
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scrap-a-palooza, a giveaway and a sneak peek...

Hi all, it's me Nikki blogging today! Now that we are into the Summer months that means two things... first Scrap-a-palooza is coming soon and getting prepared for Summer CHA! (Which means lots of sneak peeks of all the new & exciting paper crafting products!) I've worked so hard on all my collections that I'm showing a CHA that it is so very hard not to share them all with you!! I did share the entire line of Blueberry Hill a few weeks ago so I think it's time to share another little sneak peek, I won't tell you the name of the collection yet and I'm only going to share a single sheet of one of my double sided papers with you...

Isn't this so cute!! I love my little birdies flying below a sweet banner hanging above them! Wait until you see the rest of this collection, its as sweet as this sheet of paper!! Keep checking back for more CHA sneak peeks!

Scrap-a-palooza is a local crop in my home town that has about 250 ladies scrapbooking their hearts out! I try to go to at least one of the "Palooza's" each year, they have several, and they are so fun w/ great shopping, fun classes and yummy food (even a chocolate fountain)! My local scrapbook store, Scrapbook Generation, is the sponsoring store for the crop and they practically pack up their entire store and set it up for the crop. My local DT girls and I are teaching 4 mini classes at the crop using all "Nikki Sivils" products of course and we'll be doing some cropping of our own too! Soooo in honor of this fun crop and my local scrapbook store which is also the home of Allison Davis (CK's Dream Team and Hall of Famer) I'm going to have a huge giveaway and Allison gave me one each of all her sketchbooks, her mom Debbie's sketchbooks and her sister Stacey's card sketchbook (btw Stacey is on my local DT and can rock out a card) so all these awesome sketchbooks and the complete collection of my Dan the Record Man will go to ONE lucky winner! To win this great prize go the Scrapbook Generation's website and click on their Facebook page and become a fan or go to their blog and become a follower then leave a comment here and I'll pick a winner Sunday the 27th after Scrap-a-palooza along with some pictures from the day!
Below is a picture of some of the sketchbooks that will be given away along with a 2 page layout that Allison Davis created using one of her sketches and my Dan the Record Man collection...

Thanks for playing along with all of us and have a great rest of the week!! -Nikki


  1. Wooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee that paper Nikki!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!!!! And YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY for the giveaway!!! How AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Nikki, I became a fan on facebook AND a follower on their blog.

  3. OMG Scrapbook Generation looks like such a fabulous store!!!! My husband would have to lock me up if I lived in your town : )
    I am a follower of their blog!!!!
    I sooooo wish I could go to scrap-a-palooza!

  4. its beautiful Nikki! Congrats on another amazing release! Can't wait to see all of it :-)

  5. Love the birdies. Went to Scrapbook generations facebook page. I wish I could go to their store, it looks awesome. As do the sketchbooks!

  6. Ooooh this is going to be my favorite release "evah"!! Show it all!!

  7. Love the birdies! I went to Scrapbook generation's facebook page! Wish I could go to the store! The sketchbooks look great1

  8. Yeah for a giveaway! I am so excited to go to Scrap-a-palooza this weekend! I heart Scrapbook Generation and was already a fan.

  9. EEEEEKS!! Can't wait to see more!!

    Have fun at the crop!!

  10. I saw the Dan the Record Man LO that Allison, it was fab! Great papers too! I became a fan on facebook...Love your papers, Love Ali's was a no brainer :)

  11. I'm a follower - and I wish I could go and visit.

  12. LOVE that ADORABLE sneak!

    The Scrapapalooza chocolate fountain sounds yummy! :-)

  13. What an awesome contest! Can't wait to see the mini-classes this Saturday. You've been so generous with all your Scrap-A-Palooza prizes, items for the goodie bags, and more! -- Debbie

  14. WOOO!!! I love the sneak!!! The banner, the colors, the birdies!!! This is so cute Nikki!!!!

  15. That sounds like such a fun event...those birds are so darn adorable!

  16. Wooooowwww, Il love the new collection!
    Can't wait to start with it.....
    Love the birdies...

  17. I love those little birdies, lovely paper! Think I'm gonna love that line :D

    Thanks for the chance to win those sketch books, I'm now a Facebook fan!

  18. wow, that sneek is a real tease. sooooo cute! love it. I became a follower. thanks for the chance to winner some goodies.. i so can't wait to see all the new lines..=)

  19. Very cool! I just became a follower over at the blog. ;) Thanks for the chance to win!
    - April W

  20. I love those little birdies!!! How cute!!!! And great giveaway!!

  21. I love that piece of paper!! You're a tease! lol I'm following the blog. TFS

  22. I'm a fan of Scrapbook Generation on Facebook. Have a great time at Scrap-a-Palooza!

  23. awesome giveaway! I am now following their blog :) Thanks! Sounds like you guys are going to have so much fun!

  24. Cool sneak! Loved blueberry papers--can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve!
    Became a fan of FB Scrapbook Generations--it's in my state--just don't get to get there very often!

  25. woohooo!!!! loving that new paper!!!!
    wish i lived closer, i'd be scrapping there for sure!!!!

  26. Those birds look so darn cute!! For some unknown reason I have something with birds. I don't know, but I just love them and think they are cute. In the morning I'm awakened by some city parakeets on my balcone, so I always start my day with a smile, when I see them!
    Still haven't had any succes in trying to convince some stores to start selling your products :( What is it they can't see? Your products are just awesome! <3
    It's great you have this huge givaway. In order to join this online party, I became a facebook fan.
    The scrap-a-palooze sounds like a huge party. Hope you'll have a great time over there (I envy you LOL).
    Have a great day and happy scrappin'!!


  27. oops..forgot to say that I am now a FB follower and a blog follower as well!

  28. okay wow! what a sneak peek..i cant wait to see the rest of it! And what a fantastic giveaway! someone is going to be a very lucky winner, I just hope it's me :) :):):):):):)

  29. I'm so excited that you'll be teaching at Scrap-a-palooza!! And I can't wait to see all of your new collections!! My favorite so far is the flaming butterfly!

  30. Wow! What a wonderful LARGE location for a store! Wish it was in Alabama!
    I "liked" their facebook page and thanks for this great giveaway!

  31. Wow, what a great give-away, and what a wonderful new paper! I can't wait to see the rest of the line.

    I am already a follower on FB and on your blog.

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  32. Can't wait to see the rest!!! i became a follower on her blog and on facebook!!!

  33. HOw cute is that!!! I already follow the blog and am now a fan on facebook.

    Can't wait to see more.

  34. I love that paper! I can't wait to see the rest of it! I love all of your paper. I already am a fan of theirs and have them on face book too. BUT I would still like a chance to win. I am just starting to scrapbook, I have always been just a card maker so the books would come in sooooo handy and your paper would be soooo great to do some pages with!! I emailed SG and asked them to bring your whole collection of products, not just the new stuff. Hopefully they will.

  35. This is beyond cute!! Thanks for the peek!

  36. I'm so excited about the sneak peek!

  37. I cant wait for scrap a palooza! Love your designs and am a follower of scrapbook generation.


  38. Wow, what a great giveaway!!! The new paper is super cute, love the little birds. I became a follower of scrapbook generations on facebook and their blog. Looks like a great shop maybe one day I will get to visit.

  39. Awesome giveaway! I could always use page layouts to get me moving!! I became a fan on facebook!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  40. Fabbity-fab! This is such an awsome opportunity. Can you stand the birds??? They are too darn cute.

  41. Wow what a store!!!!! I am definitely a fan and follower now. I'll be checking out those retreats :)

  42. I am a follower and a fan...pick me, pick me...! ha Great paper too!! Can't wait to see the rest of it. Stacy H-W

  43. I wanna go to scrapapalooza!!!!! Road trip anyone??? I'm in TN!!! LOL.......I just became a follower of their blog and ahve been following you for a while....well, your blog...I swear that wasn't really me follwoing you.....honest :) I am so in love with Dan The Record man....thank you so much for such an awesome giveaway!!!

  44. OMG, what an awesome giveaway. Scrapbook Generation is in my favorites list and I check them and Allison's blog daily, I love their stuff. I never had become a follower though, so I went over and signed up.

  45. I just saw your new paper pads, and I'm in love!!!

  46. Yahoo! I just became a FB fan! But I am so sad that the store is soooooooooooo far away from Delaware, where I live.
    The only thing that will take away my sadness is to win this giveaway!

  47. How great! I love the giveaway and cant wait to see the new line. I became a follower and fan on fb...
