints by Bob's? I think that's who makes them. Anyway, they are yummo and I've been eating WAY too many of them lately! :(

  49. oooh. my fav treat??? that's hard. I love most everything... lol. If I had to pick my fav Christmas treat, it's frosted cut out cookies. so yummy.

  50. My favorites are red fish and Mc D's Sweet Tea....Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Super cute projects! My favorite treat is Reese's peanut butter cups!

  52. my favorite treat is peppermint lifesavers

  53. I love, Love, LOVE Starburst jellybeans too!! I buy them by the case so I can always have them! They are the perfect "CroppinCompanion" !!

  54. First of all -- the stickers are too cute and I love all the ideas you posted. My favorite treat are definitely mini Reese's peanut cups! They are a huge weakness of mine and I can never resist eating some when they're around.

  55. My favor treat is cherry sour balls. I love them!

  56. Cherry sour balls and anything chocolate!

  57. Adorable hat, Katrina!!
    We love Sonic too!
    Love your treat list!!
    These stickers ae so fun & adorable!!
    My favorite treats are anything with peppermint in them!
    Chocolate, shakes, cookie, brownies ect.
    I dont eat much of any of them have to watch my weight!!

  58. My sons love the Starburst Jelly Beans, but I love the Hershey Nuggets in Milk Chocolate.

  59. I'm on Helmar's holiday hop.... I hope I'm leaving my comment in the right place.... Doesn't matter if I am or not..... What a great blog. I'm following you now... Merry Christmas.

  60. My fav is choclate kisses, like i need them, lol.

  61. My favorite is choclate kisses, like I need then, lol.

  62. The projects are just fabulous and so inspiring. I love so many treats, but I would have to say my favorite is Reece's Peanut Butter Cups. Thanks for a chance at this sweet giveaway.

  63. hello,

    at Christmas I like to bake cookies with vanilla. I love it!!!

    This year, working with disabled people in the home. I am teacher.

    excuse my bad english. I hope you understand what I mean.

    have a great day.

  64. This too much fun! Loving it, what great treats. Great job! New follower now.

  65. My fave treat at the holidays are Strawberry Cream Cookies that have this little strawberry jam yummy!

  66. My favorite treats are Jelly Belly jelly beans...thanks for all the fun giveaways!

  67. what fun!! (and what an adorable give away!)
    my fave treat to have is a Heath Bar...(I LOVE Toffee!0 I just got home last night form Hershey PA...and a visit to Chocolate World.. so you can be sure that i came home wihtb a 6 pack of heath bars!

  68. I already commented on here yesterday for you 12 days of Christmas - but now I am doing the Helmar Holiday Hop...some of my favorite treats during the Holiday season is definitely the cookies - thumbprints are one of my favorites and Rolo turtle cookies!!

  69. I love making cookies too, and we have a tradition at our house of making peanut butter swirls every year! My everyday favorite treat would be a Hershey's bar, just love chocolate! Merry Christmas Nikki and thanks for opeing up your blog to us!

  70. My favorite treat is a Caramel Machito from Starbucks !

  71. My daughters Snickerdoodles....oh yum! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. Sweet idea--thanks. My favorite treat is chocolate covered almonds.

  73. I love chocolate covered pretzels with nuts...yummy!!!

  74. I love those stickers and the projects are great!

  75. Very cool
    My favorite treat is Rice Crispy treats yes still a kid at heart the giveaway is over butI still thought i'd put it out there still new to blogging.
