
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Mr. Nikki Sivils" has taken control

Hello, it's me (Dan, aka husband of Nikki). Some of you may recall that I once had to take over this blog when I found Nikki on the floor making paper cupcakes for her first CHA. She was very pale, barely awake and sweating with a fever! I sent her to bed and told everyone to send her back to bed if they caught her online. Together, we saved her. But alas, here I am again because my pretty wife is not feeling well. She always refuses to accept illness and keeps going non-stop until she drops, literally, or I step in and take control. This evening she was sent to bed and, for lack of a better word, she is "grounded" for at least 24 hours. I really had no choice after her behavior in the grocery store. Here's what happened:

While in the check out line a friendly woman asked Nikki, "What kind of thearpy do you do?"

Nikki replied, "I'm sorry, what?" 

Friendly lady repeated, "What kind of therapy do you do?"

Nikki: "What?"

Friendly (and patient) lady, "I said therapy. Do you do therapy?"

Nikki: "I am sorry, you must have me confused with someone else. I don't do    therapy."

Friendly (and confused) lady: "Oh. But you are wearing a name tag ...and shirt... that says Pet Therapy of the Ozarks"

Nikki: "Oh my gosh, name tag, yes it is my name tag! Oh and I am wearing my shirt! I volunteer with Pet Therapy of the Ozarks!"

Friendly lady: "So then, do you train the pet thearpy dogs?"

Wait for it..........

Nikki: "No, I do therapy"

Then nice lady looks at me with a look that implies I better take my wife home. I look at the nice lady with a look indicating that I have been down this road many times before and I have it handled. We both look at Nikki, who is obviously pale and looking very sick. I smile and give her a big hug and say, "We are going home. And you are definitely grounded."

Now, Nikki is asleep and grounded. If you catch her online tell her to go back to bed! I do not have a layout or card to show you, but I do have a wonderful niece, Ellie, who painted me a special picture. I think it's beautiful, I bet you will too. Goodnight, Dan


  1. I hope Nikki does not see this until she is well.....but I hope she feels better soon!

  2. Hey, Dan!
    I see that you've come to the rescue and after reading your story, I'm glad you did! LOL!!
    Get better soon, Miss Therapy!! xo

  3. I won't tell you that she sent me an email earlier...nope. no siree. I will not tell on the boss lady! Lol! I hope she feels better soon...and good job, Mr. Nikki Sivils for grounding her till she feels better! I loveeeeee the picture your niece drew for you! Its beautiful! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Ooohhh Poor Nikki, she never learns does she?! Good for you Dan!
    Hope Nikki will be feeling better soon! Take care, both of you *hugs*

  5. Hello Dan,
    I hope Nikki feels better soon!
    Greetings Lea

  6. Dan, how nice of you to do the blogging for Nikki tonight, I so hope she is feeling better in the morning, lol re: the lady in the checkout. Great idea grounding her...Melxx

  7. Yeah, I thought she sounded like she was getting sick when I talked to her the other day....she fluffed it off when I asked...I should have known better......GET WELL soon Ms. Nikki

  8. Nikki is lucky to have a caring DH like you...I hope she feels better soon! Good on you for taking control of the reins and grounding her.

  9. I'm glad you are taking good care of her, Dan! I hope she makes it through her grounding. LOL I know she can be a little . . . . ummm . . . stubborn! Get well soon Nikki! :)

  10. Hey Hey... wait a minute... when did this happen? I was sound a sleep and you start taking over my blog? What the heck... but I do thank you for sending me to bed I really needed it! 12 hours of sleep was barely enough!

  11. Glad you grounded her, sounds like she needed it! Your niece and her picture are so cute! TFS :)

  12. Hi, Dan! That story made me laugh! Hope Nikki is feeling better soon!

  13. Hey,'re a hoot! Get well soon, Nikki! -- Debbie

  14. Dan you are FANTASTIC! Thank you for taking care of your dear wife! you're a good man. Nikki....get better!

  15. Heehee! Dan is too funy. And poor Nikki.... hope you feel better soon, girl.

  16. Oh Nikki... that is soooo funny!!! Not that you are sick, but the whole grocery store story! HUGS!!! Happy Thanksgiving! That artwork is gorgeous too! I'm an art teacher and I know so!
