
Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey Hey it's Monday!!

Hoping everyone had a good weekend! I sure did, although Saturday ended up being crazy busy all day then ending the day with a pumpkin carving contest at my parents house! Sunday however was great, did a little bit of work then... watched a movie and took my sweet Nico on about an hour walk! Love days like that!
Here are some pictures from the Pumpkin Carving contest:
Here is mine, I do a real pumpkin face every year, I just like the look of a smiling pumpkin! (I didn't win.)

This is my brother Ryan's pumpkin! I loved it, he carved his Boxers face on the pumpkin!! Freehand too! 
 Here is the winning pumpkin, my step-dad won the contest with yet another dog face!
This is the winning pumpkin with the lights off!!
We all had a great time, ate way too much chili and apple pie!! Yum Yum! Perfect Fall food!
That's all I have, I hope you have a great day!!  -Nikki


  1. Those are some awesome pumpkins!

  2. I love the sweet doggy face pumpkins!!! Awesome idea for some family fun too!

  3. Looks like lots of fun had by all and a fabulous group of carved pumpkins! :)

  4. WOW! Does that dog every look amazing! We carved a pumpkin this weekend too but ours is very simple in comparison.

  5. Awesome! I wish someone would tell my son that he's not too old at 16 to carve pumpkins!

  6. He,hee I'll leave my comments about "your" pumpkin later, lol!! :P However, your brother and step dad rawked the dawgs!!

  7. How fun!! I loveeeeeee the pumpkins! :):):):):):):):):):):)
