
Monday, August 23, 2010

Blueberry and a little Tree Love....

Hey Everyone....I just have one it HOT where you are? This heat is about to get the best of me. I am a winter girl....bring on the snow!!! But before we can do that we have to celebrate Fall!

I was lucky to get to work with the Tree Love collection for CHA projects! I ADORE this line.
And the addition of the cardstock stickers and the letters is so fun!!! You get a lot of letters (big and mini!) that you can use on multiple projects. And the fun stickers too!!! So, here is one of my layouts that I did with this line....I love the color in the Fall. I might have "tweaked" the color a little in these pics, but I am not telling!!!

And that beaver?? WELL, the entire design team has decided that beaver ROCKS!!!!! I just wanna hug him....maybe we could get Nikki to do a stuffed animal out of him!?! LOL LOL
Here is a close up....and yes....that is the way I feel about summer!!! Those Craft Flags are great for picketing signs!!! hee hee

And for Blueberry Hill, I created a fun little card!!! Have you ever made an easel card?? I hadn't until this one. It is super easy and fun to do. If you would like a tutorial on it....leave a message in the comments and maybe I can get one on here if there is enough interest. It lays flat to give and then it stands on it's own, so that you can enjoy it after receiving it!!! (sorry I didn't get a pic of it flat!)

I hope I have inspired you to create some fun Nikki projects!!!! And remember, if you make something with Nikki Sivils products, you could be featured here by our Blog Hostess with the Mostest....Julie Tucker Wolek! Just make sure and let us know!!!!

Have a Scrappy Kind of Day!!~~Katrina


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you know its hot here girl!! LOL!!! It will be HOT here until Thanksgiving! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that lo and love love love that card!! The butterflies are ADORABLE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. ooooooo I love both the lo and card! Super cute!!!

  3. it looks like autumn begins here. it's windy and cloudy, and a lot of rain....

    your work is beautiful Katrina!!


  4. I vote for the Tutorial!

    It will still be hot here in Florida for a looooonnngggg time, and snow this year only in my dreams!

    Great card and LO!!!

  5. It is already hot here this morning! Looking at about 99 degrees today UGH! I LOVE your porjects! Those lines are soooooooo cute!!!

  6. I adore that card!! Love it! all! Thanks K!!

  7. Wow! The layout is wonderful but LOVE the little flowers on your card.

  8. yay!!! :) great projects katrina! i esp love the beaver.


  9. Katrina I love your work !!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have the info on the card. I have the perfect person i want to make one for !!

  10. ok, LOVING the easel card!!! fabulous LO too!!
