
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dan the Record Man does it again!

Hi all! I am Mimi Leinbach your blog hostess of the day! I know I have said this before but I love the Dan The Record Man line. I seem to pull it out over and over...

I started off making this layout of my niece Samantha. She is an amazing softball player and I love seeing her play. I am always taking lots of pictures of her pitching and playing. This year she was a freshman in high school and not only did she make the varsity squad, she pitched all the teams big games and even had a NO HITTER...WOO HOO Sammy. I am a very proud aunt and decided to show her off in this layout!

Check out the Burlap Buttons and Cool Cord Brads.

Now I don't know about your house but mine has been hit hard by the Silly Bands Craze...actually the kids are driving me nuts with all the trading. I was finding them all over the house so I decided to make my boys altered boxes to keep them in.

I simply added pattern paper and ribbon to the edge of the box. Around the lid I used a liquid adhesive and sprinkled micro-beads over it.

Now these little bands have a home and it is much cuter than the Ziploc bags they lived in before. LOL!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Ohhhhh Mimi...I love love love that lo and loveeeeeeeeeee loveeeeeeeeeeee loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the boxes for the silly bands!!! Such a GREAT IDEA! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Ummmm yes... silly bands have invaded our house, too!

    LOVE your projects, Mimi! You always inspire! :-)

  3. I am soooo in love with that layout! She sounds like an amazing player and I just love how you used those papers for a great layout.

  4. oh love it!! That little silly band box is too cute!

  5. I LOVE the idea for the silly bandz box! My daughter will flip! :)

  6. LOVE your projects, Mimi!!! ANd thoses bands are quickly making their debut in my home, too!
