
Monday, November 1, 2010

Post Halloween sugar crash...

I don't know about all of you but the day after Halloween for ME is a mixture of "I'll never eat candy again" to "Oh my gosh Christmas is just around the corner"!  Ekk... CHRISTMAS, so not ready for that one yet! But before I get toooo ahead of my self I want to share some of our Halloween pictures...
I went as "Mary Poppin's" this year:
I pass out cupcakes to all my family members every Halloween all dressed up. My first stop was my niece Taylor's house.  "Mary" showed up just right after her nap, as always perfect timing!
 Then off to my grandma's house, she is 86 yrs old, loved meeting Mary and eating cupcakes!
 I also went by my 2 brother's homes and my parents, however "Mary" was in such a hurry to get back for all the Trick or Treaters that she forgot to take pictures after the second stop... oops!
Once back home, this is how we have to set up our front door for all the trick or treaters so that our 4 dogs don't run over all the kiddo's! It works great, b/c the kids can pet the dogs and dogs are restrained from all the goblins, ghosts and witches!
We were so surprised that Cinderella stopped by to visit...
"Cinderella" (aka my niece Taylor) came by for some treats. Cinderella really loves her Uncle Danny, even enough to give her candy to him, but of course he refused to take her candy! Below is my Sister Kelly, her husband, Jeff, their daughter "Cinderella" and I have no idea what my husband is doing...
 Then my other niece, Little Bo-Peep, who came by with her sheep (my twin niece and nephew) and were ready for some treats! I wish I could have gotten a better picture of all of them, but Little Bo-Peep was tired and her sheep... well they were just out of control, as you can see below!
Sheep #1 (Molly)...
 Here is my other sister, Emily with Max (sheep #2)...

Half way through the night we realized we had a skunk running through our house... 
                                                                        Poor Bella!

Once the candy was gone and the lights were turned out Nico and I went to rest in the bedroom. Nico did a pretty good job for his first Halloween with us. Every time the doorbell rang he never barked or whined, but he was a bit confused by some of the strange "little" people that came by. I'm sure it was a bit stressful for him b/c once we were back to the bedroom he laid right up against my legs (and I mean right up against them with all his weight) while I stood at the sink brushing my teeth & washing my face. Then instead of laying in bed with me, which he does every night, he laid on the floor right by my side of the bed so that no one could get past him without knowing. I'm sure is was a confusing night for him. He's such a great dog, as sweet as can be and yet very protective of his people! 

I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend! Happy November! -Nikki


  1. You look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!! You are the PERFECT MARY!!!! I loveeeeeeeeee all the photos of the kids...they are ADORABLE! And hope Nico's a little better today! :):):):):):):):):):) With Bella's little so inspired me...we dressed Mr. Dandy up this year for the first time... he was sooooooooo good in his little Halloween outfit! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Looks like LOTS of fun! Glad you had a great time!! ^_^

  3. You were the perfect Mary Poppins! I love the songs in the movie so now I am singing them! What a fun night. Since I will accept cupcakes anytime, next time stop by here.

  4. What a fun post! I bet everyone looks forward to your visit! :-)

  5. i love hearing (& seeing) how others celebrate halloween. LOVE your costume!! the photo of you & your grandma is precious -- one to cherish forever. You are both so beautiful.

  6. You look awesome Mary,,,,I mean Nikki, and how about Little lamb.....and well skunky is the winner, this little dog has so much personality, he is like my Maxi. Melxx

  7. You are so cool dressing up and bringing cheer to others!

  8. Great costume! I know just how you feel...sugar overload...feeling like I am already behind on shopping for Christmas. LOL, every year it is the same.

  9. I have that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down the medicine go down lol.
