
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pre-show CHA & the winner of Sunday's Giveaway...

Hey all! Well I don't have much of an update for you all today... day 2 of set up is my favorite, its decorating and rearranging everything a thousand times!! I love it!! So I just have one picture for you and its on my iphone (I forgot my camera today) so the equality isn't that great but you can get the basic Idea. The booth is done but the crates haven't been carried away yet (they do that during the night) and the walkway carpet isn't down yet either (they do that during the night too) but I'll have better picks tomorrow! Here is today's picture...

I can't wait for tomorrow... visiting with all the retailers, designers and friends I've made! Speaking of friends I went to dinner with Susan Dupre (my domestic DT leader & can't image doing a CHA without her) Stephanie Hunt & the Bella Blvd team, we had a great dinner (thanks for dinner Stephanie) and a wonderful visit! Stephanie and her team are great people! I just love the friends I've made!!

Now for the winner of Sunday's giveaway is.... Kristie! Please email me your mailing address and I'll get this out just as soon as I get home! ;) Oh and you can thank Dan, my hubby, he picked the number tonight!
Kristie said...
"What a beautiful collection! I really love the blue/green color combo. Thanks for the chance to win! Enjoy CHA!!"

Well it's 11:30 pm here and I must get some much needed sleep for tomorrow!
Goodnight!! -Nikki


  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It looks AWESOME Nikki!!! CONGRATS Kristie!! GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!!!!! Sooooooooooooooooooo EXCITING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. PS.....Drink you h20! That's an order! *wink* hehehehehehehehe :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. you are so lucky to be there Nikki !! !thanks for the news !!!!

  4. Best wishes for an awesome show!

  5. Oh WOW!!!! I can't believe my name was picked!! I am so excited! Thank you!!

    Your booth looks awesome, so wish I could be there checking it all out in person!
