
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Peak into my World...

 First of all... do you see this sweet little boy in these pictures? This is our sweet Henry at age 9, actually makes me sad to see these pictures of him so little and oh how he loved to sit on mine or Dan's lap right after dinner. We never knew why this became a ritual, but it did and we loved it. Sometimes sitting on my lap for days at a time after dinner then switching to Dan's lap for several days or every other day it was a different lap. (I'm getting to my story here but needed to show you this sweet face first and his wonderful disposition.)  Well now this sweet child is 15, and still sweet but very much a teenager! Here's the story:
Henry comes home from his first HS Homecoming Dance and
Dan asks "So Hen-pen how was the dance?"
Henry says "Great I danced with 2 girls, one being a sophomore!"
Dan: "Really, a sophomore?"
then I come in the conversation with "Hen how did you dance with them, a slow dance or fast dance?" Henry: "Neither, they (the girls) taught me how to "grind"!"
Dan is (laughing and looking at me) and I'm choking and saying "Grind, hmm like dirty dancing?" Henry: "I guess but we call it grinding!"
Me: "Well who are these girls, what are their names?"
Henry: "Why?"
Me: "Oh just wondering" (thinking to myself, these girls will never step foot in my home) Henry tells me the names of the girls and walks out of the room, then Dan looks at me and says "Well now how in the heck are you going to scrapbook that one?"!!  
I'm still speechless... but I do want to mention this in his "yearly" scrapbook b/c I know we'll laugh at this in about 30 years! :)  So any suggestions about how I should do this "Grinding" layout are welcome.  I sure do miss "Sponge Bob" and the "Disney" channel........

I've been spending a lot of time designing and redesigning my new Spring collections.  During this process I change spots throughout the house and outside b/c I need a different scenery everyday. So yesterday was the couch...
(Dan took these with his iPhone yesterday)
 Excuse the no make-up (I'm looking a little rough in these pics) but when he sent them to me I realized that no matter where I'm at I always have a few things with me... my dogs of course, Bella helping me design, and Alfred asleep on his back next to me, my phones behind me (which I have no idea why I carry them around b/c I pretty much refuse to answer them while in this process), my chocolate on the table (this is sometimes substituted w/ Jelly Beans), my lap desk and of course my Snuggie! The thing is I pretty much don't work with out these things around me. I gather them all up make a spot then get to work.  Which got me thinking, I'd like to know what rituals you all have, crazy or not, I think it would be fun! Like while you are driving, cooking, watching TV, reading, scrapbooking, crafting etc... is there one or more things that you "must have" in order to do something? Leave a comment and I'll pick one person to win a little "Fall" package, and my DT girls can play along too b/c it won't just be all my paper & products! I'll announce the winner on Friday.
Oh and I guess this is also a bit of a "sneak peek" however, it will most likely change before going to press! ;)
 (Isn't Miss Bella a cutie-pie on my lap desk, this seems to be her way of telling me enough is enough!)
Happy Wednesday! -Nikki


  1. Poor Bella - I just know she is lacking in attention these days - I can just see it in those pictures. LOL I love it! Lexi comes up to me when I am working and knocks my hand off the computer mouse with her head, as if to say "I'm much more important than work!". haha
    I can't really think of any rituals except that I MUST have my dog, my laptop, phone and a pepsi nearby at all times! LOL

  2. hehehehehehe....that story about Henry cracks me up!!! LOL!! hmmmmmmmmmmm... "learning the grind" would be my title... but you also know I have a weird sense of humor that way!! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the photos! And let's see... I can NOT create without my Diet Mountain Dew, my phone and my blog music playing in the background! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. must have to laptop (for blog inspiration), my music, and ummm...I have to at least had 1 cup of coffee that day...haha

  4. I guess the only ritual I have is reading before going to bed. It seems like a day is not complete without it - even if I'm exhausted I need to read a page or two before turning off my brain and going to sleep.

    As for the "grinding page"... I would probably scrap his picture and a picture of some sort of grinder (meat, coffee) and add a title like "My first high school dance". Then it will be a joke that needs to be explained to anyone who looks at the page. A good story needs to be told over and over :)

  5. Patchi- GREAT IDEA!! That's what I think I'm gonna have to do!

    Julie- that title is perfect!! think I"ll have to do that!!

    Steph- give Lexi my love... and Bella is by no means not getting enough attention, however she would say if she wasn't being help 24/7 then its not enough!!!

  6. I love the dogs "help"! At least they do think they are helping somehow. My DH works at home and he will do the same thing about changing places to work.

  7. Little Miss Bella is just a sweet baby!!! I think that helps when your baby moves into "Grind" mode hopefully? Yikes! I can't wait to get my own glamorous Snuggie for when I am scrapping in my lower level this winter. I always have Diet Coke and my Tony and Radar (Cavaliers) on my feet helping keep me warm while I scrap. I also have to have my cell close by to virtual scrap with my buddies!

  8. OhMyGoodness! Sweet Bella is SO adorable in there! I almost didn't see her! Loving the sneaky peaky! Thank you :)
    Anywhere I go, I always carry my cell phone, a bottle of water, my bucket of Copics and either my laptop, book or my latest knit project!
    Back to the grind ;) I can't wait to see what that page is going to look like!
    Happy Wednesday!
    hugs, margie

  9. You grind story is priceless - good luck! My kids are 2 and 6, I can only imagine what will be "in" when they hit their teens. Yikes!
    My ritual is coffee - first thing in the morning, almost no exception. Would love to have a sneak peek of your new creations.

  10. We had a similar experience with our son when he came home from his first homecoming dance at 15. I was SHOCKED beyond belief. I'm thinking "where are the teachers" and asked him. He said,"oh, when it got too bad, the teachers just kind of accidentally bump into the kids to separate them" OMG!
    Love your pup! And you'd look beautiful in a paper sack... just sayin'

  11. I try not to go to sleep at night without checking on my kids in the basement -- all of them sleeping for hours -- but I need to just see if everyone's fine; blankets are not covering their faces; no one's falling off beds; & a little kiss from mom. :)
    I also need my shot of HGTV in the morning -- Home & Garden Television. Makes me smile.

  12. I think the Anonymous "Lisa" in the comment section is my sister.....can't be sure though. She has kids that are 2 and 6. Hope SHE wins!!!!!!

  13. When I sew I have to have my scissors, stiletto, and seam ripper layed out to might right side just so--and it seems if they aren't in the "right" place nothing goes right.

  14. Like you, I love my dog!! He's my "Buddy" (also his name..easy huh?). He goes with me or my hubby everywhere. So that's my ritual, I guess. When I'm creating, he says on the floor by me. When I'm cooking, he lays on the floor watching me, hoping for a dropped piece of anything!! And it often happens! After all, he's my Buddy!!

  15. I think the meat grinder is a great idea! LOL

  16. Awww, Bella is soooo cute! And that grinding story is too funny! Can't wait to see your new designs!!!

  17. every morning I sit at my computer and check all my bookmarked blogs (like this one)...but I do it with my coffee and breakfast, taking breaks in between each cup of coffee (I drink lots) to work out and walk circles around the house doing my daily "putting things away".

  18. Oh wow, Bella is really the key designer at Nikki Sivils isn't she, such a gorgeous shot, my dogs are my children too and every night I have Maxi (14 years and going strong) at my feet, winter or summer, and Stanley is right next to me on the lounge with his head in my lap, this is fussy cutting time for me and it wouldn't be right for my best friend poodles to be in these positions. Nate (my 3.5 year old) is on the other side of me cutting out too.....

    I had a wonderful laugh re: the grind, oh the changes from Spongebob to dancing with the older girls just seems to happen before your eyes I can imagine. Thanks for sharing. Melxx

  19. I always have a cup of coffee next to me, laptop nearby, and my iTunes opened! I sometimes run out of creativity, so I always look through magazines for color inspiration as well as design!! :)
