
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Birds and Beauties...

Hey ALL!!! Delaina posting here with you today. I am so glad to be here with Nikki for another term...Just gotta THANK her one more time! She is the sweetest! Really!

I have been playing with a few of the new collections and having a blast. My first creation I made using the My Friend Birdie Collection...and I absolutely scrapped a few Birds. This a my son and his closest friends making a video for their senior class. These pics crack me up. A few of these boys don't hardly talk above a whisper and here they are in my front yard "getting down"! As soon as I saw this collection I knew what to scrap first...I just love the little birdies!

Here are the Beauties....this is my sweet daughter and and her best friend at camp this summer...I used the "Blueberry Hill" to create this LO. I love the vibrant colors in this collection.

HapPy ScRaPpiN!!!


  1. Both of these layouts are so cute, you really pulled off some neat details with the stickers and papers.

  2. GORGEOUS lo's Delania!! I love love loveeeeeeeeee the way you layered the sun on that second one!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I have boys & that was sooo funny. Like the LO's

  4. Ooooohhhh.... These are SO lovely!!! And lol on that first layout! Ha!
