
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Big Picture...

Hi all its me, Nikki! I hope everyone is having a great August! I am but its so hot that you can't be outside and I love being out side (and I have this big beautiful German Shepherd that would like to be with me outside all the time too but its too hot for both of us)! I've never been more ready for fall!!
I've been slammed with work, Dan had to go out of town for 4 days, Lanie and Catlin went on vacation last week and part of this week so its really been about all I can handle! Then at one point I was getting all kinds of things done when I realized I was barely making a dent! Then at another point this weekend I thought "hey I don't need these people" I can do all of this and run this entire company all by myself, then yesterday I was in tears freaking out over an order trying to get it shipped and it wasn't working right (or I wasn't doing it right) and I thought if I didn't need Dan and Laine so much I was going to kill them both when they got back to work! So "the big picture" was that I do need help, that I can't do it all, that its perfectly fine to want and ask for help!

I was a guest blogger yesterday at "The Big Picture Scrapbooking" blog and had a great time blogging and wanted to share my blog entry with you all. You can see it here: Big Picture Scrapbooking Check out all the other guest bloggers too, they have some great ideas and stories!
They are having a Big Festival that starts this week, here is the info for the Festival...

Join us for the Big Idea Festival!

Are you looking for some fun and free inspiration? Then join us for the Big Idea Festival at Big Picture Scrapbooking!

Each summer, Big Picture Scrapbooking hosts a free online event packed full of ideas and layouts created by their instructors. This year, in addition to all of the inspiration, there will also be daily challenges and tons of prizes.
Nikki Sivils, Scrapbooker is proud to be sponsoring the event, and you could win some of our wonderful products!

What are you waiting for? Registration is free and easy! Click here for the full details (

We hope to see you at the Big Idea Festival!

I also wanted to share some pics with you all...

Bella & I went to a "Bring your Dog" event here in Springfield and we got our picture taken for a charm that will be on a neckless! I can't wait to get it!

Sorry for the small picture but its from my iPhone, this is my niece, Victoria, we took her for ice cream tonight! She fills me with so much love!!
This is Nico.... my big bad baby!! Hee Hee... just kidding, he may be the best dog in the world! I adore him! He loves to snuggle....
This is my life long friend, Birdie, she came to town for a visit and we had a great dinner together! I miss her so much!! This is the friend that inspired my newest collection "My Friend Bridie"!!

Goodnight all! Have a great rest of the week! -Nikki


  1. Hi Nikki Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share and I so adore the photos.

    Your little sweet babie posed beautifully for her photo. Will make a priceless necklace. They become our lives don't they?

    The photo of you and your friend, what a memory, and how lovely that you have named a collection after her.

    I wanted to let you know my box of love came. I am so excited to begin. I am a newbie. Julie promises to stop by soon and get me started. When I create, I promise to share with all. Thank you again, I so adore Bucky the Beaver. What fun I am going to have finding myself in Scrapbooking.

    Have a gorgeous evening sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh off to check off your guest bloggy gig!!! That is sooooooooooooo awesome!! And I am off to register!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos!! Toooooooooooooooo cute! :):):):):):):):):):):) And I'm sorry you had a rough time... its always good to have help :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Nice pictures of you :-)...

    and I already register for the free classes...:-), I always can used some inspration!

  4. Great job guest blogging and some great advice on asking for help...I know I am guilty of sometimes just trying to "do it all" then get totally stressed.

    Fun photos and great to meet the "Real Birdie"!

  5. Bummer that you had a crazy week by yourself, but I'm sure Dan & Lanie are happy to know they are needed!

    Cute photo of you & Birdie... did not realize there really WAS a friend named Birdie! My FAV new line, too!

    Just signed up for The Big Picture! Yay! :-)

  6. Thanks everyone! You all are so sweet!

    Sherry- I can't wait to see your first SBing pages! Good luck!

  7. Sorry about that heat but looks like you did get in a couple fun things. Cool on the Big Picture gig.

  8. Great guest post! How sweet that you do that each week with Bella!!
