
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home Sweet Home

There is something oh so comforting about the perfect home. You know what I'm talking about right? A sanctuary filled with the things you love, the colors that inspire you and the memories you cherish. Somewhere that you can call your own and be yourself all the time.

So many of us have that haven within our homes known as the "craft space". A place that gives us security, inspiration and sometimes if we are lucky, a little bit of peace and quiet.

Hey there everyone, I'm Erika Taylor and I'm one of the new Doghouse Divas here at Nikki Sivils. Every time I say that, I smile ear to ear and start singing "Who Let the Dogs Out" woof woof woof woof...*doin the hand pump* Yup, I'm a little bit crazy, I'm Canadian and that is just part and parcel up here.

Over the next while, I hope to share with you, a little about me and what makes me tick.

Today I've got a few cards to share with you using the Bella Blue and Oscar Too collection as well as the My Sweet Cherry Pie Collection. I absolutely love the color palette in both of these and I so wish that the Cherry Overload paper came in fabric and wallpaper. That would certainly bring cheer to my crafty space.

Without further adieu, here are my cards

I did a little "renovating" to the super cute house on the Cutie Cut-Up papers. Adding some shakes on the roof and a few curtains too. The entire card pops with the help of Helmar Liquid Scrap Dots and Zapdots.

You will see that I'm a huge fan of fussy cutting and bling. Every one has their happy place hehe. I added the Canvas buttons to the flowers to give them a little personality.

Love that Houndstooth paper. Such a beautiful combination of the perfect browns and those cherries are so sweet. I distressed the edges of the circles and added a bit of ink to the mix. In my stash of ribbon {one of my crafty addictions thanks to Really Reasonable Ribbon} I found the perfect gingham matches for the card plus some super sweet double ruffle ribbon too.

Happiness is indeed Homemade and I'm feeling right at home here. Thank you so much for stopping by today and making my first post on the Nikki Sivils Blog a real treat. Take a moment and stop on by my blog too. Until next time

Erika Taylor


  1. These are AMAZING Erika!! I love love love love the way you accented the flowers! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Beautiful cards Erika!
    Love the renovating! ;)
    True :D

  3. Awww Erika Beautiful cards hun! Love the designs on both of these!!


  4. Beautiful cards!! Love them!

  5. How cute! Your cards are each so different yet both so adorable and such great uses of those papers.

  6. Great cards Erika! I love what you did with the house too. The paper collections are awesome!

  7. OH, I love both of these Erika! My fave is the second one because I adore all things cherry:) LOVE how you incorporated the ribbon! Awesome cards, woman!!!

  8. Love these cards...I need this house one for a housewarming I am going to. Love it!
