
Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Monday!!

Monday's have really never been my favorite day but after a "working" weekend, it's a nice break to be in one place for the day! I don't have a lot of news to share with you all but I do have a picture of my oldest dog, Alfred taking a load off in my office! I just had to share this with you all mainly b/c of his cuteness!! My friend & local DT lead, Katrina, took this picture of him while she was over for a visit.
I found this basket at a flea market, put a dog bed in it with a pillow and now its Mr Alfred's new digs!!

I received an email over the weekend from a sweet lady by the name of Kadie Ensley. Kadie bought my newest collection "My Friend Birdie" and made this adoreble card! I just fell in love with it! I don't know what the "party" is for but if I got this in the mail... I'd be there for sure!!  Kadie also used Claudia & Company Stamps, which I have to say are adorable!! Thanks Kadie for sending this sweet card to me!
Have you all seen and grabbed my new "Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker" badges?? They are so cute and fun! Here are a few of them:

The rest of the badges are on the left side of my blog.  Pick one up for your blog! You'll never know when you might be "rewarded" for having one posted on your blog! 
I guess that's it for this Monday!! 
Have a great week! -Nikki


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Alfred is ADORABLE in that basket!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE it!!!! And LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE card!! I totally hear ya... if I got that in the mail...I would sooooooooo be there! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. How do you Add A Badge To Your Blog?

  3. Hi Suey04! :):):):):)

    To add a badge to you blog (this is for blogger), you right click on the badge you want to display, and "save image as" to your computer, then go to "design" from your dashboard, then "add a gadget," "picture," then in that field, add a copy of the link to Nikki's blog and under "Image from your computer" add the badge that you saved to your computer! :):):):):):) And then you hit "save" and you are all set! :):):):):):) I hope this helps! :):):):):) Have a great night! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Alfred is a cutie.....and so is Kadie's card:)

  5. Love your new badges! you made it hard to choose! Maybe I should just add them all to my blog, LOL! And what a cutie is Alfred!

  6. Oh Wow! Thanks so much for showing my card, Nikki!! I'm glad you liked it...your paper is so inspiring!
    I just love that pic of Alfred too! What a CUTIE PIE!!

  7. Oh I love Mr. Alfred's new bed, I love seeing dogs get what they deserve, unconditional love, gorgeous card and can you tell me if you sell your products yourself as I cannot find many shops to sell me a range of your products, Emeline Seet Ng sent me some older papers and I have bought all I can at Anna's Craft cupboard over here. Love Melxx
