
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Making history with Nikki Sivils...

Yep. That's what I'm doing. I'm gonna make history with Nikki Sivils by posting my blog entry today... September 28th. Throughout history, big things have happened on September 28th. For example:

September 28, 1745 - Bonnie Prince Charlie becomes king of Scotland

September 28, 1928 - 1st recording session in Nashville

September 28, 1932 - New York Yankees win World Series

September 28, 1956 - RCA Records reports Elvis Presley sold over 10 million records

September 28, 1968 - Beatles' "Hey Jude" single goes #1

September 28, 1970 - Anwar Sadat replaces Egyptian President Nassar

September 28, 1994 - "Cats" 5,000th Broadway performance

And now today...

September 28, 2010 - Julie Howard posts two totally random layouts on Nikki Sivils' blog

It's truly a day for the history books. I believe this post calls for paid time off work, cookouts and, dare I say it? Fireworks.

Yes. I *am* one strange bird. I make no excuses for it. In order to survive the craziness of day to day life, I attempt to find the humor in everything. If I can't laugh at the absurdity of some situations, I could just as easily find myself in tears. So in my life, I've learned to keep a light heart and to laugh!

Oh... and if it wasn't obvious, I used the My Friend Birdie
collection for this layout. The letters are from some other manufacturers which I will not mention here. Bwah!

Now for the next layout, you'll be very surprised at the two collections I mixed. I decided to use:

Boo-tiful and Blueberry Hill

See... I told you I was a strange bird. But seriously! Don't they look fabulous together?!

This is my niece, Chelsea. Clearly, she has a flair for the dramatic. Nooooo idea where she gets that from. Whenever she visits her Grandma's house she always leaves behind a new message on the chalkboard in the kitchen. This "I will be discovered" note was left for her Grandma this past May. Years from now we'll all be able to look back on this and say, 'We knew her when.'

Just as years from now you'll be able to look back on this date in history and say, 'Hey! September 28, 2010 is the date that Julie Howard posted two completely random layouts to Nikki Sivils' blog!'


  1. I have to totally mark this day down in history! HA! You crack me up girl!! I love love love love love love these!!!! That birdie one is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun and i love love love love the mix of boo-tiful and blueberry hill!! GENIUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This is awesome Julie!! Grreat entry today... you are so funny!! Thanks so much! Oh and great layouts too!!

  3. LOVE how you used the Nikki Sivils products on your cute layouts! The combo on that first one is so FUN!

  4. I happen to like "strange birds," especially those with some mad scrapping skills! AWESOME pages, as ALWAYS! :-)

  5. I think we should name this days as the "Julie Howard posting at Nikki Sivlis day". You are so funny, I love your entry. And the layouts to!

  6. OH you crack me up!!!! And LOVE the layouts...but the first one is my fav!!!! hugs, K

  7. What an awesome and fun post, Julie! Your layouts are stunning! Great mix of DPs! Love it :)
    TFS! hugs, margie
