
Monday, October 11, 2010

Shaking things up a bit....

Hi everyone, Nikki here again!  Don't fall over shocked that I have 2 blog posts in less than a week! LOL! I'm hijacking my blog back for awhile...  missing all the fun connecting with all of you! And I'm sure you all are just chomping at the bit to know what's going on here at the "Sivils" headquarters, Right! ;)

I'm working like a mad woman and I mean MAD WOMAN on my Spring collections for 2011! I know isn't that crazy! I'm already for some hot apple cider, chili, and a warm sweater,  not wanting to think about everything blooming during the warm Spring days!  I want Halloween candy, scary movies and a warm cozy blanket all snug with my husband, kiddo and dogs...  okay so you get the idea!  Its gets hard to think of one season when you are in the middle of another, BUT I have some great designs to share with you all soon (like maybe in December).  I know these Spring collections are going to be a hit, well I hope they will be a hit!

We had a great weekend, Henry won first place in his first debate tournament as a freshman in HS! He was  proud and so were we! (Pic was taken w/ my iPhone, so not good quality)

Saturday night we went to my sister., Emily's house, and we think we are sooooo busy well she has a set of twins (1 and half year old) a son that will be 8 next week and Ellie who is the sweetest little 5 year old ever! WOW.... now she is busy! We had a great time eating pizza and playing outside!
Here is Miss Mollie one of the twins! We tried to get a good picture of both of them together or even just one but they are way too busy for that!  I did get one quick one here...

And we brought the Newfie back home with us b/c the lady that was fostering him is going in for surgery. So we now have a German Shepherd, a Lab-mix, a Yorkie and a Yorkie mix with a puppy Newfie..... we are losing our minds! Mainly Dan, he had to sleep on the couch last night b/c the Newfie only wanted him, not me, not the crate and not outside... only Dan! Dan said he would sleep for an hour then the Newfie would wake him up with huge slobbery wet kisses (the Newfie is 90 plus lbs and only around 6 months old)!  We desperately need to find him a wonderful forever home, he is a true sweetheart!

That's it here at the Sivils farm, I mean house! I'll be back Wednesday! Have a great Monday! -Nikki


  1. Tooooooooooooooooooooo cute!! LOVING the photo of Miss Mollie and loving the new puppy (but poor Dan! LOL!) And YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to HENRY!! That is AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Congrats to Henry! and poor hubs, but that Newfie sure is adorable! Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see the spring collection :)
    Happy Monday!
    hugs, margie

  3. CONGRATS to Henry!! Love dogs...that Newfie looks gorgeous!! I hope you find a good home for him soon! Can't wait to see the new lines!!

  4. Yay Henry!!! Congrats to him!! And it is impossible to take photos of my little one so I can just imagine how hard it is take photos of twins!!!! She is adorable though!

  5. Congrats to Henry! Hey, that's another thing we have in common. My son is on the Speech and Debate team also! He did really well as a freshman, too! What kind of debate does Henry do? My son does Policy. he also does some DI and Duo (acting)! I'm sure your Debate team will be competing against ours! Sorry, I have to root for us!

  6. I think Henry should get major kudos if Dan drove him to this debate! lol lol And the newfie...well what is ONE MORE dog!?! LOL LOL hugs, K
