
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Something Stinks Around Here...

Yesterday was Bella-Blue's visit to Hulston Cancer Center, our local cancer center, for our Pet Therapy visit.  Bella usually loves going to this monthly visit, in fact when we pull into the parking garage she goes crazy, barking and scratching at the car window. But yesterday was our "Halloween" visit and needless to say...  Bella was not happy!  And I just can't imagine why...

 Well I thought she made the cutest little skunk EVER, and as you can see from the pictures above she still got lots of petting and love from everyone!  We weren't alone, Jim & Anna bring Miss Molly to our visits (they've been a part of our team for over a year now, and Bella has been a therapy dog for 4 yrs).  But, poor poor Molly HATED being a farmer! Molly wouldn't walk. It took all 3 of us "humans" to get Molly to take a step forward, but she came around when "cheese" was offered.

 The best part of yesterday's visit was seeing one of the patients that is in remission, she was waiting for Bella in the Lobby! She walked up to us and said "do you remember me" and I stood there trying to remember how I knew her, she looked familiar but I just couldn't place her.  Then she said "I was a patient here being treated for ovarian cancer and I'm now in remission. During my appointments here at the cancer center I always looked forward to Tuesday's when I got to see Bella, and even though I don't have an appointment today I came to see Bella one last time".  With tears in my eyes I handed her my skunk (Bella), told her I'm so happy she is better and that I was so happy that Bella made her happy during her time at the cancer center.  I just couldn't believe it, you'd think she'd never want to step foot in that place again, but she came for one last visit... to see Bella.  Once again I was reminded how special these visits are to the patients, staff and to Bella & I.  
I hope you have a wonderful "hump" day! -Nikki


  1. Oh, that is sooo sweet - It's always awesome when people take the time to say thank you for something that has impacted their lives!

  2. That is sooooooooooooooooo sweet!!!! I love love love stories like that!!!! And she looks adorable in her costume! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I knew you were precious but you keep amazing me. As I sit here with tears in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks, all I can say is that I just adore you even more. Not just for your talent but your giving and service.

  4. This is super sweet and how cute are those costumes.
    I'm such a dog lover
    That's wonderful what you do.

  5. I just had to comment because you have me in tears at my desk right now. Isn't it amazing how sometimes we are destined to be in that place just at that time for a purpose. You just can't question it. Amazing story!! The furbabies are so sweet in their costumes!!!

  6. Such a sweet story & cute costumes :)

  7. Bella is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! And that story is too sweet. Really made my day to hear something like that.

  8. That is hilarious! Since we have a new puppy around here, this even makes me more happy!

  9. That is so sweet! I'm so glad that the woman is in remission and I'm glad that there are people like you out there who go out and bring happiness to people!

  10. That costume excuse me is so stinking cute. I can see my two little fur babies in that and I can just laugh about this and brings a smile because they were both skunked at the same time lol.
    What a wonderful story thanks for sharing and such cute pups.

  11. I cannot see my huge ol dogs in costumes
    Great story

    thanks for sharing.
    Cute dogs

  12. I do believe that is the cutest Skunk I've ever seen! :-)

  13. OMG she is the cutest little skunk I have every seen, you always touch a heart string in me, you are such a wonderful person, your children (the puppies) are so very lucky to have you....god bless you. Melxx
