
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Scrap-a-palooza & a bit more...

Hey there all it's Nikki! First of all I'm so sorry I'm doing this so late in the day but my hubby and I have been trying to finish our or "my" landscaping project that I roped Dan into!! So I'm here now at 10:00 pm trying to get this blog post finished without falling asleep at the keyboard! Landscaping is hard work!!

My friend, Stephanie, local design team gals and I attended Scrap-a-palooza this weekend and had a wonderful time! My team and I also taught 4 mini classes using "Nikki Sivils" products and we had some much fun! So many talented gals were there! Here are some pictures from the day, courtesy of the ladies from Scrapbook Generation (my pics didn't turn out except for 2, that always make a girl happy).

250 Scrapbookers...
Scrapbook Generation's on site store (I swear they must pack up their entire store full of yummy goodies)!!
Now that's a table of paper...
Here I am with one of my classes...
The mini classes that my team and I taught were very successful we even ran out of our products for each class!
My Design Team Lead for the local DT, Katrina, helping me with my classes!
The Chocolate Fountains, need I say more...
Giving away some "Nikki Sivils" door prizes!
The Scrapbook Generation crew along with my team!
My local team.. Laura, Stacey, Katrina, Heather, Karen and I.
And these are the ladies that make it all happen!
Allison, Stacey, Debbie & Karin the Scrapbook Generation ladies!!

Now for the huge giveaway that the ladies from above and I put together for you. The winner is... TeenBugg38!! Email me your address and I'll get this out to you this week!

One more little bit of news...
Scrapbook Memories TV show that I'm going to be on this season, just posted their show order and numbers that they will appear on this new season!! My show's are 1605 & 1606, so check your local listing (its on PBS). I'm so nervous to see myself on TV! EKK... hope I did okay... never taped on a studio set before, I was so nervous I think my entire body was shaking! Here is a picture Dan took on the set this last February:
Okay that's it for me! I'm off to dreamland! Have a great week!! -Nikki


  1. Wooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooo!!!! The photos LOOK AWESOME Nikki!!! I love love love love love them!!!! And Hi Local DT GIRLS!!! They are soooooooooooooo cute!!! WAVING at HEATHER TOO!!!! Hi Heather!! Miss U girl!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) And wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo congrats to TINA!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):) Can't wait to see those shows U did! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Looks like you all had a FUN and SUPER BUSY weekend at Scrapalooza!!! Busy is ALWAYS good!! =)
    I will keep an eye on my PBS listings for you!!! You look great, by the way!!

  3. Woooow so mach talented woman in one place and that shopping..ohhh!!
    At the beginning of the June we han our annual, big metting in Poland and there were about 200 scrapbookers. Wonderful experience:)
    Hugs from Poland:)

  4. Waving back at Julie!!!!
    So much fun Sat. always a good time hanging with the girls and getting some projects done. Thanks to all the wonderful girls of Scrapbook Gen for putting on a great event!

  5. WOW! It looks like you all had such a good time and a great turn out!

  6. Wow! SOOOO wish I could have been there, looks like everyone had a blast. SOOOO neat you could have gone and your team!

  7. What a fun day... & how great to see photos of the local team, too!

    Hope to see that show, but accd'g to the website it's not airing in our area??? :-(

  8. First .. you're too beautiful ... the site and the blog are beautiful ... now
    continued ... the event that you showed in the pictures ... wonderful .. but
    I loved it that table full of paper .. todossssss wanted ...

    'll Always be here from now on, if you can make a quick visit in
    my blog to know a little about me.


    Renata Martinez.
